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Economics and Money: TeachersFirst Editors' Choices - TeachersFirst
K to 12tag(s): financial literacy (91), money (114), recession (2)
In the Classroom
Browse these editors' choice resources to find the best for your classroom needs. Don't forget that you can use economics information to teach math concepts. Make your lessons relevant in today's world by connecting the economic concepts as you teach writing, reading, and more. As your students master the concept, have them create a "Kids Guide to the Economy" on a class wiki or make videos on single concepts to be shared via tools such as SchoolTube, reviewed here, or TeacherTube, reviewed here.You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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The Economist - The Economist
9 to 12tag(s): charts and graphs (170), data (151), statistics (120)
In the Classroom
Use the chart as a basis for writing prompts, fishbowl discussions, blog posts, and more. Create a wiki page about the background information of the chart. Consider using the topics here to conduct your own research and publish your own charts through a wiki or blog. Want to learn more about wikis? Check out the TeachersFirst's Wiki Walk-ThroughAdd your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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TV411 - Math - Adult Literacy Media Alliance
4 to 12tag(s): charts and graphs (170), financial literacy (91)
In the Classroom
Share this site on your interactive whiteboard or projector as practice or review of current math topics. Provide a link to games on classroom computers for student practice. Spanish teachers may want students to complete a lesson in Spanish to provide real-world language practice. Share this site with parents through your classroom website or blog to provide review materials at home.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Treasury Direct Kids - U.S. Department of the Treasury
4 to 8tag(s): advertising (26), financial literacy (91), posters (43)
In the Classroom
After presenting the basic info on this site, view the posters under the tab Art of Debt. Discuss and then have students make online posters parallel to the old ones they see displayed here. Use an online poster creator, such as Padlet, reviewed here. Have them make their own graphs of funds and debts based on their own finances using ChartGizmo, reviewed here. Use this site when teaching percentages; have students do problems figuring the interest on today's debt. Introduce them to the concept of buying a bond today and have them calculate its accrued interest and how many years it will take to gain face value. Have students in a team create modern day videos using a tool like moovly, reviewed here, to advertise and sell savings bonds. Share the videos using a tool such as SchoolTube, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Economics Guides - Shmoop University Inc
9 to 12Students can create accounts on Shmoop to access more features, but the site is very useful even without an account. Creating an account does require an email address. Tip: rather than using your personal or work email, create a free Gmail account to use for memberships. If you plan to have students register individually, you may want to create your own Gmail account with up to 20 subaccounts for each group of students (by code name or number) within your classes. Here is a blog post that tells how to set up GMail subaccounts to use for any online membership service.
tag(s): financial literacy (91), money (114)
In the Classroom
Add this site to your classroom favorites and list it on your class website so students can access it from home or in class at times when they may think they have mastered content ahead of their classmates. Use the interactives as a classroom activity on an interactive whiteboard or projector to test student knowledge or to prep for an exam. Use the summaries yourself to help organize your presentation of the content.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database - Voyages - Emory University
6 to 12tag(s): africa (144), black history (130), cultures (172), slavery (78)
In the Classroom
If you are teaching a course that covers the African slave trade, this site will be invaluable. Take some time to browse the maps and timelines and find images that can be used to supplement reading and discussion. Discover the glossary of terms that could be used for vocabulary work, the tables of information useful for teaching data analysis, and the African name database for genealogy research. Challenge cooperative learning groups to research a specific section of this site and create multimedia presentations. Try Google Drawings, reviewed here, to enhance or extend student learning. This site allows you to narrate a picture. Not familiar with Google Drawings? Watch an archived OK2Ask session to learn how to use: OK2Ask Google Drawings, here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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2020 Census - US Census Bureau
6 to 12tag(s): census (13), demographics (13), population (50)
In the Classroom
First, it's important for students to know that the US Constitution requires a census, and second, that the information gathered is used in a variety of important ways that affect them directly. The first data posted looks at how shifts in population density will change the way various geographic areas of the country are represented in the US government. Consider reading the Director's blog for further analysis of how census data is being used on a local, state, and national level. Of course, the data are perfect for using in math and civics classes for teaching graph reading and creation, and for providing real-life information to use in statistical analysis. A civics or sociology class might download a copy of the census form and consider what the questions tell us about how families live in the 21st century. What questions might students add to a future census form that would reflect how things are changing for their generation?Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Statistics: By the Numbers - Dr. Chudler
