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Memorize Now - Brad Haugaard
2 to 12tag(s): vocabulary (238)
In the Classroom
This site does far more than aid memorization. Reading teachers can also use it to teach comprehension skills, such as using context clues to determine meaning in a paragraph. Paste in the paragraph (perhaps a passage from a non-fiction science or social studies article) and use this tool on your interactive whiteboard for students to "figure out" the missing words. Do the same with world language texts to reverse match using subject verb agreement and to analyze missing content using inflected endings. In science class, use this site to remove clues from a paragraph explaining a concepts or terms, subtracting information and having students fill it back in as they review for test and quizzes. Learning support teachers will love this option! Enter passage students write that include new vocabulary words, letting students challenge each other by subtracting portions. Speech and language teachers can use this tool to provide practice with expressive language.For work with memorization, use this site with popular song lyrics in class. Listen to the song first and give the students the lyrics to be memorized. Or, go to YouLyrics (if district policy allows) to get the song and see a video of it and then have the students use this site to help them memorize the lyrics. ESL, ELL, and students of other languages will enjoy memorizing songs which helps them improve their vocabulary and accent. Use this site in a group by projecting the screen on a whiteboard or projector and systematically show fewer and fewer words on the screen. Have teams of students compete against each other by writing the text as quickly as possible on two boards in the classroom. Share this link on your class website for students to use both in and out of the class to memorize new information. Share it as a personal study skills tool, as well.
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Shmoop US History, American History - Shmoop
9 to 12tag(s): blues (22), civil war (138), constitution (93), fashion (11), gold rush (15), war of 1812 (15)
In the Classroom
Students will love this site for reviewing and preparing for exams. Share this link on your class website for students to access both in and out of the classroom. Take advantage of the FREE study guides. Why not have cooperative learning groups investigate specific topics relative to your current unit of study and create multimedia presentation. Create podcasts, using a site such as PodOmatic (reviewed here). Have students create a Have students create an annotated image including text boxes and related links using a tool such as Thinglink, reviewed here. Challenge students to find a photo (legally permitted to be reproduced), and then narrate the photo as if it is a news report about the event or topic. To find Creative Commons images for student projects (with credit, of course), try Vecteezy, reviewed here. Teachers can also use this site to differentiate between the typical lectures used to teach a US history project. Use the images on this site to create a "picture walk" in your classroom, introducing any one of the topics offered. Select 10-15 of the more powerful and diverse images, hanging them up in different locations around your classroom. Have students rotate around the classroom every 30-45 seconds, jotting down what they observe and infer about each image until the entire class has completed the circuit. After the class is back in their seats, have a class discussion based on what they observed and what this says about the topic.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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in Bflat 2.0 - Darren Solomon from Science for Girls
3 to 12tag(s): music theory (45)
In the Classroom
Test this site to be sure you can open it at school. Then turn up your speakers and open this site on a projector or -- even better -- interactive whiteboard to begin a music class, discuss key signatures, pitch, or instrumentation, and allow students to mix and remix their choice of sounds in harmonious blend. In science class, use the various sounds and an oscilloscope to teach about sound waves and the physical nature of sound. Challenge your musically gifted students to create a very simple version of this musical "machine" by recording and embedding videos of their own in a class music and technology wiki. Upload the videos to a school-friendly site such as SchoolTube, reviewed here or TeacherTube, reviewed here to avoid filtering issues. Set up a simpler face-to-face option by allowing student "conductors" to "turn on and off" multiple instruments and objects in your music classroom all playing the same pitch.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Sporcle - Sporcle, Inc.
