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Cyberbullying Research Center - Cyberbullying Research Center

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This site provides parents and educators with handouts, publications, and videos that can be used to educate students, parents and teachers about cyberbullying. This website is updated...more
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This site provides parents and educators with handouts, publications, and videos that can be used to educate students, parents and teachers about cyberbullying. This website is updated frequently, so check back often as you teach your students about the dangers of cyberbullying.

tag(s): bullying (48), cyberbullying (40), internet safety (113), safety (68)

In the Classroom

This site is a one stop shop for information on cyberbullying. Use the resources from this site to put together a parent information night on cyberbullying. Teachers, librarians and counselors can use the videos and present them at a staff meeting. Purchase copies of the book "Bullying Beyond the Schoolyard" and run a book club. Post the links to the resources for students on your website for students to access from home or during library time. Include this resource as part of a schoolwide anti-cyberbullying campaign, challenging students to make their own anti-cyberbullying posters, videos, or songs.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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No Name-Calling Week - GLSEN and Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing

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Are you looking for some "fresh" ideas to put an end to bullying in your classroom but are not sure where or how to start? Well, you are in the ...more
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Are you looking for some "fresh" ideas to put an end to bullying in your classroom but are not sure where or how to start? Well, you are in the right place. This web site brings attention to No Name-Calling Week: an annual week of realistic educational activities designed to end all types of name-calling. No Name-Calling Week was inspired by the young adult novel, The Misfits, and presents an opportunity to address bullying as an increasingly, ongoing issue. Whether you are a teacher, student, administrator, counselor, or parent, there is an abundance of useful ideas, activities, and materials for elementary, middle, and high schools to promote anti-bullying awareness, and they are all free!

tag(s): bullying (48), character education (78), sports (81), tolerance (8)

In the Classroom

Use the resources from this web site to plan and implement lessons that students will relate to, and help to bring an end to harmful name-calling and "dissing." Select some of the many safe Web 2.0 tools reviewed by TeachersFirst Edge, such as DesignCap Poster Creator, reviewed here, for extending learning and designing digital posters that can be printed, or SlideShare, reviewed here, for creating a digital slideshow that includes music, captions, and more. Alternatively, create comic strips: First have students create a rough draft of their comic using Printable Comic Strip Templates, reviewed here. then use the online comic creator Make Beliefs Comix, reviewed here, to drive home the message that bullying is never a laughing matter.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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What's Your Learning Style? - Edutopia

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Here you will find a quick and interesting learning styles quiz for your students to take. You don't need to sign in. No email address or registration is required. Once ...more
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Here you will find a quick and interesting learning styles quiz for your students to take. You don't need to sign in. No email address or registration is required. Once you've found your dominate style there is a description, and, best of all, tips for the best way for you to learn. Some of the learning styles also include possible career choices.

tag(s): learning styles (18), multiple intelligences (7)

In the Classroom

Have your students open a word document and save it. Then have them take the quiz, without signing up. Use the "Print Screen" feature on the computer to have the students copy their test. They can then paste it in their word document. Next have them look to see what is their most dominate style, and have them copy and paste the description for that style first, then their next dominate and so on. Not only can your students use this when trying to figure out final projects for assessments, but if they are having trouble with tests, they can look and see what might help them when it comes to study time. You can also use the results to group students or for them to select a "study buddy" before tests! Many of the styles include possible careers for students to pursue.

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Careers Advice, Choices & Ideas -

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2 Favorites 1  Comments is a career exploration website, built with the look and feel of a social networking site. The interface is modern and will appeal to students who appreciate a multi-media...more
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 Close Link is a career exploration website, built with the look and feel of a social networking site. The interface is modern and will appeal to students who appreciate a multi-media approach to learning things. There is a database of videos about various careers, a career survey (which requires registration and login to get the results), and a whole collection of stories about career exploration. You can also access podcasts about careers here, and post comments and read others' posts.

While the site may be useful as one of several career exploration sites out there, be aware that there are social networking aspects which involve user-generated posts and content; preview carefully before deciding whether to bookmark this site or recommend it to students.

tag(s): careers (141)

In the Classroom

Students who have questions about specific careers will find information here that could help them sort out their choices. Consider providing this link on your class website for students to explore. Guidance counselors should definitely save this site in their favorites to share with students unsure of what they could do with their futures.


