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Order of Operations Quiz - Shodor

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This site provides practice with the order of operations. User options include choices of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponents, and parenthesis. Different levels...more
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This site provides practice with the order of operations. User options include choices of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponents, and parenthesis. Different levels are provided for use of whole numbers only and 3 different skill levels. There is also a timer that can be set from 10 to 60 seconds or can be turned off for an unlimited time on the quiz. The learner tab provides some examples and equations using the order of operations. Be sure to check out the instructor tab which includes links to standards, some alignment to textbooks, issues that may arise in the classroom, and links to similar resources.

tag(s): addition (129), exponents (35), numbers (119), operations (72), order of operations (28), subtraction (110), whole numbers (9)

In the Classroom

Make a shortcut on classroom or lab computers to use for student practice. Post the site on your classroom website or blog for students to use at home. Assign students to share one problem with the class that they had difficulty with and explain how the problem should be solved.

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Comparison Estimator - Shodor

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This site offers practice in estimating skills through different visual comparisons. Problems are available in counting, length and area. Two comparisons are shown and then selection...more
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This site offers practice in estimating skills through different visual comparisons. Problems are available in counting, length and area. Two comparisons are shown and then selection will be made based on the question posed with the problem. Hints are available and there are two different levels of difficulty available. Tabs are also included with information for the learner, activity help, and information for instructors. Be sure to check out the information for instructors which include suggestions on how to use in the classroom, an activity sheet, links to standards, and other similar resources.

tag(s): estimation (33), problem solving (228), test prep (69)

In the Classroom

Print the exploration questions found on the instructor tab for students to complete. Display activities on your interactive whiteboard or projector as a 5 minute time filler to practice estimation skills.

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Clock Arithmetic - Shodor

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This activity works well for explorations with clock (modular) arithmetic. The clock can be adjusted from 2 to 24 hours, then the number of elapsed hours can be entered to ...more
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This activity works well for explorations with clock (modular) arithmetic. The clock can be adjusted from 2 to 24 hours, then the number of elapsed hours can be entered to determine the current time. Be sure to check out the instructor tab which provides a link to a student worksheet, indicates alignment to some state standards, suggested classroom uses, and offers similar resources.

tag(s): time (91)

In the Classroom

Display on the interactive whiteboard or projector when introducing the concept of military time to show a 24 hour clock. Allow groups of students to work together to create different clocks and practice elapsed time on each.

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Fuel the Brain

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Check out this highly interactive site that offers a wealth of math activities, printables, and more for elementary students of all ages. Students will enjoy the many different Math...more
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Check out this highly interactive site that offers a wealth of math activities, printables, and more for elementary students of all ages. Students will enjoy the many different Math games such as Fact Worms (basic facts), A Lucky Place (place value), and Jelly Golf (fractions). Main topics include: Counting & Cardinality, Number & Operations, Operations & Algebraic Thinking, Measurement & Data, and Geometry. Interactives may be used without registering on the site; however, registration allows scores to be compiled and posted against other players. Be sure to check out the interactives such as Venn Diagrams as well as printables, teacher's guides, articles and seasonal resources. Activities have also been matched up to North Carolina Mathematics Standards.

tag(s): fractions (159), money (114), numbers (119), preK (269), puzzles (144)

In the Classroom

The interactives are perfect to use on interactive whiteboards or projectors. Use activities as an introduction to new units such as making change, counting on the number line, or recognizing numbers shown with base 10 blocks. Save this on your desktop on all of your classroom computers. List this link on your classroom website or blog. This is excellent enrichment and/or advancement for gifted students. It could also be used for extra practice for struggling students. This site is definitely one to save and revisit often.

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Word Games - FPS Networks Inc.

