June 3, 2018

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Featured EDTECH Resources Reviewed by TeachersFirst

Summertime Professional Learning!

Enjoy professional learning experiences at your leisure this summer season--right from the comfort of your own home or vacation getaway--with our book study and edtech-themed workshops! 

Summer Book Study

Join us as we read Learning First, Technology Second by Liz Kolb. Our book study, which runs from July 9 - August 15, will introduce you to the Triple E Framework for technology evaluation. Learn about the requirements and benefits of this study.

Register & read book study details »

Summer OK2Ask® Schedule

Ready. Set. Go! Our virtual workshop summer schedule is now available and includes many new sessions this season. Take a look and see what topics may be of interest to you. Registration is now open for all summer sessions.

Summer workshops begin July 11th »

Dive Into History & Environmental Science

Commemorate World Environment Day (June 5) and D-Day (June 6) with these curated lists.

World Environment Day

Our newly created, ecology-themed collection makes the perfect resource list to use for World Environment Day -- a day for worldwide awareness for the protection of our environment. Support action with tools and treasures for all grades.

Drive change with these resources »

Never Forget D-Day

Whether you focus on D-Day for one class or spend an entire unit on World War II, the ideas included within the "In the Classroom" portion of this collection will launch discussions and inspire learning. Find tech ideas in each review.

Explore this small but powerful list »

Jump with Joy for June Events!

The month of June provides us with various observances to consider, including World Ocean Day, Juneteenth, and Father's Day. We also invite you to spend the first Thursday evening in June (6/7 at 8 pm ET) with our edtech coaches to discuss tools for STEM integration. And our weekly poll awaits your input!  

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Happy Father's Day

Thanks Dad!

Thank you to all of the dads, the teachers who act as "dads" to their students, and the other men who step up to mentor and lead our future generation. This list of resources offers a few great tools to use to prepare for this celebratory day.

Explore father-themed resources »

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June 19

Juneteenth - Celebrate Freedom

Dating back to 1865, Juneteenth is the oldest known celebration commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States. This celebration started in Texas and is now celebrated in over 40 states. Find tools related to emancipation in this list.

Emancipation resources for your class »

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Coming June 8th

World Oceans Day

World Oceans Day is coming up soon. Explore our collection of earth science books to find a variety of ocean-related tomes for all ages. Inspire conversations and spark curiosity about ocean life. Reading and grade levels are provided.

Celebrate ocean waters! »

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Thursday (6/7) at 8 pm ET

Twitter Chat: Infusing STEM Into Any Classroom

Join our edtech coaches this Thursday, 6/7, at 8 pm to discuss ways to incorporate STEM into content areas, share tech tools that promote STEM, and promote critical thinking skills through STEM education!

Use #OK2Ask hashtag on Twitter to chime in »

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Plans for PD?

Weekly Poll

This week's poll relates to your plans for summer professional learning. What are your personal plans for Summer PD? Will you do independent virtual learning (such as Twitter or webinars)? Are you attending any conferences? Does your district offer PD?

We want to hear from you! »

6 More TeachersFirst Treasures

There is a lot to explore at TeachersFirst. Don't miss these six treasures for you and your students. 

Classroom Planning Calendar

Special Topics

Summer Reading for YOU

Brain Twisters

50 States

Summer Sparklers

Brought to You by TeachersFirst

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About TeachersFirst
TeachersFirst is a collection of curated, classroom-ready content and ideas — including teacher-authored reviews of thousands of web resources. Built-in guidance from seasoned professionals makes effective classroom technology use trouble-free. TeachersFirst is made available free to K12 teachers by The Source for Learning, Inc., a nonprofit that has been providing educational resources for more than 40 years.