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Young George Washington's Adventures - National Park Service
3 to 8tag(s): american revolution (82), native americans (111), presidents (135), washington (28)
In the Classroom
Use this site on a projector or interactive whiteboard to discuss and informally assess prior knowledge as you start your study of George Washington or the American Revolution. Have students create an annotated image of George Washington or a related image including text boxes and links using a tool such as Thinglink, reviewed here. Have students collaborate and create maps using MapHub, reviewed here, of Washington's journey. Students can add icons, text, images, and location stops! Have students create timelines (with music, photos, videos, and more) using Timeline JS, reviewed here.You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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Nixon Tapes and Transcripts - Luke Nichter
8 to 12tag(s): 1960s (26), presidents (135)
In the Classroom
Use portions of tapes and transcripts during lessons on the Vietnam War, Richard Nixon, presidents, the 1960s and 70s, and more. Share a link to specific conversations on your class website, and have students create blogs. If you are beginning the process of integrating technology, have students create blogs sharing their learning and understanding using Telegra.ph, reviewed here. This blog creator requires no registration. Have students use Fakebook (reviewed here) to create a "fake" page similar in style to Facebook about participants in conversations during the Nixon era.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Next Vista for Learning - Rushton Hurley
3 to 12tag(s): africa (147), asia (116), careers (141), computers (108), europe (84), literature (222), musical instruments (51), musical notation (34), north america (15), parts of speech (38), poetry (192), shakespeare (99), south america (44), speech (68), video (265)
In the Classroom
Explore the various topics to share with your students. In the math section, share the "How to Show Your Work" video on your projector or interactive whiteboard. There are useful videos in all sections, offered at a variety of levels. Bookmark and save this site for use throughout the year for student and teacher created videos. Challenge students to create a video to submit for one of the site's contests; who knows, they may win!Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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CurriConnects Book List - Real Life in Wartime - TeachersFirst
K to 12tag(s): 20th century (62), korea (21), vietnam (38), world war 1 (77), world war 2 (161)
In the Classroom
Add a layer of human reality to the "facts" students study about wars that to them seem "long ago and far way." Go beyond the textbook by encouraging students to choose a book to make connections. Encourage them to share what they learn through writings, fictitious blog posts, or creative presentations using tools from the TeachersFirst Edge.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Founders Online - National Archives and University of Virginia
6 to 12tag(s): american revolution (82), colonial america (95), colonization (21), constitution (93), declaration of independence (15), franklin (12), jefferson (19), primary sources (117), washington (28)
In the Classroom
Search and view information from this site on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Find documents from similar time periods and events to compare and contrast different points of view. Have students download to create an annotated image including text boxes and related links using a tool such as Google Drawings, reviewed here. Google Drawings allows you to annotate an image with links to videos, text, websites, and more. Not familiar with Google Drawings? Watch an archived OK2Ask session to learn how to use: OK2Ask Google Drawings, here. Have students create timelines (with music, photos, videos, and more) using Timeline JS, reviewed here. Have students use Fakebook, reviewed here, to create a "fake" page similar in style to Facebook about any of the founding fathers included on this site.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Cuban Missile Crisis - Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center
8 to 12tag(s): 1960s (26), kennedy (20), presidents (135)
In the Classroom
Bookmark this site (or save it in your favorites). Use the resources for any unit that includes the Cuban Missile Crisis, presidents, or John F. Kennedy. Watch videos on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Share a link on your class website for students to view at home. Have students use Fakebook, reviewed here, to create a "fake" page similar in style to Facebook about any of the characters involved with the crisis. Use an online tool such as Interactive Two Circle Venn Diagram, reviewed here, to compare the point of view of the U.S. vs Cuba or to compare outcomes based on possible decisions made during the crisis.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Map Treasure Hunt - Class Tools
5 to 12tag(s): game based learning (201), map skills (63), maps (220)
In the Classroom
Add virtual treasure hunts to many classroom lessons. Share treasure hunts on your projector or interactive whiteboard, perhaps for students to do as a center. Create treasure hunts to announce field trips, locate areas of interest for social studies lessons, or point out locations in novels and other reading material. Have students create their own virtual treasure hunt for a favorite location, where they were born, or to begin a biography of a famous person or series of historic events such as the civil rights movement. In science class, have students create a treasure hunt of habitats or environmental disaster sites. Create student-made mapquests for math skill practice as students calculate distances, map scale, and trip costs using a treasure hunt.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Lesson Plans and Activities for Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer - Penguin Group