I like how the videos are created. I was looking for videos made in the US but this is a good resource nonetheless. Marietta, , Grades: 6 - 8

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Stop Cyberbullying - WiredKids Inc

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This site provides information for kids, parents, and educators on the topic of cyberbullying. Learn what cyberbullying is, prevention, what's the law, and more. Each section is broken...more
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This site provides information for kids, parents, and educators on the topic of cyberbullying. Learn what cyberbullying is, prevention, what's the law, and more. Each section is broken down by age groups (ages 7-10, 11-13, or 14-17). Each age level includes the following areas: Are you a cyberbully?, Take 5!, Ms. Parry's guide to correct online etiquette (Netiquette), and "Because I can."

tag(s): bullying (48), cyberbullying (40), internet safety (113), safety (68)

In the Classroom

This site will be a good addition to any internet safety program. Put this link on your class webpage as a resource for parents. The site is quite text heavy so use this site to help you put together a cyberbullying presentation. Administer the "Are you a cyberbully?" quiz and have students discuss the results in small groups. Use the information found in Ms. Parry's guide to correct online etiquette and have students work in groups to create skits. Teachers could use the materials section to create handouts and lessons.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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CurriConnects - TeachersFirst

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Use CurriConnects to find books related to curriculum topics or subject areas. Build student literacy skills, reinforce the place of curriculum concepts in other contexts, and help...more
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Use CurriConnects to find books related to curriculum topics or subject areas. Build student literacy skills, reinforce the place of curriculum concepts in other contexts, and help students build the important reading strategy of connecting what they read to prior knowledge. Share CurriConnects as links on your class web page or wiki or share them with school and local libraries where students can select books to accompany what they are studying. Topics include Earth Science, Explorers, Frontiers and Settlers, Geographic Wonders (landforms), Inventors and Inventions, Maps, Math in Use, Medicine and Health, The Artists's Eye (books with outstanding illustrations and books about artists), What Do You Do? (careers). More are being added on an ongoing basis. Grade ranges vary.

tag(s): book lists (166), independent reading (83), reading lists (77)

In the Classroom

Share CurriConnects as links on your class web page or wiki or share them with school and local libraries where students can select books to accompany what they are studying. Explore the many ideas TeachersFirst offers for using CurriConnects in your classroom. Be sure to share these lists with ENL/ELL teachers for reading selections to build student vocabulary and understanding of curriculum.

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Take Our Sons and Daughters to Work Day Resources - TeachersFirst

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This collection of reviewed resources from TeachersFirst is selected to help students explore careers and ways to share what they learn from visiting their parent's work place on Take...more
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This collection of reviewed resources from TeachersFirst is selected to help students explore careers and ways to share what they learn from visiting their parent's work place on Take Your Child to Work Day or any other career visit. Make Take Your Child to Work Day an opportunity to connect the classroom with the real world and for students to share and collaborate about careers visits and educational trips. Make Take You Child to Work Day a meaningful day ON instead of a "day off." Use these ideas to spark discussions about careers and planning for life.

tag(s): careers (141)

In the Classroom

Share this link on your class web page or wiki as students request leave for TYCTWD. Use the ideas ad resources to assign career-related projects for them to share when they return to class. At other times of the year, use these resources for career day explorations or individual projects as part of a guidance class.

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Red Ribbon Week Resources - TeachersFirst

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This collection of reviewed resources from TeachersFirst is selected to help students learn about drugs and alcohol for Red Ribbon week/month or at any time during the year. Use these...more
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This collection of reviewed resources from TeachersFirst is selected to help students learn about drugs and alcohol for Red Ribbon week/month or at any time during the year. Use these resources to plan events for Red Ribbon week or projects and classroom activities for drug and alcohol prevention. No matter what time of year, you can find information and activities to maintain the anti-drug message in your classroom and school.

tag(s): red ribbon week (9)

In the Classroom

Share these resources among all the teachers in your school as you prepare for Red Ribbon Week. Make this link available on your class web page for projects and more during any drug/alcohol unit.

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Ask Philosophers - Ask Philosophers

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Sometimes, right in the middle of an ordinary lesson, a student asks a question that is so profound, so abstract, that it brings the entire class to a screeching halt. ...more
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Sometimes, right in the middle of an ordinary lesson, a student asks a question that is so profound, so abstract, that it brings the entire class to a screeching halt. It's so tempting to say to the student, "We don't have time for that right now..." This site is about those big questions, and it's really very simple. Ordinary people send questions to a panel of philosophers, and the philosophers answer the questions. There are over 3000 questions answered on the site, all indexed by topic or keyword, and be aware that one of the topics is "sex." It's not pornographic, but the questions are direct.