8 to 12tag(s): data (151), statistics (120)
In the Classroom
This site would be perfect to use on your interactive whiteboard or projector as an introduction to statistics. After viewing and discussing this in class, have students bring in examples found in the newspaper, Internet, or on TV to analyze. High school social studies or government classes can look at this statistical information as they follow and debunk political claims during election cycles. Have cooperative learning groups create short presentations on video demonstration what they found. Share this videos using a site such as SchoolTube (reviewed here).Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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The Geography of Slavery in Virginia - University of Virginia
4 to 12tag(s): primary sources (116), slavery (78), virginia (15)
In the Classroom
Students will certainly gain a more concrete and visceral understanding of attitudes toward slaves when reading these advertisements. The concepts are not necessarily Virginia-specific! Use some of the "personal profiles" to help students get to know one of the runaway slaves or servants more intimately. Have students review the diary entries of slaveowners to cut through our modern interpretations of what plantation owners thought or believed. Use these primary sources to guide a frank discussion on the role of slavery in Virginia and the South prior to the Civil War. The site is also an important resource for students doing research on antebellum Virginia.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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The Secret Millionaire's Club - AOL Kids
5 to 8tag(s): letter writing (19), money (114), writing (323)
In the Classroom
Introduce this site on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Then have students explore this site independently or in small groups. Following the format of Radley's blog, present to the class one of the challenges from Radley's blog, then have students work in small groups to analyze the challenge and come up with a solution. When groups are finished do a comparison between the SMC's solution and the students solution. To practice letter writing have students use the "Ask Warren" section and email him a financial question they may have. Use the existing Q&A's that are there for examples. Have students use the interactives during free time or as a reward if they finish their work early.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Oil Spill Resources - TeachersFirst
3 to 12tag(s): disasters (37), environment (246), oil (22), oil spill (13)
In the Classroom
Use these resources together with your class to help students find ways they can contribute to a greater good after such a devastating event spreads across the news. Extend the opportunity to teach about persuasive writing (letters to legislators or the editor), careers in environmental science, and more.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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You Decide: Challenge Your Assumptions - WQED
9 to 12tag(s): politics (117)
In the Classroom
Divide students into cooperative learning groups to explore the site. Have them choose a topic to explore and debate and then take turns using the resources provided to help build their arguments. A terrific component of this site is the ability to embed a widget into your classroom website that takes students directly to the site and one of its decision-making activities. You can also subscribe to an RSS feed that makes the widget update regularly. There is an archive of previous debates to explore. This site includes a forum/discussion board. Determine whether students may do this under your school's policies and whether forum submissions may display student names or initials. Then spell out both permissible use and consequences before you send students to this site. Some teachers obtain parent permission for students to participate in such a site. You may want to participate in the forum/discussion board as a class, using your own login.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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The new $100 Note - Dept. of Treasury
3 to 12tag(s): currency (14)
In the Classroom
Take the quiz together as a class to learn about the features of the $100 bill. Research the reasons for changing from the old bill to the new style. Create and design a new bill that incorporates various security features and relevant symbols. You could also include this in your unit on national symbols and how they are used.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Statistics - Census in Schools - U.S. Census Bureau
K to 12tag(s): census (13), statistics (120)
In the Classroom
The K-4 lessons are perfect to use the way they are, or you might want to do some comparing of information between the different grade levels within your school. Another idea is to pair up third and fourth graders with the kindergartners or first and second graders to read the story and work on the worksheets together. Of course, using your projector and interactive whiteboard with the whole class is a must for explanations of the lessons. This site is very colorful, so project what you can! You may want to introduce this unit with a catchy, educational song and video about the census. For teachers of older students there are "Lessons Using the 2000 Census Data," "Quick Facts," and much more. One last suggestion: Once you've completed your census unit, discussion, etc. You might want to have your class participate in the "100 People: A World Portrait" project.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Dare to Compare - Nation Center for Education Statistics
