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NationStates - Max Barry
6 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): foreign policy (12), money (114), politics (117), sociology (23)
In the Classroom
Students can use this interactive individually, making connections to their choice, results, and connections to actual world events, present and past. Additionally, students can join a region and see how their decisions affect other nations. A great lesson is to allow students to run their nation according to their political views and see the results as they unfold through play. Be sure to treat this seriously as the issues presented here are actual issues that governments must deal with daily. Even making a decision within your political viewpoint can lead to results that are not anticipated. Require students to discuss their viewpoint, why they believe they are right, the resulting consequence, and how it has changed what they believe. Following the play, give time for students to research an initiative or action a country made and the resulting consequences that have resulted. Present, discuss, or debate these with the class. Allow every student in class to have a voice by using a student response system such as Infuse Learning, reviewed here, or GoSoapBox, reviewed here.You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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Commercial Aviation - Smithsonian Institution
5 to 12tag(s): 1920s (15), 20th century (62), aircraft (16), aviation (40), flight (34)
In the Classroom
This site will work well in any social studies class. In language arts or social studies classes use a projector or interactive whiteboard and read a few entries from the Stories section with your students. Ask students to write about a flight they remember (or any mode of transportation for a trip) in the same manner as the examples. In addition, language arts or social studies teachers can use this site's nonfiction reading to help satisfy student's reading goals for the Common Core Standards.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Book Gold Mine - Double Time Software
8 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): ebooks (43)
In the Classroom
Challenge your advanced students to dig deeper and learn more while checking into the latest on Book Gold Mine. During research projects challenge your advanced students, Book Gold Mine provides a free resource for further study or research..Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Thematic Mapping Engine - Bjorn Sandvik
6 to 12tag(s): climate change (94), diseases (67), earth (184), landmarks (22), news (228), population (50)
In the Classroom
Use this tool with Google Earth to discuss population changes, incidence of various diseases, or look at environmental data such as carbon dioxide emissions. Use this tool when discussing various countries and populations throughout the world, looking at the various factors that affect countries. Use this information to question the history and current state of various populations. Create more than one .kmz file to place on your class website. Provide time for student groups to look at one of the files and draw conclusions or report on their findings. Use class time to look at the information from all groups to obtain a snapshot of various regions, looking at populations, diseases, and more. For younger grades, use an interactive whiteboard or projector to show these files in Google Earth and compare what students know about the United States or other areas in unfamiliar countries. This tool would be perfect for gifted students to use to extend learning in a Science or History/World Cultures class to better understand the world around them.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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edX - Anant Agarwal
8 to 12tag(s): aeronautics (10), architecture (74), artificial intelligence (169), china (81), circuits (21), civil rights (201), computers (109), electricity (62), engineering (127), environment (246), evolution (88), folktales (34), greeks (41), magnetism (37), medicine (56), nutrition (137), poetry (192), psychology (65), religions (90), shakespeare (99), solar energy (34), speech (68), statistics (120), terrorism (41)
In the Classroom
Share with students on your interactive whiteboard and take the demo course together. This is perfect for use with gifted and advanced students as an option for college level courses and enrichment. Allow gifted students to enroll in courses that interest them or that provide enrichment beyond classroom content. Share with others, in your building, as a resource for professional development. Explore the topics yourself for some new, engaging topics to round out your own expertise. Allow students to enroll in a course that would fit into their career goals as an exploratory opportunity in that field.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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ABC Splash - ABC TV and Radio Australia
K to 10tag(s): addition (129), animals (295), antarctica (30), atmosphere (22), australia (29), cells (83), climate change (94), continents (32), counting (59), decimals (85), division (98), earth (184), earthquakes (45), ecosystems (80), egypt (50), energy (131), environment (246), food chains (18), forces (37), forensics (12), fossil fuels (10), game based learning (187), gold rush (15), human body (93), immigration (68), insects (68), light (54), maps (215), molecules (43), money (114), multiplication (122), nuclear energy (20), nutrition (137), oceans (147), parts of speech (38), percent (59), perimeter (20), place value (34), plants (147), probability (98), rhymes (21), rocks (35), songs (44), sound (72), subtraction (110), time (91), vietnam (38), volcanoes (54), weather (160), whole numbers (9), world war 1 (77), world war 2 (160)
In the Classroom
