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Dates That Matter

May 1, 1931

The Empire State Building is dedicated.

 Why does it matter?

The Empire State Building ranked as the tallest building in the world for 41 years, and since the loss of the World Trade Center in 2001, it is again the tallest building in New York City. The building took just a little over a year to complete and is 102 stories tall. Since it was dedicated, it has become part of American culture, and served as the centerpiece of a critical scene in the movie King Kong as the huge gorilla climbs the side of the building. Numerous other films and television shows have featured the skyscraper.

For more information...

Empire State Building: Official Internet Site
History and Information about the Empire State Building.

NYPL Digital Gallery
A wonderful photo gallery of the building of the Empire State Building.

New York Architecture Images--Empire State Building
A large group of photo galleries featuring historic views of the building as well as present day views from both the outside and the inside of the Empire State Building.