TeachersFirst CurriConnects

Curriculum-related booklists for independent reading
Some ideas for using CurriConnects lists:
At the start of a unit or marking period, assign students to select and read one book from the CurriConnects list, then share a poster or brochure about how it connects to what you have studied using Sway (reviewed here). Or have them make book talks using Acast (reviewed here) or Anchor (reviewed here).
- Invite students to select of personal interest from any of the lists, and keep a class reading log with student “book ratings” on your class wiki. Not sure about wikis? Check out the Wiki Walk-Through.
- In elementary grades, use the books for literature circles on topics related to your science or social studies units. Double-dip class reading time to teach social studies, too!
- Share the CurriConnects lists with parents to take to the public library in support of their student’s learning.
- Have a book festival where each student celebrates a book from the Curriconnects list as part of a culminating activity for the related unit.
- In lower grades, select your daily read-aloud choices from a CurriConnects list.
- Use CurriConnects lists as starter lists to which students can add their own “finds.” Each time they finish an independent book, ask what CurriConnects list it might belong on, challenging them to stop and think about how the book relates to what they study in school. Your class will undoubtedly generate some new CurriConnects topics!