Listening to a Vision - Grade 4

This lesson uses an oral reading of the life and writings of Martin Luther King, Jr., incorporating a discussion to boost listening skills. Vocabulary words are taken from the "I Have A Dream" speech. The lesson emphasizes the power of words over violence, and the culminating research project promotes awareness of many different individual struggles for equality and respect.
Can anyone tell me about Martin Luther King?
What did he do that made him a person to honor?
Does anyone know why we celebrate his birthday?
What day is his birthday?
Hand out copies of Martin Luther King's "I
Have A Dream" Speech.
Have students take turns reading the speech aloud, privately
noting the words that seem new to the class. You can add these to the
spelling and vocabulary words listed below.
You can also use the Word Bank for Grade 4 to highlight words that may be unfamiliar.
On the next night have the children read The
Story of the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. for homework.
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As a follow-up, you can give our Martin Luther King Quiz the next day. (Printable PDF file.)