Breaking Color Barriers - A Science Unit for Grades K-2
Does the color on the surface matter? This science experiment illustrates the uniformity of like organic objects. Activities using different color eggs will allow students to predict, observe, and reach conclusions about the inside of eggs and then expand those conclusions to people.
Materials & Preparation
1 Egg for each child, use both brown and white eggs
2-3 Electric Skillets and spatulas
2-3 Egg whisks
Paper plates
Plastic Forks
Parent Volunteers!! 1 per skillet
2-3 Large Glass bowls
Markers to record results
While the adults walk around the group with the eggs placed in the glass bowls, helping students observe the eggs while the teacher introduces the lesson. Write responses to the following questions on the board.
Can anyone describe what is in these bowls?
What's different about these eggs?
Do they smell different?
Do they feel different?
If you hold one up to the light does it look any different?
Use a magnifying glass to see if they look any different up close?
Let's read what we've observed so far. (Summarize what has been written on the board.)
Is it possible there is a difference between these two kinds of eggs that we can't see, feel or smell? Can you guess how we'll find out? I'm going to give you a each a paper and I want you to draw/write to predict what you think will be inside the eggs. Parents, please return to the skillets and get them ready to scramble. A group of investigators will be joining you.
Hand out the Egg Prediction Recording page. Ask each child to draw/write what they predict will happen.
Send the groups to the cracking stations and ask parents to have each child crack, whisk their egg, and record their observation.
Parents should hand each child an egg at random. It is best to have small groups observe many "crackings.'