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Dates That Matter

May 11, 1981

Bob Marley, reggae music legend, is dead.

 Why does it matter?

Bob Marley popularized reggae music outside its native country of Jamaica. Singing of political freedom and racial equality, he was also controversial because of his belief in Rastafarianism, a religion popular in Jamaica. Rastafarians believe that the former emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie, (born Ras Tafari) is God incarnate. It is an Afro-centric religion, but may be best known because it endorses the sacred use of marijuana. Bob Marley died of cancer at the age of 36, and is seen by some as an inspirational leader and advocate of the poor in Jamaica.

For more information...

Bob Marley: the Official Site
A tribute site to Bob Marley with audio and video clips and a lengthy biography of his life.

American Masters: Bob Marley
From PBS, a site dedicated to the life and music of Bob Marley. Includes a biography, a Flash-enabled interactive time line, and an essay discussing his legacy.