In the Classroom

If you're looking for meaty writing prompts, this site is full of interesting and open-ended questions. The questions might also serve as a good data base for a class learning debate. It may also be helpful for students to see that philosophers use formal rules of thinking in answering their questions; they don't just say what they "feel" is right. Understanding that moral and ethical decision making is based on a set of predetermined principles is a concept that many students struggle with. This site would be useful for teaching ethical decision making with students whose thinking has progressed to the point where they are able to think more abstractly and philosophically: a gifted class perhaps? Have a class wiki dedicated to philosophy and profound questions. Not comfortable with wikis? Have no wiki worries - check out the TeachersFirst's Wiki Walk-Through.

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College Personality Quiz - US News and World Report

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One of the most difficult things about the college search process is knowing where to start. Many students find that first step so overwhelming, they delay beginning the search and...more
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One of the most difficult things about the college search process is knowing where to start. Many students find that first step so overwhelming, they delay beginning the search and may miss valuable opportunities. The College Personality Quiz is one way to help students get un-stuck. The Quiz takes a good 20--30 minutes to complete thoughtfully, and requires Java and that cookies be enabled in order to get the results. However, the questions that the student must consider will spark more concrete thinking about college choice, regardless of the specific results the Quiz returns.

tag(s): college (44)

In the Classroom

Include this site in your favorites for college bound students and allow students who have finished work ahead of their classmates to use their extra time by completing the quiz. Consider having students complete the quiz at home and journal (or blog) about the results they discover. Advise parents of this site and encourage them to review student results with their student. Of course, once the student has results, US News and World Report's website provides a wealth of data about specific colleges as well as their annual rankings of colleges by category.

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National Family Partnership - National Family Partnership

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Download a free planning guide and additional resource materials for Red Ribbon week. The National Family Partnership was the sponsor of the first Red Ribbon week back in 1988. They...more
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Download a free planning guide and additional resource materials for Red Ribbon week. The National Family Partnership was the sponsor of the first Red Ribbon week back in 1988. They work to educate youth about dangers of underage drinking and drug abuse. Articles on this site include tips on how to prevent substance abuse and inspire adults to participate in drug prevention activities.

tag(s): red ribbon week (9)

In the Classroom

Schools participating in Red Ribbon week may want to post a link to this site on the school website to explain the history and purpose of this campaign. This site focuses primarily on parent support. This is a helpful resource to stay up to date with drug abuse trends and advice to offer families dealing with these issues.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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SciGirls - Twin Cities Public Television, Inc.

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Are you looking for a way to motivate girls to pursue science? SciGirls is the spot on the web for you! SciGirls, created by PBS, has all of the archived ...more
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Are you looking for a way to motivate girls to pursue science? SciGirls is the spot on the web for you! SciGirls, created by PBS, has all of the archived episodes of this show online. More than this, some projects can be done and a place to add your very own project. The format for the projects is similar to a simplified lab report. The audio directions and onscreen instructions offer easy access to all areas of the site.

tag(s): careers (141), coding (85), women (146)

In the Classroom

Add this site to your class wiki or website. Assign students to view a specific episode and start an online class discussion. Not comfortable with wikis? Have no wiki worries - check out the TeachersFirst's Wiki Walk-Through. Encourage students, especially girls to try experiments. Perhaps, have students design their own projects and post their instructions as part of a laboratory activity in class.

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Careers in the Air Force - USAF

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Information provided from the United States Air Force about career opportunities - for officers or enlisted. ...more
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Information provided from the United States Air Force about career opportunities - for officers or enlisted.

tag(s): careers (141), college (44)

In the Classroom

Use this site for student explorations about different careers. Have students create online career posters or comparisons using a tool such as, reviewed here, or Canva, reviewed here.

