Ideas and resources for parent conferences

These reviewed resources offer information so share with parents at conferences or suggested activities to share at conference time. Read "In the Classroom" ideas to display and other creative approaches for parent conferences. Parents will appreciate your sharing of educator-reviewed resources at conferences and on your TeachersFirst public page so you can work as a team in support of their child's learning.
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Super Power Speech - Caroline Bowen
1 to 5This site includes advertising.
tag(s): professional development (404), social skills (23), speech (68), vocabulary development (92)
In the Classroom
Whether you are a speech pathologist, social skills/autistic support teacher, or a classroom teacher, find extra resources here to help children with speech and language needs. Also read the discussions to help build social skills or even to improve literacy. Read through past blog entries. Brush up on the latest to be sure you are current! You may also find some specific ideas to share with these students' parents at conferences so you can work together in supporting their child. Primary grade regular ed teachers will find vocabulary development activities appropriate for any student, not just those who are identified.You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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Konstella - Elena Krasnoperova
K to 12tag(s): classroom management (123), communication (139), homework (30), microblogging (15), Teacher Utilities (174)
In the Classroom
Set up accounts for all of your classes. Send homework, project, and supply reminders. Send changes to plans due to a snow day or other emergency. Remind students of upcoming events, practices, or things they need to bring to school. Don't forget to include any extracurricular activities. Use this tool to communicate with parents. Provide parents with the necessary information on your class web page. Remind parents of big tests, report cards, field trips, deadlines, back to school night, school spirit days, conferences, and more. Learning support teachers can promote organizational skills by having students and their parents sign up to receive reminders about tests and homework. Add messages with tips for parents to help their elementary child study. Need supply donations? Send out a request using Konstella. Set up a faculty reminder group within your school for emergency closures or department meetings and activities. Make a PTO/PTA School account to share resources for school-wide projects, events, or fundraisers.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Remind - Remind 101
K to 12tag(s): chat (41), communication (139), DAT device agnostic tool (146), microblogging (15), Teacher Utilities (174)
In the Classroom
Set up accounts for all your classes, and even your extracurricular activities, to send homework, project, and supply reminders. Remind students of upcoming events, practices, or things they need to bring to class or practice. You could also use this to communicate with parents (allow them to sign up for text message updates at back to school night). Share this site the first week of school to save time throughout the entire year. Remind parents of big tests, report cards, field trips, deadlines, back to school night, sneaker days, conferences, and more. Set up a faculty reminder group within your school for emergency closures and more.Comments
Love this site! I'm using it to send reminders to students about overdue library books and/or fines!Terri, VA, Grades: 9 - 12
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I Coach Math - HighPoints Learning
3 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): assessment (152), decimals (84), equations (118), exponents (35), fractions (158), functions (51), geometric shapes (135), homework (30), measurement (123), polynomials (20), probability (98), ratios (46), statistics (121)
In the Classroom
Share this link on your class website or class newsletter for students (and parents) to practice at home. Create a link on classroom computers for a math center activity. Although the free assessment test may take up to 60 minutes to complete, it may be worthwhile to have students complete this to include with parent teacher conferences.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Dispelliing Common Myths in Gifted Education - National Association for Gifted Children
K to 12tag(s): gifted (66)
In the Classroom
Share information from this site during professional development sessions in your school as a resource for properly serving your gifted population. Use information from this site when holding parent conferences as a resource for research on gifted education.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted - SENG
1 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): emotions (48), gifted (66), social and emotional learning (98)
In the Classroom
Have questions about a gifted child or a child you suspect to be gifted? Teach a gifted and talented group? Answer many of your own questions and also parent questions with an amazing amount of information available. Sponsor a parent night for Gifted Students and offer and feature many of the resources highlighted. Be sure you have a strong base of your own knowledge of the needs of gifted and talented students. Keep up to date with latest research and information.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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WhenIsGood - Keith Harris
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): calendars (37), parent conferences (21)
In the Classroom
Create a calendar for scheduling parent-teacher conferences to send to parents. Scheduling a special presentation and inviting parents? Use this tool to find out what date and time of day will work best. Use WhenIsGood to set up grade level or department meetings. Share with your school's Parent Teacher Organization as a tool for scheduling meetings, fundraisers, or book fairs.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Eventbrite - Kevin and Julia Hartz