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Word Games has compiled many of the web's best word games into one resource. Games are categorized in several different ways such as typing, word search, puzzles, and others. In ...more
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Word Games has compiled many of the web's best word games into one resource. Games are categorized in several different ways such as typing, word search, puzzles, and others. In addition, the newest and most popular games are identified for easy access. Facebook users can "like" the site and receive daily games to play. This site provides varied activities to help increase word skills at many different levels. Navigate carefully as this site has many advertisements! But the great interactives make it worth the hassle.

tag(s): logic (161), puzzles (144), sudoku (10)

In the Classroom

Introduce this site on your interactive whiteboard or projector then have students explore this site independently or in small groups. Make a shortcut to this site on classroom computers and use it as a center. Provide a link to these activities on your class website.

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Math Fun Facts - Harvey Mudd College

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This website can generate random, thought provoking math facts. Or, it can be searched by type of math and level of fact difficulty. While most math content is high school ...more
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This website can generate random, thought provoking math facts. Or, it can be searched by type of math and level of fact difficulty. While most math content is high school level, some of the easier problems may be used with seventh and eighth grades. The search option appears to save time if you are looking for a specific variety of math such as calculus. Although this site is rather "plain vanilla" and does include some unobtrusive ads, it is definitely worth adding to your math collection!

tag(s): brain (56)

In the Classroom

Use this type of fact as a class warm-up exercise or bell ringer activity to have students get actively engaged in learning from the moment they enter your classroom. Or, use it as a Fun Friday Math Fact activity. Assign students into small groups or partners to "solve" a math fact. Additionally, many of these facts could be turned into mini-math research project. Have students investigate this site independently and share their findings with the class by creating an interactive online poster using, reviewed here.

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Whole Number Cruncher - Shodor

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This site provides practice with linear functions through the use of a function machine. Options include use of addition or multiplication and use of integers from 0 to 10. The ...more
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This site provides practice with linear functions through the use of a function machine. Options include use of addition or multiplication and use of integers from 0 to 10. The learner section provides a great background on linear functions and how they are used with higher level mathematics such as calculus. There is a detailed help area that provides instructions on how to use the function machine. Be sure to check out the instructor area that includes standards addressed, classroom ideas, links to similar resources and a printable exploration questions that can be used in the classroom.

tag(s): functions (51), logic (161), patterns (62)

In the Classroom

Introduce the activity on your interactive whiteboard or projector, then provide students with the exploration questions to complete on their own or with a partner. Provide a link on your classroom website or blog for practice at home. Make a shortcut to this site on classroom computers and use it as a center. Have students create their own function machines to be solved by classmates.

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Tables and Chairs - Shodor

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This site provides practice with identifying patterns using a table and chairs visual. Practice involves exploration, where the student chooses the length and arrangement of the table...more
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This site provides practice with identifying patterns using a table and chairs visual. Practice involves exploration, where the student chooses the length and arrangement of the table (straight line or rectangle) or guess based on the random image generated. Be sure to check out the in-depth explanation on the learner portion of the website. The instructor area includes a description, links to standards, classroom information and links to similar resources. Exploration questions can be downloaded for classroom use.

tag(s): equations (118), logic (161), patterns (62), problem solving (228)

In the Classroom

Introduce the site on your interactive whiteboard or projector by beginning with the learner section of the site. Discuss the different arrangements of tables and chairs and how seating capacity changes based on table arrangements. Allow students to complete the exploration questions on their own or with a partner. Provide a link on your classroom website or blog for students to use at home. Challenge able students to create pattern challenges of their own for classmates to try on an interactive whiteboard using shapes and colors.

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More or Less Estimator - Shodor

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This activity allows the user to estimate quantities and sizes including the number of objects in a set, the lengths of a curve, and the area of a shape. Many ...more
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This activity allows the user to estimate quantities and sizes including the number of objects in a set, the lengths of a curve, and the area of a shape. Many options are available for exploration - the size of the curve can be changed, problem type can be changed and there are 2 levels of difficulties. The learner section explains the activity as well as discusses how estimation is used in everyday life. In addition to a description of the activity, the instruction section provides possible issues to address in the classroom, links to standards, and links to other similar resources.

tag(s): estimation (33), measurement (123)

In the Classroom

Introduce the activity on the interactive whiteboard or projector and model for students how to use estimation instead of actually counting the figures. Use the site as a springboard to discuss when estimation is appropriate and when measurement is needed. Use the site to begin discussions on what level of estimation is needed in different circumstances (close, really close and almost perfect).