This site is excellent for enrichment. Include it on your class web page for students to access both in and out of class. Share this link on your class web page and/or in a parent newsletter for help with homework and school projects. These high-quality media resources will engage your students and enhance their learning.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Change Gamer - Mike Farley
6 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): animals (295), earth (184), ecology (102), energy (131), environment (246), financial literacy (91), fish (18), game based learning (187), human body (93), map skills (59), migration (45), natural disasters (17), planets (111), plants (147), politics (117), problem solving (228), stars (70)
In the Classroom
Use these interactives to review concepts learned during a unit of study. Consider using the interactives at the start of a unit to teach concepts as the material is being learned. Be sure to download the student activity document. Use the pre-questions to identify misconceptions and activate prior knowledge. Directions in the document alert you to the basics of using the interactive. Provide the post-questions to the students as they play the interactive to be aware of what they will be learning. Replace paper and pen and use a blogging tool such as Telegra.ph, reviewed here. This blog creator requires no registration; be sure to have students save the URL to share with you. Students can answer the questions individually, as groups, or as a class to review the concepts learned during the interactive and connect it to class. As a class, discuss how the scenario presented in the interactive is or is not like actual environmental issues of today. Enhance learning and get the shyest of students involved in the discussion by using a backchannel chat such as YoTeach!, reviewed here. Change Gamer would also be an excellent activity for gifted students or for those who are ahead in their work in a differentiated classroom.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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The World Cup of Everything Else - Wall Street Journal
6 to 12tag(s): cross cultural understanding (172), demographics (13), statistics (120)
In the Classroom
This site would fit well in a world cultures/social studies class or even as part of an information literacy lesson. Math teachers can use it to show the usefulness of statistics. World language teachers may want to include it as part of cultural study. Share this site briefly on an interactive whiteboard or projector to spark discussion about what statistics can tell you about a country. Then turn groups loose to predict the outcomes of the "competition" in various categories. Have them keep a record: What do they predict? Why? Were they right? What might be the possible reasons for the "winner" (or loser) in the category they chose? What other statistical competitions would they like to see to gain the best profile of a country? As a class, try to name the top ten most revealing statistics they would like to see that are not already listed here. Then have them look for sources where they might find that information! Extend the findings by having student groups create infographics about their chosen "world cup" topic. Use a tool such as Venngage reviewed here. In a government class, use this site to open discussion about the role of statistics in governing and meeting the needs of your citizens. For more demographics resources, try these or Knoema, a worldwide data source.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Free Money Basics Tutorial - Goodwill Community Foundation
6 to 11tag(s): banks (7), financial literacy (91)
In the Classroom
Use these lessons when teaching financial literacy or consumer education courses. Include lessons as part of applied math activities such as balancing a budget, managing savings, or understanding debt. Have students explore on their own. If you are beginning the process of integrating technology, have students create blogs to describe ways to become a good consumer using edublogs, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Springboard - Parul Gupta and Gautam Tambay
8 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): professional development (373), search engines (48)
In the Classroom
Share Springboard with your gifted students as a resource for finding enrichment resources or content not taught by your school. Search for and share free courses for all students to use for review of any topic. Use the Springboard search engine to find professional development courses for your own personal use.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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WeTheEconomy - 20 Short Films You Can't Afford to Miss - Vulcan Productions/Cinelan
9 to 12tag(s): DAT device agnostic tool (146), financial literacy (91), money (114), supply and demand (5)
In the Classroom
Sign up to download the support materials and plan one or several lessons to demystify the economy as part of a civics/government class or an economics course. Transform the technology use in your class by assigning students to watch films in small groups and create digital booklets explaining the key concepts to the class using a multimedia tool such as Calameo, reviewed here. As economic issues come up in current events or during an election cycle, use these films to explain the underlying issues.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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25 Maps and Charts That Explain America Today - Washington Post
8 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): demographics (13), financial literacy (91), maps (215), politics (117), religions (90)
In the Classroom
This site is excellent for enrichment or critical thinking about the U.S. and societal/governmental issues. Display a map on your projector or interactive whiteboard during political campaigns to ask why different politicians/parties have gained a foothold in certain states or locations. Include links to specific maps from it on your class web page for students to access both in and out of class. Have students create a simple infographic sharing their findings using Venngage, reviewed here. Have students create maps including local information using MapHub, reviewed here. Students can add icons, URLs, text, images, and location stops!Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Life Skills - Barclays