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): calendars (37), Teacher Utilities (174)
In the Classroom
Use Eventbrite to increase excitement for any classroom event. Be creative and have students attend an "event" to review for exams (with bar coded tickets they can earn by sharing a student-made review activity). Offer tickets to in class enrichment "events" for those who test out of a unit. Have student groups design "events" instead of giving class presentations. The "event" could be a quiz show or game session that teaches a curriculum topic, such as "World War Wonders." Have your class work together to plan a culminating "event" such as a tea for famous Americans, and issue invitations and tickets to students who play the parts of the people they researched. Invite parents to Open Houses and Conferences. (Perhaps provide a small door prize for those using the Eventbrite app as their admission ticket!) Use Eventbrite to manage events with limited seating or a limited number of participants. If you provide professional development sessions, this is an excellent way to spread the word and manage participation. If you are an advisor for a school club, this tool would make club-sponsored events easier to organize.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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MightyText -
9 to 12tag(s): chat (41), classroom management (123), communication (139)
In the Classroom
Manage texts to students and teachers from your computer or tablet using MightyText. View texts easily on your computer. Send texts to parents reminding them of upcoming conferences. Remind students of project deadlines or tests. Have a snow day? Send students the work so they have less homework the following day. If a student is absent, text the assignments to their device.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Calendly -
K to 12tag(s): calendars (37), organizational skills (89)
In the Classroom
Use Calendly to schedule parent or student conferences that meet mutual scheduling needs. Create events for professional development sessions. Have participants choose a time for attending or presenting at sessions. Share with your school's Parent Teacher Organization as an excellent scheduling tool for any event. Link this up with your Google Calendar and save time, emails, phone calls, and more!Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Talky -
7 to 12tag(s): chat (41), communication (139), microblogging (15)
In the Classroom
Use Talky to host tutoring for small groups of students from any computer! Share with students as a resource for collaborating on group projects from home. Use Talky to set up an online interview with authors located across the country, veterans who can discuss their personal experiences with war, or experts to discuss careers in their field. Also use this site to meet up with absent students as needed. If a parent can't make a conference, meet online using Talky to share student work, progress, and more.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Online Voice Recorder - 123apps
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): blended learning (36), communication (139), fluency (26), preK (266), speech (68), spelling (98)
In the Classroom
Have students practice spelling words orally, record speeches, practice reading fluency, and much more using Online Voice Recorder. After recording, allow students to listen to the playback and reflect upon the quality of their work. Do before and after recordings of students to share with parents during conferences to demonstrate reading progress. Have students record weekly summaries for what has happened in your class to share on your class website or blog (you will have to upload the files). Record weekly or daily homework assignments and share as a voice recording on your website. Save file space by replacing old files with new ones. Online Voice Recorder would be an excellent resource for recording and sharing more complicated directions for projects and assignments (adding you voice intonation and cues!). Your weaker readers and ENL/ESL students may do better with a combination of written AND auditory directions. Provide the link on your class website for students to use at home for additional practice in spelling, reading, practicing reports, and more. Share this site with parents at Back to School Night. Have students write and record audio book reviews others can play on iPads in the school library. If you have gifted students in your classroom, this tool is simple enough for even the youngest to be able to record audio mini-dramas portraying a historic figure, poetry readings, and more. Be sure to show them how to NAME and download the files to the local computer! Anything they can say out loud can become a creative project recording. Don't forget about recording musical performances or practices.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Multiple Intelligences Posters - Marek Bennett
3 to 12tag(s): back to school (62), comics and cartoons (55), multiple intelligences (7)
In the Classroom
Print and share posters to get your colleagues and students thinking about their own multiple intelligences. Be sure to maintain the attribution and copyright information on the posters. Explore with students learning about their own strengths in learning. Hang the posters in your classroom. Share information during parent conferences and professional development. Share posters on your board during back to school information sessions to help parents understand different types of intelligences. Encourage students to create comics of themselves using their most comfortable "intelligence" and use it as a locker decoration or on a class bulletin board during the first part of the school year. Use one of TeachersFirst's many comic/cartoon tools reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Learning Disabilities - Great Schools