2 to 12tag(s): elements (34), literature (220), maps (215), phonics (51), presidents (135), vowels (6)
In the Classroom
Share specific activities on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Teachers should provide the address URL of the actual game to prevent students from accessing other games (or advertisements that you may wish to avoid). Use these interactives as individual activities or in groups to learn a variety of data. For example, play "Element by Symbol" to review the names of the elements of the periodic table by knowing the names of the symbols. This game entertained this science teacher editor and her chemistry student son for fifteen minutes. Enjoy other science games or in subjects such as Geography, History, or Literature. Use the unknown answers that are shown at the end to create study cards in order to improve scores the next time.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Equal Exchange's Fair Trade Curriculum & Educational Resources - Equal Exchange
4 to 10tag(s): air (102)
In the Classroom
Use these lessons as part of a unit in social studies, Family and Consumer Science, or several other subjects. Take your students on a visit to a local food coop or invite one of their members to speak to your class live or via Skype (explained here.). Have students do a project comparing coop grocery sales with the more commercial establishments. Maybe even have student groups create an online Venn Diagram comparing the two using a site such as Interactive Two Circle Venn Diagram (reviewed here). If you have international students from the Dominican Republic or other cocoa producing countries, share this site with them and allow them to compare what the students say on the video to their own experiences. Create your own videotaped interviews with food growers or their families. Share the videos using a tool such as Teachers.TV reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Nursery Rhymes - Lyrics and Origins
K to 8tag(s): nursery rhymes (9), rhymes (21)
In the Classroom
Assign a nursery rhyme to each student or small group. Have them thoroughly research the rhyme and its meaning. Have students come together to present the rhyme and their findings through dramatic role play or by presenting it in a "modern" day manner. With a little creative freedom, it could get interesting! Looking for some multimedia ideas? Have cooperative learning groups create online books using a tool such as Bookemon, reviewed here. Or challenge students to create podcasts sharing what they learned about the nursery rhymes. Use a site such as PodOmatic (reviewed here).Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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AllMyFaves - AllMyFaves
4 to 12tag(s): dictionaries (48), literature (220)
In the Classroom
Why search for these sites, when the links can all be found in one place? Use this site in combination with TeachersFirst's rich reviews. Students can use these links as a springboard to research and projects. Be sure to save this site in your personal favorites! There is a lot to explore. List this site on your class website and/or wiki for students to access both in and out of the classroom.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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BusSongs.com - Keith Mander
K to 12tag(s): lyrics (15), nursery rhymes (9), rhymes (21), songs (44)
In the Classroom
Use these silly songs in primary grades for those early readers who benefit greatly from rhyme time. For the elementary level, these songs would be helpful when introducing poetry and alliteration. Teach the historical, political and cultural connections that go hand-in-hand with many of these tunes and rhymes. Middle school students will be quite surprised with some of the hidden meanings of the songs such as Ring-Around-The-Rosy. For fun, choose a couple of tunes to sing as a group during the long bus ride to a class fieldtrip location! Have cooperative learning groups explore songs and create a video explaining (and singing) the songs. Or have them write and video record their own lyrics about a historic event or science concept, accompanied by the audio recording of the tune (available for some songs). Have students share the videos using a tool such as SchoolTube reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Diffen - Diffen
2 to 12tag(s): vocabulary (238)
In the Classroom
The options are endless. Search the differences between two types of soils, mitosis and meiosis, presidents or those running for office, of geometric figures, artists or musicians, places to visit. As a way to build higher order thinking skills, this site is ideal, since comparison of attributes requires analysis.Try creating some lists of your own as a class after using the ready-made ones here. This activity would be easy to do on an interactive whiteboard, with students hand writing the characteristics and dragging them into Similarities and Differences columns before entering them into Diffen. This site could be used in nearly every subject area. Share this site on your class blog or website, for students to access both in and out of the classroom. This is definitely one to save in your favorites.
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This I Believe, Inc. - Jay Allison, NPR, et. al.