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Math Solutions - Math Solutions

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This site provides many resources for math teachers of all grades and includes lesson plans, articles, classroom and administrator questions and answers, and helpful links - all located...more
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This site provides many resources for math teachers of all grades and includes lesson plans, articles, classroom and administrator questions and answers, and helpful links - all located under the "helpful tool" tab at the top of the site. Click to find elementary resources, algebra, calculus, and other "basic math." Free webinars are also available within the site. Math Solutions was founded by Marilyn Burns, who is known as one of the foremost experts in elementary math instruction. Although much of the website is devoted to materials and Professional Development for sale, there are many resources available for free that are extremely helpful for classroom teachers. One such resource is the classroom lessons portion. Lessons are in ready to print PDF format making them easy to review and use for planning. Sample classroom conversations are often included along with samples of student work and suggestions for use in the classroom. This site also sells many resource materials, so links to these materials are included for alternative resources within the lesson. No need to buy, however! Teachers can sign up to receive the free monthly newsletter containing information about new materials on the Math Solutions site.

tag(s): problem solving (228)

In the Classroom

Take advantage of the free lesson plans; also search for plans in grades higher and lower that can be modified to meet your students' needs. Display student work included with the lesson plans on your interactive whiteboard or projector as conversation starters in your classroom - allow students to discuss other students' work to increase understanding of concepts.

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Ice Ice Maybe - Manga High

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Guide penguins across the ice with this logic and estimation game. Reach the target level and move on to a higher level. Teachers can create a free account and register ...more
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Guide penguins across the ice with this logic and estimation game. Reach the target level and move on to a higher level. Teachers can create a free account and register students to save high scores, although it isn't necessary to play the game.

tag(s): estimation (33), logic (161), problem solving (228)

In the Classroom

Save as a shortcut on classroom computers to use as a center. Encourage students to problem solve to get the penguins further along the ice and achieve higher levels. Share this link on your class website so students can practice logic and estimation while at home.

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Fire: Estimating Percent - Shodor

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Practice estimating skills with number and percent on this website. After inputting a fractional probability of the "burn," click on the forest for the fire to take place. Based on...more
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Practice estimating skills with number and percent on this website. After inputting a fractional probability of the "burn," click on the forest for the fire to take place. Based on the number of trees burned, input the estimate of number or percent of trees burned. Choices are also available for how close the estimate should be - close, really close, or almost perfect. Be sure to check on the link for instructors that provides an exploration worksheet, links to standards, items for classroom discussion, and links to similar resources.

tag(s): estimation (33), fractions (159), percent (59), probability (98), test prep (69)

In the Classroom

Print out the exploration worksheet for students to complete, then discuss using your interactive whiteboard or projector. Using the interactive whiteboard, discuss why the probability of burn doesn't always equal the actual burn amount. Create a link on your classroom website, wiki, or blog for students to practice at home.

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Math is Fun - Rod Pierce

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Math is Fun when you visit this website that is loaded with games, activities and much more! Math activities are divided into topics such as Algebra, Data, Games, Dictionaries, Worksheets,...more
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Math is Fun when you visit this website that is loaded with games, activities and much more! Math activities are divided into topics such as Algebra, Data, Games, Dictionaries, Worksheets, and more. After choosing a topic there are several choices for appropriate activities within the category. The teachers page has links to many virtual manipulatives, puzzles, speed math and other classroom activities. All activities contain an explanation and solution to the puzzle. Although this site may appear as another "drill and kill" site, is also has a lot of extra features and activities included. If you are a math teacher, this is definitely a site worth taking a look at.

tag(s): logic (161), measurement (123), problem solving (228)

In the Classroom

Use the teacher's page on the interactive whiteboard or projector to demonstrate math concepts such as symmetry, tessellations, and basic algebra concepts. Assign activities and games to students and let them become the expert in one topic. Use the illustrated math dictionary provided on the site as an example and create a class math dictionary of concepts learned. Have students share their new math term on the class wiki. Not comfortable with wikis? Have no wiki worries - check out the "TeachersFirst's" Wiki Walk-Through. This may also be a site that you want to include on your class website for students to use both in and out of the classroom.