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): adhd (28), autism (15), dyslexia (11), learning disability (22), preK (266), professional development (404), Special Needs (56)
In the Classroom
Bookmark and save this site as a resource for understanding and finding resources for learning disabilities. Share articles and information with parents during conferences. Use this site as a resource during professional development sessions.Comments
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ScreenLeap Free Screen Sharing - ScreenLeap, Inc
4 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): editing (92), homework (30), parent conferences (21)
In the Classroom
Screen share with students in a computer lab to demonstrate how to locate information on websites, or when learning tech tools. This is a great alternative if an interactive whiteboard or projector is not available. Use this tool to collaborate with other teachers when creating lesson plans or student documents. Have students with laptops share their screen with you during presentations to make information easier to view. Share this site with students to use at home when collaborating on projects. Help a homebound student by sharing your class computer screen and opening an audio connection over the phone. Offer "extra help" sessions via screen share at predetermined "office hours" or during a snow day or on certain evenings. Have students teach tech skills to their peers using this free sharing app. Share a student's work using a screenshare during a parent phone conference. Show a parent how to navigate a practice site you want the family to use at home.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Responsible Use Guidelines of School E-mails for Elementary Students - Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano
2 to 8tag(s): digital citizenship (89), writing (324)
In the Classroom
A great visual to share with your students to develop quality communication skills. Discuss rules, rights, privileges, and responsibilities of a digital citizen. Create your own guide using a tool such as Web Poster Wizard, reviewed here, or PicLits, reviewed here, with your students for their use of their own school email address. Print your guide, have the class sign it, and post it in the classroom as a visual reminder to their commitment to digital citizenship. Share the printables or the links to the students' guides with parents at open house or conferences. Have students create online posters individually or together as a class.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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3 Important Graphics to Help Parents Teach Their Kids -
K to 6This site includes advertising.
tag(s): back to school (62), literacy (118), parent conferences (21), spelling (98)
In the Classroom
Post during conferences. Post in the parent pick-up area of your school lobby. Provide a link from your class web page or print and send home. Share posters with your PTO/PTA for use in planning parent education activities. These posters are an excellent back to school resource. Be sure to share with parents, teachers, and volunteers for ideas when helping students.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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We Read -
K to 3tag(s): literacy (118), parents (60), preK (266), reading comprehension (150)
In the Classroom
Share information from this site with classroom volunteers and parents or use information to add to literature you distribute at Meet the Teacher/Back to School night or conferences. The Planning Reading Sessions information may be especially useful to share with parents as a framework for reading at home. Include a link to this site on your class website or blog as a resource for parents to use when reading at home with their child.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Get Ready to Read - National Center for Learning Disabilities
K to 2tag(s): alphabet (52), assessment (152), literacy (118), phonics (49), preK (266), reading strategies (103), rhymes (21), sounds (42)
In the Classroom
Use the Get Ready to Read Program to screen your students' reading skills. Use this assessment to guide your reading program and help individualize instruction based on your students needs. Print out and use the 36 offline activity cards with your students as reading centers, for individual learning, or for whole class instruction. Set up your classroom computers with the Get Ready to Read online activities. Share literacy checklists and suggestions with parents during conferences, kindergarten screening, or on your classroom website.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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CurriConnects Book List: Books for Tough Situations - TeachersFirst
K to 12tag(s): difficult conversations (60), disabilities (30), divorce (6), eating disorders (6), emotions (48), social and emotional learning (98), social skills (23)
In the Classroom
Build student literacy skills and help students facing personal challenges. Reading about personally meaningful topics will help students work through them. It will also build the important reading strategy of connecting what they read to what they already know. Keep this list handy in your Favorites to suggest options when a student seems to need them. Since the list includes topics for all levels of maturity, you might want to share portions of it rather than the entire list. You may also want to tell parents about it during parent conferences or when situations arise. As always, allow students to self- select independent reading books from a list of options. Don't forget to share the list with the school and local libraries so they can bring in some of the books on interlibrary loan, if needed. Your school counselor will also appreciate this list. CurriConnects are a great help for teachers and parents who have lost school library/media specialists due to budget cuts.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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