6 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): careers (141), civil rights (205), courts (20), critical thinking (125), guided reading (33), reading comprehension (148)
In the Classroom
Use this unit as a whole, or pick and choose the activities you think your students will be most interested in. Collaborate with your social studies teacher to teach about the judicial system as you read this book. If you have students who have previously read "Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer," they can still read along and will learn so much more from the activities. Or those who have read this book may want to read another book in the series but can still follow the activities from this guide.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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John F Kennedy Curricular Resources - John F Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum
K to 12tag(s): civil rights (205), cold war (30), kennedy (20), presidents (135), vietnam (38)
In the Classroom
Bookmark and save this resource for use when teaching about John F Kennedy, the presidency, Civil Rights, or the Vietnam War. Share with teachers at other grade levels (k-12) for use with lesson planning.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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John F Kennedy Lesson - Sean Banville
3 to 6This site includes advertising.
tag(s): 1960s (26), kennedy (20), presidents (135)
In the Classroom
Although quite simple, these activities are excellent starting points and ideas for use with any John F. Kennedy or presidents unit. Use the homework ideas for in or out of class activities. Enhance student learning by challenging them to create online posters individually or together as a class using a tool such as Web Poster Wizard, reviewed here, or PicLits, reviewed here. If you are beginning the process of integrating technology, exchange pen and paper and have students create blogs sharing their learning and understanding using Webnode, reviewed here. If you are teaching younger students and looking for an easy way to integrate technology and check for understanding, challenge your students to replace pen and paper with a blog using edublog, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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The President's Desk - John F Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum
4 to 12tag(s): 1960s (26), civil rights (205), kennedy (20), presidents (135), vietnam (38)
In the Classroom
Use the President's Desk as a highly engaging resource for getting to know more about John F. Kennedy's presidency. Show on your interactive whiteboard or projector and include suggested lesson activities to accompany the site. Have students use Fakebook, reviewed here, to create a "fake" page similar in style to Facebook about John F Kennedy. Have students create timelines (with music, photos, videos, and more) using Timeline JS, reviewed here). Be sure to add a link to the site on your class website for students to access on their own or from home. Have your class create a presidential desk for another historic leader, creating their own annotated photo of the desktop using Google Drawings, reviewed here, to explain the items on the desk. Google Drawings allows you to annotate an image with links to videos, text, websites, and more. Not familiar with Google Drawings? Watch an archived OK2Ask session to learn how to use: OK2Ask Google Drawings, here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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American Presidents: Life Portraits - C-Span
6 to 12tag(s): presidents (135)
In the Classroom
Use American Presidents: Life Portraits as a great starting point for lessons relating to any presidency or period in American History. Share with students to use when researching presidents for any type of report or presentation. Have students extend their learning using Fakebook, reviewed here, to create a "fake" page similar in style to Facebook about any of the presidents. You could also extend student learning by having them create a newspaper detailing events from any period of American History or any president's tenure using a site such as Printing Press, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald? - PBS - Frontline
7 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): kennedy (20), presidents (135)
In the Classroom
Students are often fascinated by conspiracy theories, and the mystery of whether Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone or was part of a larger plot to kill the President represents one of US history's most enduring. Certainly the site will be useful in a discussion of the event itself. However, it can be used more generally as a springboard for discussion of conspiracy theories themselves. See the lesson ideas in the Teachers Guide section. What evidence do we require to decide if something is true or not? Who can be trusted to tell the story of an emotional event? Is "seeing" always "believing"? How can resolve the fact that eyewitnesses do not all have the same recollection of the event? Have your gifted and highly able students do a special project investigating conspiracy theories in history and sharing them as a role play or video for the rest of the class.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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50th Anniversary of JFK Assassination - Associated Press
7 to 12tag(s): kennedy (20), presidents (135)