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LEGO Education Activities - LEGO Education

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Lego Education Activities are designed to be rich, fun-filled, creative learning experiences. They offer educators a means to use LEGO sets as essential tools that engage students while...more
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Lego Education Activities are designed to be rich, fun-filled, creative learning experiences. They offer educators a means to use LEGO sets as essential tools that engage students while challenging their creativity and enhancing their knowledge and comprehension. As a thinking teacher, you only need to look on the Teachersfirst Editor's Blog here to realize what a hot topic teaching creativity is and how it fits into the classroom. From role-playing and meeting the needs of early childhood development to theme-based sets for older students, LEGO Activities offer a multi-disciplinary approach to teaching. There are also specific sets designed to cover specific subject areas, including technology curriculum. As you browse the activities, you will find obvious connections to curriculum in simple machines and other science topics, as well. Stay current and find a lot more stimulating ideas by checking out the LEGO Education and LEGO Smart Blogs available from theLego Education Activities page.

tag(s): creativity (86), critical thinking (122), logic (161), problem solving (228)

In the Classroom

Expose your students to different levels of the learning spiral by challenging them to use problem-solving skills for increasingly difficult obstacles. Students can work in small groups to foster cooperation and teamwork as they sort, graph, follow and give directions, and discuss ideas. Of course you will need some LEGOs, so you might try raiding your own children's toy boxes, include a request in your classroom newsletter for donations, look around for LEGO kits collecting dust on classroom shelves, or put it on your school's PTA wish list. Be sure to have cooperative learning groups video their activities to share with the rest of the class using a site such as SchoolTube (reviewed here).

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Lesson: Life After Trash - Teach Engineering

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Great for a foundations of science class or middle level environmental science class, use this activity to have students "get their hands dirty" solving real life problems with real...more
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Great for a foundations of science class or middle level environmental science class, use this activity to have students "get their hands dirty" solving real life problems with real life activities. Life After Trash is an excellent lesson for having students think beyond the obvious uses of everyday products. Concepts such as landfills, the three R's (reduce, reuse, and recycle), and basic environmental awareness are partnered with the skills of working in groups, critical thinking, and problem solving to create an interesting and fun classroom activity. There is little cost (if any) to doing the lab.

tag(s): critical thinking (122), engineering (127), problem solving (228)

In the Classroom

A week or so before conducting this simulation activity, ask students to bring in recyclables and clean trash from home. This will cut down on the amount of trash you need to collect, and it will add variety to the supplies. Set up the activity by talking about trash, where it comes from and where it goes. Discuss better alternatives for trash "disposal" such as recycling and reusing. Have students think of obvious reuses for materials and then explain that there are other alternatives to obvious uses. Introduce the activity and basic rules and safety to the students. Arrange them in groups of three or four and then allow them to "shop" the classroom "landfill" to create new things out of old trash. Follow up with discussion of group products, uses, and real life applications of this idea such as recycled art.

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Jigsaw Sudoku - Rachel Lee

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Sodoku is a popular game for all ages, this interactive site allows the you to play online. Choose from different ability levels from easy to hard and pick the tiles ...more
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Sodoku is a popular game for all ages, this interactive site allows the you to play online. Choose from different ability levels from easy to hard and pick the tiles to use from numbers, symbols, or letters. Other options include a timer, sound, and placement of tiles. The bright, interactive format is easy to use and will keep all users engaged.

tag(s): logic (161), problem solving (228), puzzles (144)

In the Classroom

Display on your interactive whiteboard or projector to use as a center for logic and problem solving. Keep a class chart and challenge students to increase their speed and increase level of difficulty.