7 to 12In the Classroom
Searching the "For Educators" page gives you a wide variety of ideas for using this site and these essays. Since students enjoy using first person point of view in their writing, this might be an inspiration for some. You can use some of these essays as conversation starters on topics you are studying in class. (Example: Penn Jillette wrote his essay stating that he believes there is no god. This could be related to many books studied, such as 1984 or Brave New World.) Have students write their essays as blog entries or record them as podcasts using a tool such as Podomatic, reviewed here, or as an illustrated essay using ThingLink, reviewed here. Spanish teachers will want to explore the options to listen to or write essays in Spanish, as well.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Mother's Day - Myvocabulary.com
2 to 10tag(s): mothers day (13), vocabulary (238)
In the Classroom
Share the puzzles on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Have students work with a partner to try out the puzzles on their own. Enhance classroom technology use by having students (or groups) create their own word puzzles to share as a class challenge with a student-run interactive whiteboard activity or share them on a class wiki.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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The Teachers' Corner - The Teachers' Corner
K to 12tag(s): fractions (159), nutrition (137), parts of speech (38), phonics (51), speech (68), themes (15), writing (323)
In the Classroom
Although this site has a TON to explore, one of the best places on this site is the daily writing prompt section (find seasonal prompts at the Seasonal Items link). You can share them on your interactive whiteboard or projector with a picture and fact about the day and a question requiring a written answer. This is a great discussion starter or activating strategy with any grade level and it can already be posted when the kids enter the room or used as a prompt for blogging. Whatever subject area you teach, if you are looking for some new strategies to reach your students, check out this site.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Mother's Day Crafts and Children's Activities - DLTK
K to 3tag(s): crafts (62), mothers day (13), poetry (192), puzzles (144), songs (44)
In the Classroom
Take advantage of these ready to go resources. Share the puzzles and educational activities on an interactive whiteboard or projector. In art class, try some of the crafts. Challenge students to write their own poems to their mothers. Modify classroom technology use by having students narrate a photo of their mother (or another influential female in their lives) using PowerPoint Online, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Blues Journey - Kennedy Center
7 to 12tag(s): blues (22), chicago (4), jazz (16), louisiana (6), mississippi (5)
In the Classroom
Include this site in music or U.S. history classes as you learn about the history of the 20th century. Have students write a fictitious blog from the viewpoint of one of the music composers: what were they thinking? What was their life like? In music class, have students compose their own "Blues." Video and share the songs using TeacherTube (explained here). Gifted students, especially those interested in music, could use this site as a springboard for their compositions.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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No Time for Flashcards Blog - Allie
K to 1In the Classroom
If you are a pre-school or Kindergarten teacher, you'll want to pass this along to your parents through a direct link on your blog or homepage. Special ed teachers who work with developmental delays will also love this resource. Be sure to take advantage of the free resources: book reviews, alphabet activities, crafts, and more. Share the seasonal songs with your class on an interactive whiteboard or projector (turn up the speakers!).Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Pete's Powerpoint Station - mrdonn and phillip martin
K to 12tag(s): 20th century (62), adhd (28), back to school (55), electricity (62), flight (34), inventors and inventions (80), literature (220), parts of speech (38), polar (11), politics (117), speech (68), states (124), war of 1812 (15), world war 1 (77), world war 2 (160)
In the Classroom
Use these PowerPoints to provide background information for projects or further inquiry in class. For example, use a PowerPoint on cells to give background information. Create questions for students to answer while viewing the PowerPoint or add your own "lecture" notes while showing to a class. Remember that PowerPoint does not HAVE to be shown on a screen. Students can watch them as tutorials at a center or computer cluster. Learning support teachers will appreciate having an alternate way to present basic concepts to visual learners. Assign students a particular cell part to research more information about the part. Explore professional topics on your own or together with colleagues during inservice time.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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TeachersFirst: Lesson Ideas for Lincoln - TeachersFirst
1 to 12tag(s): civil war (138), debate (42), lincoln (66), presidents (135)
In the Classroom
No matter what subject you teach, you can find something to fit in your plans for Presidents Day or the Lincoln Bicentennial. Use these ideas and adapt at will. You can even email an idea to your teacher colleague to save a friend time!Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Fingerplays for Young Children - Songs for Teaching
K to 3In the Classroom
Share this link on your teacher web page and/or in a parent newsletter so that parents can use it at home too! Don't forget to turn up your speakers if you are using the music in class. If your class responds very well to using songs, you might try writing lyrics together about something you are studying -- using one of these familiar tunes.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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New Year Traditions - Australian Media Pty. Ltd.
4 to 6In the Classroom
Look for one of the New Year's songs on one of the free music sites reviewed here on TeachersFirst. Play one of the New Year's songs in the background while your students use this site for research about specific countries.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Interactive-Learning.com.au - K.O'Regan
6 to 12tag(s): australia (28), civil rights (201), grammar (137), listening (93), medieval (33), poetry (192), renaissance (38), spelling (98)
In the Classroom
The world is open on this site. Choose any activity your students are interested in and this site can help you mold it into what you want for your curriculum. Students interested in fantasy? Have them investigate and write from the "Fantasy-Myths and Legends" prompt. Trouble with grammar? Have them print off the worksheets from "Gorgeous Grammar" and play online, interactive, Grammar Gorillas. This site's use is only limited by your imagination! From virtual site studies to student web projects-- it's all here!Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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