The Flavors of Your Self: An Opening Day Activity for middle school

Editor's note: Providing food to children is currently frowned upon in some schools, due to childhood obesity concerns. Check to be sure this activity is permissible.
small paper plates or cocktail napkins, lemon slices or wedges, grapes, pretzel sticks, assorted small candy, raisins, peanut butter, banana slices, chocolate chips, small marshmallows, fruit loops or other cereals, string licorice (cut in short pieces), any other small food items.
Instructions to students:
You will have seven minutes to create a representation of the multiple "flavors" of your personality/self on your paper plate.
You may use up to seven items to tell about various aspects of yourself. Be as creative as possible.
Humor is a bonus, but be sure to be accurate in telling about yourself!
At the end of the seven minutes, all the "selves" will be displayed and explained to the rest of the class. After all the explanations, if you have been creative enough, you will be allowed to eat your flavorful "self portrait!"
Optional: This activity could also be done on top of large sugar cookies.
Want to see more ideas?
See a full list of reviewed resources ideal for first day activities.