8 to 12tag(s): careers (141), financial literacy (91)
In the Classroom
Help students appreciate that career planning is an ongoing process that includes education, aptitudes, and personality in order to find a "good fit." Life Skills is a great resource for helping students get more concrete information and insight into the sometimes vexing question of "what I want to do when I grow up." Use it in guidance classes or as part of a budgeting and life planning section in Family and Consumer Science or business classes.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Zip Lookup - esri.com
6 to 12tag(s): communities (33), demographics (13), population (50)
In the Classroom
Use Zip Lookup to compare and contrast any areas of the United States using several different categories. Use this site as an anticipatory set or "activator" to introduce a unit or lesson on states and communities on a projector or interactive whiteboard. Include it in discussions of politics and election strategies or local and state government. Have students create a simple infographic sharing their findings using Venngage reviewed here. Have students create maps using MapHub, reviewed here. Students can add information learned using the zipcode, other text, icons, URLs, images, and location stops.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Knoema - World Data Atlas - Knoema
6 to 12tag(s): atlas (5), data (151), infographics (56), map skills (59), maps (215), natural resources (37), resources (83), united nations (6)
In the Classroom
Bookmark this for student research, whether it be for individual country data or for comparative data by topic. Use the maps on an interactive whiteboard (or projector) to provide a visual representation of the data. This is a great source for authentic data for students to practice their analytic skills, or just to find out what the GDP of Antigua and Barbuda is. This is a resource that will see frequent use. Share it during math units on data, as well, so students have authentic numbers to "play with." Have them write their own data problems and questions for classmates to solve. Challenge your most able student to determine why two countries are so different.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Wall Street Survivor - Greg Isenberg and Rory Olson
8 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): business (52), financial literacy (91), money (114)
In the Classroom
Introduce this site on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Share articles on personal finance, investing, and more. Challenge students (or groups) to create their own Stock Market Leagues to learn about investing and trading. Use Wall Street Survivor as an after-school program for students to learn about finances and investing. Share this link on your class website for students to explore on their own. Your math-savvy gifted students and finance aficionados will love this one.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Free Video Lectures - Free Video Lectures (FVL)
9 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): business (52), cultures (172), genetics (81), literature (220), medicine (56), oceans (147), psychology (65), video (264)
In the Classroom
If you are flipping your classroom, use videos from this site to introduce content to students. Embed videos onto your class website or blog for easy student access. Free Video Lectures is perfect for use with gifted students. Use videos to provide advanced instruction and lessons in content not offered in your school. Have students create a word cloud of the important terms they learn from a video using a tool such as WordItOut (reviewed here). Challenge students to create a presentation using Prezi (reviewed here) to show what the have learned.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Paying for College - Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
10 to 12tag(s): banks (7), college (44), financial aid (12), financial literacy (91), money (114)
In the Classroom
The cost of college represents a real life example of the importance of financial literacy to high school students. If you teach money management, career planning, or consumer awareness, the units on student banking and student loans provide practical advice on financial management and planning for young people. Of course, this is also a resource you will want to share in the library/media center and college guidance offices.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Urban Observatory - Esri, Radical Media, and Richard Saul Wurman
8 to 12tag(s): cities (17), data (151), population (50), railroads (14)
In the Classroom
Share this tool and compare locations on your interactive whiteboard or projector as you study geography, economics, or government. Ask students what items are important to look at in a city where they plan to live. Then ask them the same thing about a city where they plan to vacation. Have students make online "tours" to compare their choice of three cities using IdeaBoardz, reviewed here. Share cities as part of a world language class to discuss the economic and statistical differences in different cultures. Use data from this site in math classes for students to compare, contrast, and manipulate real world data.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Video Lectures - Video Lectures Net
5 to 12tag(s): cells (83), computers (109), creativity (86), data (151), engineering (127), machines (15), scientists (63)
In the Classroom
Keep your students minds wondering with the latest thoughts in science. Use this to create your own, science news events day. Use one of these videos as a center when students are studying a related topic. Share the videos on your projector or interactive whiteboard.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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