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Brain Den

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Brain Den offers a variety of brainteasers to test logic skills. Brainteasers, games, and puzzles range from geometry to algebra to paradoxes to optical illusions. Although most of...more
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Brain Den offers a variety of brainteasers to test logic skills. Brainteasers, games, and puzzles range from geometry to algebra to paradoxes to optical illusions. Although most of this site isn't highly interactive, it does offer a wide variety of brainteasers for nearly all ages. This is a great site for gifted students. *Advise students to ignore the advertisements.

tag(s): brain (56), logic (161), optical illusions (10), puzzles (144)

In the Classroom

Enrich gifted students' learning by having them explore the puzzles and teasers on this site. Try having students solve the geometry puzzles or algebra puzzles and then ask them to present their solution to classmates using a multimedia presentation. Challenge students to create a video and share using a site such as SchoolTube, reviewed here. Students could also try to create their own puzzles. Share the puzzles on an online, interactive poster using Lucidpress, reviewed here.

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Squigly's Playhouse - Barb Willner

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Squigly's Playhouse provides elementary aged children with interactive games, crafts, coloring pages, and much more. n addition, students can submit their writing to be posted in the...more
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Squigly's Playhouse provides elementary aged children with interactive games, crafts, coloring pages, and much more. n addition, students can submit their writing to be posted in the Writing Corner. Check out the Seasons and Holidays sections for fun supplementary activities. This site was created in the UK, so American English speakers may notice some differences in spelling. This site does include some unobtrusive advertisements.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): crafts (62), holidays (185), seasons (37), writing (323)

In the Classroom

Have students check out the book reviews in the Writing Corner. Discuss which reviews are helpful and then have students write quality reviews to post onto the website. Complete one of the story frameworks with students. Using an interactive whiteboard or projector, have students add more detail or experiment with sentence structure and vocabulary. Students can then follow this process individually to develop revision skills.

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Shape Sudoku - PrimaryGames

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Shape Sudoku will engage even the youngest of Sudoku players by using shapes rather than the traditional numbers. This option is helpful for students who may not be completely comfortable...more
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Shape Sudoku will engage even the youngest of Sudoku players by using shapes rather than the traditional numbers. This option is helpful for students who may not be completely comfortable with number recognition but enjoy playing games of logic. Shape Sudoku is a great training tool for beginners entering the world of Sudoku. Students must be familiar with basic shapes such as circle, square, rectangle, triangle, diamond, oval, octagon, and pentagon. Baffled players can be given hints as needed. Be aware: this site does include some advertisements. Shrink your window to cut off the right side and avoid the distraction!

tag(s): puzzles (144), sudoku (10)

In the Classroom

Model this activity on your interactive whiteboard or projector several times so students become comfortable with the concept and rules. Place students in pairs during center time, math class or computer lab to accomplish this activity together for problem solving and teamwork. Use this as an end-of-the-week, whole group incentive. Be sure to list this link on your class website for students to access both in and out of the classroom. Challenge older students to create their own shape Sudoku challenges.

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Luminosity - Brain Games - Lumos Labs Inc.

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Brain Games is a site that allows you to train your brain in fun and easy ways. In as little as 10 minutes a day you can train your brain ...more
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Brain Games is a site that allows you to train your brain in fun and easy ways. In as little as 10 minutes a day you can train your brain to improve memory and attention. What a great life skill tool to share with students! Some examples of activities include attention games to help with focus, memory games to help with recall, problem solving games to help with logical reasoning, flexibility games to help with verbal fluency, and numerous others.

tag(s): brain (56), psychology (65)

In the Classroom

What a great way to give kids a brain break while still keeping them focused. This site can be used on an interactive whiteboard or projector with the whole class. Psychology classes may want to investigate the games and how/why they might affect memory and brain function. The website is also a great tool to use as a center or to provide a student reward. Some of the games do not require a sign in but others do. Teachers could create a class login that students could use to access the additional games.

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