TeachersFirst - Featured Sites: Week of Aug 10, 2014
Here are this week's features. Clicking the tags in the description area of each listing will present a list of other resources with this topic. | Click here to return to the Featured Sites Archive
Toggl - Toggl
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): classroom management (124), DAT device agnostic tool (146), organizational skills (89), Teacher Utilities (174), time (92)
In the Classroom
Introduce this tool to students as you talk about study skills and homework habits at the start of the school year. Make it part of your lessons on "how to study" or part of your first long term project, especially with disorganized middle schoolers (and gifted students). Have students track how they are spending their time outside of school and make resolutions about how they can adjust it to improve grades, etc. Even teachers need to track time spent on activities. Record time spent in preparing lessons, collaborating, maintaining your PLN, communicating with parents, extra-curricular activities, and more. This tool is beneficial with student groups and tracking time spent on activities. Be sure that students break down the specific responsibilities needed for the project and separate them out to the group. Students can show the work they completed as well as the summary report of time spent. Students can use this information as self-reflection upon completion of any class project and see the possible impact of time well spent!You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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Nitro Type - FTW Innovations, Inc
4 to 12tag(s): game based learning (186), keyboarding (28)
In the Classroom
Introduce this site on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Then have students explore this site independently, or have a team competition as students use the site on an interactive whiteboard to see who is the fastest AND the most accurate keyboarder. Make a shortcut to this site on classroom computers to use it as a center. Get the ear-buds or headphones out as the races are noisy! Be sure to monitor the multiplayer chat function when students are using this program in class. Nitro Type is not a "teach typing" website; it is purely for practice. To teach typing visit Typing Web, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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SoGoSurvey - Suhail Farooqui
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): data (150), polls and surveys (49)
In the Classroom
If you've never used a poll before or would like to like to use survey information more effectively, click on Solutions in the top menu, and slide down to K-12 to begin. There you will find field-tested templates for schools and a link for the "survey process." Share polls on BYOD devices or laptops/tablets to assess prior knowledge as you start a new unit and ask questions about the material. If you do not have individual devices, project the survey to uncover misconceptions by having students discuss in groups why they would choose a particular answer. Use for daily quiz questions as a formative assessment. Use a class account to have student groups alternate to create a new poll for the next day. Place a poll on your teacher web page as a homework inspiration or to ask parent questions and increase involvement. Older students may want to include polls on their student blogs to increase reader engagement. Have students create polls for the start of project presentations. Use polls to generate data for math class (graphing), during elections, or for critical thinking activities dealing with the interpretation of statistics. Engage students using "real" data from a survey about issues and current events that matter to them.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Planet Pals - PLANETPALS
K to 5This site includes advertising.
tag(s): conservation (96), earth (184), earth day (60), endangered species (26), environment (246), ozone (7), recycling (45), weather (160)
In the Classroom
Use this site as an anticipatory set or "activator" to introduce a unit or lesson about our planet and more on a projector or interactive whiteboard. Make a shortcut to this site on classroom computers and use it as a center. Share this link on your class website for families searching for more science fun at home! Take advantage of the many free lesson plans. This site is perfect to find crafts for homemade gifts for holidays throughout the year.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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7 to 12Use the ARIS Editor to create your own games under the "Make Games" section of the site. A separate account is needed to play games, but you can use the same username and password if you want. You'll begin with a Google map on the main screen where you can search to zoom into a particular place in the world. Use the object pallet located on the left-side of your screen to create characters, items, and plaques. Drag and drop the items you authored onto your map to build your interactive game. When your game is ready to publish, you need to set up your iOS device to work with the server for the authoring tool. You need to change the server URL under the ARIS settings to http://arisgames.org/stagingserver1.
tag(s): augmented reality (9), design (81), maps (212), qr codes (18)
In the Classroom
Use ARIS to teach your students game design. Connect your students more deeply with their surroundings using this augmented reality experience. Begin by having your students create mock-ups of ARIS games using pen and paper. Create interactive games around your school, campus, or community for your students to complete. Send your students on scavenger hunts to explore geometric shapes, nature, and history. Have your students create games for a field trip or visitors to explore your community. Create educational scavenger hunts for your students or have them create their own scavenger hunt for their classmates. Creating a game would be a wonderful challenge for your gifted students to take their knowledge beyond the required curriculum. Create mysteries for the students to solve as they explore their surroundings or challenge your students to create mysteries for their classmates to solve.Edge Features:
Parent permission advised before posting student work created using this tool
Includes Interaction w general public/ public galleries with unmoderated content
Includes social features, such as "friends," comments, ratings by others
Requires registration/log-in (WITH email)
Products can be shared by URL
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Free Map Tools - Andreas Viklund
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): area (52), map skills (59), maps (212), measurement (123)
In the Classroom
Use Free Map Tools to add interest to any social studies or math lessons. Learn about area in math by locating homes or businesses on the map, and determining the area that would need to be shoveled during each winter. Find the distance between any two points (home and the pizza place?) and compare that distance to actual driving distance. Want to know what is directly underneath you on the globe? Have students make a prediction. Then use the Map Tunneling Tool to find out if the predictions were correct. Use throughout the year for any number of purposes! You will want to share this one on your class web page for quick access when questions come up.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics (was teachMathematics) - Jim Noble, Richard Wade, and Oliver Bowles
4 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): equations (118), factors (29), geometric shapes (135), numbers (119), probability (98), problem solving (225), puzzles (144), statistics (121), symmetry (27)
In the Classroom
Make a shortcut to this site on classroom computers and use it as a center. Take advantage of the free lesson plans and interactives by using them for review before a unit test. Share interactives on your projector or interactive whiteboard. Be sure to include this site on your class website or wiki for students to access both in and outside of class for extra practice. Since free activities are somewhat "buried," you may want to post specific links to relevant review activities on your class web page.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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I Am an Artist - RTE and the National Centre for Technology in Education
K to 5tag(s): colors (63), crafts (61), creativity (93), design (81), drawing (61), makerspace (43), painting (55), sculpture (18)
In the Classroom
Become art smart with resources from the I Am an Artist site. Use the collection of videos to flip your art instruction. Search through the lesson plans and activity sheets to provide hands-on, minds-on activities for your students. Use the videos or the slide shows as an anticipatory set or "activator" to introduce a unit or lesson on a projector or interactive whiteboard. Have students or groups collect ideas and thoughts from the slides using Padlet, reviewed here. Use a visual blogging tool such as Telegra.ph, reviewed here, to upload the students art work - no registration required! If you are teaching younger students try using Seesaw, reviewed here. The students can blog about their work, upload their artwork, and even create an online portfolio. Browse through the resources to see what can be used in your makerspace. Host an art show at your school for families and the communities to showcase the students' creativity. Your students can describe their work as visitors explore the gallery. Use the activities as stations during your art show for participants to create their own art. Many of the lessons on the site are cross-curricular.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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