In the Classroom
This site represents a good "quick access" point for photos related to the JFK assassination. Use them to illustrate a discussion of the event, or consider asking students to analyze the perspective presented in the photos. What is the photo communicating? How have these photos influenced the way we remember this important event? Students might be asked to compare the photographic "evidence" that was part of the investigation of this crime with the resources that are available today when a similar incident occurs. For example, how is this documentation different from that which was used to identify the Boston Marathon bombing suspects? In English class, use the photos as prompts for students to write informational texts about the Kennedy Assassination in journalistic or historic styles. Since there is such fascination with the Kennedy assassination, you could use this as a chance to discuss purpose and audience, writing to spin the same information several ways.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Engaging Students With Primary Sources - Smithsonian National Museum of American History
6 to 12tag(s): primary sources (117)
In the Classroom
Bookmark and save this site for use throughout the year as a guide for using primary sources. Use some of the lesson strategies with other primary source collectionsAdd your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Beyond The Bubble - Stanford History Education Group
6 to 12tag(s): 1920s (15), assessment (144), civil rights (205), civil war (139), cold war (30), colonial america (95), immigrants (34), immigration (68), racism (79), rubrics (36), slavery (78), thanksgiving (24), war of 1812 (15), womens suffrage (52)
In the Classroom
Bookmark and save this excellent site as a resource for Common Core social studies literacy assessments. Many of these activities (and videos) are ideal for your interactive whiteboard or projector. Share the interactive rubric BEFORE the lesson, so students are aware of exactly what is expected. Use activities and materials provided on the site to teach lessons in character education, bias, and racism. Create your own similiar activities. Explore this site during professional development sessions for ideas for rubrics and lesson planning. Click on tags for "same assessment type" to find additional assessments not in the main list.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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White House Tapes - The President Calling - American Radio Works
8 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): kennedy (20), presidents (135), vietnam (38)
In the Classroom
Include the tapes and transcripts as part of any unit involving the 1960's, Vietnam, presidents, and more. Have students create timelines with music, photos, videos, and more using Timeline JS, reviewed here, and include information gathered on the audio tapes. Have students use Fakebook, reviewed here, to create a "fake" page similar in style to Facebook about characters involved in the audio tapes.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Artifacts & Analysis - Smithsonian Center for Education and Museum Studies
9 to 12tag(s): 1930s (20), 1960s (26), 20th century (62), cultures (180), decades (7)
In the Classroom
Start off with a visit to the Teaching Guide to find some great ideas to incorporate in your class. Use materials from this site to enhance and bring historical teaching to life. Print the student guide for writing effective essays for students to include with history notebooks. Use questions from the teaching materials here to add to your current teaching plans or as discussion topics. Create a link on your class website for students to view this site at home. Have students research and find documents and artifacts in your own community or online to share in the classroom. Have them create curated collections in digital form with accompanying writings to explain them. Students could create annotated images including text boxes and related links using a tool such as Thinglink, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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CurriConnects Book List - Colonial America - TeachersFirst
1 to 12tag(s): book lists (166), colonial america (95), independent reading (82)
In the Classroom
Make history more real during your unit on Colonial America. Have students choose a book from this list and present their impressions from it in the form of a blog post from the times. If you are beginning the process of integrating technology, have students create blogs sharing their learning and understanding using Tumblr, reviewed here. Collect the links to all the student posts on your class web page for students to browse and gather a "human" experience of history.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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History Labs - A Guided Approach to Historical Inquiry in the K-12 Classroom - UMBC Center for History Education
5 to 12tag(s): african american (112), american revolution (82), civil rights (205), civil war (139), colonial america (95), colonization (21), great depression (30), iran (8), jefferson (19), kennedy (20), native americans (111), roosevelt (15), slavery (78), washington (28), womens suffrage (52), world war 2 (161)
In the Classroom
Bookmark and save this site for use with any American History topic as a complete lesson or to offer another angle on current lessons. Enhance learning by having students create a simple infographic sharing their findings using Venngage reviewed here. Before beginning a unit, have students brainstorm or collect ideas on a collaborative bulletin board like Stickies.io, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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