4 to 12In the Classroom
Introduce this site on your interactive whiteboard or projector as a pre-assessment for a new unit or as a mind bending class challenge. Reinforce and review lessons previously learned with your students. This is a terrific site during the run-up to high stakes testing. Use the questions as classroom conversation starters after taking the quizzes. Print out questions from the quizzes and provide your students with the correct answers and see if they can match them up with the questions. List this link on your class website for students to practice at home. Challenge small groups of students to create their own set of 5 questions about a current unit of study and create a multimedia presentation. Why not have cooperative learning groups create online books (one question per page) using a tool such as Bookemon, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Year by Year - Infoplease
3 to 12tag(s): 20th century (62), news (228), politics (117), sports (81)
In the Classroom
Ask your students to visit the site and create a multimedia presentation from the information about any specific year they see there. Or have them compare life in two different decades. Have students create online books using a tool such as Bookemon, reviewed here. Or challenge students to create an online poster using Padlet (reviewed here).When studying literature, point out this site as a source authors might use for cultural background information in their writing. Pick out the details while reading a novel, for example, that might be found at this site. Or before studying a historical period, use this site as an anticipatory set or "activator" on a projector or interactive whiteboard. Have students collect information tidbits and predict what might be put into the site for the current year.
Ask your ENL/ELL students to share similar information about the years they were born and the events that occurred in their home cultures. Use the site when preparing a unit on summarizing or informational paragraphs, showing the students how to select and condense relevant information from the site into a few sentences.
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The Story of Stuff Project - The Story of Stuff Project
6 to 12tag(s): environment (246), sociology (23)
In the Classroom
Useful in classes on economics, ecology, consumer living, sociology or current events, the film would provide a wonderful discuss lead-in on topics ranging from consumer decision making to the environment. Because the site operates under the "Creative Commons" copyright agreement, you can download your own copy of the film for educational use or order a DVD copy.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Financial Football - Visa, Inc.
8 to 12tag(s): financial literacy (91), money (114), sports (81)
In the Classroom
Plan your financial unit to coincide with the SuperBowl or the opening of NFL football, then use these ready-made activities to train better consumers and money managers. As students engage in the activities and learn, enhance technology use in class and challenge your sports-minded groups to write up an illustrated financial game plan on Canva, reviewed here. Imagine all the X's and O's! Transform classroom technology use and allow the less grid-oriented to opt for creating an illustrated interactive financial planbook using Book Creator, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Free Magazines Online - James Hubbs
7 to 12tag(s): blogs (65), news (228), newspapers (92)
In the Classroom
For ESL/ELL students, use magazines at this site to teach vocabulary and American culture. For current events classes, display the latest news online on your projector or interactive whiteboard, finding it quickly with just a few clicks. Have groups explore current news headlines and compare coverage or create their own videos (news or infomercials) using a site such as Teachers.TV reviewed here. This may also be a link that you would want to list on your class website for both students and parents to use at home. If you require current events article summaries each week, your students can use this site to find the latest at no cost. Reading teachers can easily find passages to use for comprehension skills such as main idea, summarizing, inferencing and more, all from current articles and ready to project on your interactive whiteboard for underlining, highlighting and discussion.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Moviesheets - Christopher Sheehan
6 to 12tag(s): business (52), climate (82), geology (61), movies (54)
In the Classroom
Use the worksheets to get students thinking about the science (or math, or other subjects) beyond these videos. Encourage students to create their own questions from the movie (reminding them of the relevance to your subject area) and choose the best worksheets to use and submit. Require students to add additional questions that are thought provoking and tied to the content for additional consideration. Use questions that go beyond factual recall to tie concepts together, explain phenomena, or uncover misconceptions. Continue discussion of concepts further than the paper through open discussion or blog posting. Rather than creating a worksheet, have your students create an interactive online poster using Genial.ly, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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