How Parents Can Participate

Think how often you have said, "Gee, I was just thinking about that," when someone spoke to you.

Our brains like to connect things. Children learn better when they can connect new ideas with things they already know. As your child is learning about maps, people, and places, you can help by talking and reading about similar places with your child at home. As the class at school learns about a new place, you can read and compare with it. TeachersFirst's Curriconnects has given Geo and Meri a special collection of USA Regional Books for family reading fun to go along with Globetracker's Mission in North America and around the world. The books will make more sense –and so will the geography lessons at school – because your child will recognize cities, landmarks, or landforms he/she already knows. As you read together, you will be encouraging a very important reading skill: connecting what you read to what you already know. Your child will have new ideas to contribute as the class discusses a place you read about at home. The connections work both ways and build reading AND geography skills.

The best part is that you can read and have fun together as a family.

This CurriConnects USA Regional Books Collection will help your family travel North America or the world. You can read together (aloud or at the same time), enjoy the free or low cost activities, and simply have fun as you "travel" at home. Bon Voyage!

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