Sample Letter to Parents

Announcing: A Math Celebration Fair
Who: Mrs. G’s Math Creators
Purpose: To celebrate a year of learning and creating!!!
Each marking period our class was required to create a game in conjunction with the math topics we learned. The class came up with unique and challenging games. To celebrate and congratulate the class, we are having a "Math Celebration Fair."
Judges have been invited to appraise and award top honors to our class. Fifth grade classes from other elementary schools have been invited to play and vote for their favorite game.
The class will use their Fun Fridays to upgrade and create advertisements for the game they will use for the fair. Your studenr will be developing an advertising campaign: banners, posters, videos, songs, pamphlets, etc. to create unique ways to draw attention to their project. This project is a celebration, an exciting way for students to express themselves and their love of math.
Parents are welcome to help and attend the fair. I could use some help when "crunch time" arrives, so please let me know if you can assist.
Thank you for your help and support,