764 current-events results | sort by:

Common Sense Media - Common Sense Media Inc.
1 to 12tag(s): internet safety (113), movies (54), parents (57), safety (68)
In the Classroom
Let your students' parents know about this site via your teacher web page or class newsletter. You may also want to share it with your school PTO or PTA.You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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Newz Crew - Global Kids, Inc.
9 to 12In the Classroom
While you could certainly pass along information about this site to your students to use individually, it would also serve as a great class project. Each discussion "crew" is slated to last only about a month, so there is no long term commitment. Teachers who register their own class groups can monitor the discussions their students are having as a way to ensure participation. While students may prefer their own social networking sites, this site can incorporate that technology into an educationally relevant activity. This site may be particularly helpful for getting more introverted students "talking."Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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When the Personal Becomes Presidential - New York Times Learning Network
6 to 12The lesson plan starts with the familiar "read the story and discuss" format, but there are a number of good essential questions and extension activities provided that could be tailored into a strong classroom plan. The lesson plans have cross-curricular suggestions, and are tied to standards.
tag(s): elections (82), presidents (135)
In the Classroom
Be sure help your weaker readers and ELL students by sharing the listed vocabulary words prior to reading, either on a handout or by projecting on an interactive whiteboard and highlighting them in the text as you come to them.Use this lesson to discuss current events in politics (which changes daily). Have students discuss and debate the current issues. Have the students write a wiki about a current event in politics (for example, Governor Palin being the first woman VP on the GOP ticket).
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In Search of Safety - BBC
6 to 12tag(s): africa (144)
In the Classroom
Use a projector or interactive whiteboard to "tour" Sudan as part of a study of the African continent or world trouble spots. Although the topic of genocide is quite difficult, this site could spark discussions of international relations and would be a good accompaniment while studying the U.N., international relations, and current events. Include the link on your tecaher web page and allow students to choose from several world hot spots as they group or individual reports.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Iraq - BBC
4 to 12tag(s): iraq (26)
In the Classroom
If you do current events study or have students with family members in Iraq, be sure to include this site as a link from your teacher web page. As the 2008 U.S. elections approach, you may want to begin a "current events" collection of resources for students to use to develop better understanding of election issues.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Islam - BBC
4 to 12tag(s): middle east (49)
In the Classroom
If you are teaching your students about the religion of Islam or trying to introduce world cultures, this is one resource that you simply cannot do without. Include it as a resource for students trying to understand currenet events in a broader context.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Middle East - BBC
4 to 12tag(s): iran (8), iraq (26), israel (14), middle east (49)
In the Classroom
Include this link on your teacher page for middle and high school students to use as a reference and build better understanding of this tumultuous region. It will help even younger students understand the region, but parts of this website are not appropriate for elementary students. Preview before you take your elementary class on a virtual field trip to the Middle East.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Children of Iraq - BBC
3 to 8tag(s): iraq (26)
In the Classroom
Use an interactive whiteboard to introduce your students to the children of Iraq, share the video, and take the quiz to find out what your students know about Iraq.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Africa - BBC
4 to 10tag(s): africa (144), climate (82), climate change (94)
In the Classroom
Use an interactive whiteboard or projector to take your students on an African visit. The main topic of this website is the drought in Africa, however there is a great deal of information on many African subjects. Include this on your teacher web page as one of several links on different continents as you study world geography, cultures, or climate change.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Investigates Arson - BBC
7 to 12tag(s): fire (22), fire prevention (16), fire safety (16), safety (68)
In the Classroom
Share this link as one of several project topics for health, current events, or a criminal justice elective. It could also be a good source for background information in a debate class or club.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Antarctica - BBC
3 to 12tag(s): antarctica (30), arctic (40)
In the Classroom
With Global Warming issues being discussed frequently, use this website as a simple guide to group discussions on the topic or to introduce the lesser-known continent to your youger students. Don't forget to use a projector or whiteboard to share this authentic footage with your class.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Taking It Global - takingitglobal
8 to 12tag(s): collaboration (91), cross cultural understanding (172), environment (246), Problem Based Learning (12), service projects (17), sustainability (45)
In the Classroom
In the interest of safety, you may want to join as the teacher and have students use your account. Never allow students to set up individual accounts on any site in your classroom without parent permission or the support of your school administration. Assign your world cultures, government, or world language students to steep themselves in the problems and issues of another country or plan a community action project to share as a class.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Kids Press - Kid Reporters' Notebook - Scholastic, Inc.
1 to 8tag(s): news (228)
In the Classroom
Put a link on your teacher web page for parents and students to access Kids Press at home or in study times at school. Preview the site to determine which news stories best suit your curriculum and the age of your students. Younger classes may need help reading some of the articles: use a projector so the news story can be read aloud as students follow along. Have younger students create a simple word cloud using Word Cloud for Kids, reviewed here, and older students create an infographic sharing their "new" news knowledge using Venngage, reviewed here. Enhance learning by having students practice writing their own "News for Kids by Kids" for a classroom publication using Ourboox, reviewed here. Ourboox creates beautiful page-flipping digital books in minutes, and you can embed video, music, animation, games, maps, and more.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Flash Earth
K to 12In the Classroom
Use a projector or whiteboard to share a location as art of the background knowledge for a lesson. Be sure to add this link to your teacher web page as a reference tool, as well. Be aware that some world locations have much "fuzzier" satellite images than others. Always preview before your lesson to be sure you can show the features you want students to see. Show elementary students where their "neighborhood" is, perhaps even their streets!Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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World Flag Database - Graham Bartram
3 to 12tag(s): flags (18), maps (215), statistics (120)
In the Classroom
This is an easy-to-use fast reference tool for students. The site also sells flags, but you can ignore the sales portion. If your students do country reports, this is a one-stop site for them to find their country's flag. Perhaps they can use these ideas to design a flag for their own mythical country as part of a unit on government.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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BBC Learning English - BBC (British Broadcasting Company)
3 to 12tag(s): news (228)
In the Classroom
For teachers, there is a weekly lesson plan to accompany a selected news feature. The lesson plan includes highlighted vocabulary, a glossary, comprehension questions, a quiz, and links to more information about the subject of the story. This site is useful for far more than just ESL/ELL. Remedial reading teachers who struggle to find interactive comprehension activities will love the variety of reading selections and cloze passages, such as "Get That Job."Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Newsround - BBC News for Kids - BBC
3 to 8In the Classroom
Note: the site is British, so spelling and topics have a UK slant! Make sure you have parent permission for students to post work to the site, and keep their identities safe by using pseudonyms or initials. Encourage those with Internet access to visit the site with mom and dad to talk about current events together (include the link on your teacher web page). If you are familiar with RSS feeds, this would be a good choice for a first feed.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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CRAYON: Create Your Own Newspaper - David Maher
7 to 12tag(s): news (228)
In the Classroom
A great way to get students involved with the news on an intimate basis!! Teachers can also create a classroom newspaper for parents and others to access. Check on your district policy regarding posting student work to the web. It would be a good idea to limit names to initials and to get written parent permission before setting up accounts. Then use YOUR teacher email account for safety reasons.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Volcano World - Department of Geosciences at Oregon State University
4 to 10In the Classroom
Use a projector to take a virtual field trip as you start the study of volcanoes, then include this site as a link on your teacher web page for students to research different volcanoes and current activity.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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NewsHour Extra Lesson Plan: Immigration Reform - PBS
6 to 12tag(s): immigration (68), migration (45)
In the Classroom
The essential questions (labeled "My Point of View, parts 2-3") are a nice guide for helping students see this issue from multiple backgrounds.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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