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College Confidential - Hobsons Inc

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College Confidential is one of the many websites designed to help students evaluate and choose a college. As with other such sites, there is a "Find a College" section, advice ...more
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College Confidential is one of the many websites designed to help students evaluate and choose a college. As with other such sites, there is a "Find a College" section, advice on preparing a successful application to the colleges of your choice, financial aid information, and a discussion community with forums where students voice opinions about the colleges and the application process. Students can view videos and photos of the colleges. Using much of College Confidential requires registration, but there is no fee. Registration does require an email address. You may want to create your own Gmail account with up to 20 subaccounts for each group of students (by code name or number) within your classes. If you plan to have students register individually, you may want to create your own Gmail account with up to 20 subaccounts for each group of students (by code name or number) within your classes. Here is a blog post that tells how to set up GMail subaccounts to use for any online membership service.

tag(s): college (44), financial aid (12)

In the Classroom

College counselors can provide links to College Confidential as one of the resources for students to use in searching for a college. Although a double edged sword, the on line forums for students to share opinions can provide important first hand information from an unbiased perspective, and the reality is that more students are turning to social networking to gain information about post-secondary education. There are virtual chats and open houses happening regularly from the site, and students may feel these "conversations" offer more honest and useful data than relying on the traditional college controlled marketing material.

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Engineer Girl - National Science Foundation and Berkeley

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The title says it all: This is a guide to engineering for girls. Find answers to such questions as: "Why Should I Become An Engineer?" see descriptions of engineering careers, ...more
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The title says it all: This is a guide to engineering for girls. Find answers to such questions as: "Why Should I Become An Engineer?" see descriptions of engineering careers, meet inspiring women engineers, and Learn How to Become an Engineer. Under Try This find several Design Challenges such as Designing an Eyecase, a Sorting Machine, Build a Bridge and a few others.

tag(s): careers (141), engineering (127), STEM (288)

In the Classroom

Find and write about career opportunities as an exploration topic. Discover how many careers use engineering, math, and science and it is not just for boys anymore! Search for other possible engineering related careers and create interactive posters using Adobe Express for Education, reviewed here that informs others of the possibilities, or create using Sway, reviewed here to create interactive presentations across all devices. Have cooperative learning groups create multimedia presentations to share their findings such as an infomercial video using a tool such as Powtoon, reviewed here, or Clipchamp, reviewed here. Share the videos on a site such as TeacherTube, reviewed here. This resource is also terrific for girls spending the Take Your Child to Work Day at a STEM-related workplace. Have the young woman use her workplace visit experience and information from this site to share an interactive newsletter about a STEM career using a tool such as Sway, reviewed here.

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Fire Prevention and Safety Resources - TeachersFirst

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Whether you teach about fire safety during National Fire Prevention Week each fall or as part of a general unit on safety, this collection of reviewed resources from TeachersFirst is...more
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Whether you teach about fire safety during National Fire Prevention Week each fall or as part of a general unit on safety, this collection of reviewed resources from TeachersFirst is selected to help teachers and students understand the basics of fire safety and planning for emergencies.

tag(s): fire (22), fire prevention (16), fire safety (16), safety (68)

In the Classroom

Use the resources on this site to help prepare and teach peers and students about Fire Safety. Share the link on your teacher web page to allow students to access the resources both in and out of the classroom!

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Bullying and Cyber-Bulling Prevention Resources - TeachersFirst

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This collection of reviewed resources from TeachersFirst is selected to help teachers, parents, and students manage the tough issues of bullying and cyberbullying. Whether you plan...more
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This collection of reviewed resources from TeachersFirst is selected to help teachers, parents, and students manage the tough issues of bullying and cyberbullying. Whether you plan a special unit or lesson on this topic for Bullying Prevention Week or select from these resources on an as-needed basis, you will find useful ideas and strategies for students and adults to work together to erase bullying from your class and school culture. Be sure to share these resources with parents and your parent organization via your class or school web page.

tag(s): bullying (48)

In the Classroom

Use the resources in this collection if ever in need of help concerning bullying online or in the classroom. Be sure to pass this one along to parents, counselors or peers if bullying is ever a concern or issue.

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Magazine Cover Maker - Big Huge Labs

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Create authentic-looking magazine covers sure to attract double-takes. Simply upload a photo to create your cover. If you do not need to SAVE the photo for online access later, you...more
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Create authentic-looking magazine covers sure to attract double-takes. Simply upload a photo to create your cover. If you do not need to SAVE the photo for online access later, you do not even need to join the site. Covers you create can be downloaded as completed images or sent via email and other sharing tools (Facebook, etc). Photos can be uploaded from your files, Flickr, your website, or other photosharing sites. Fill in your desired text for the titles and sub-titles and choose colors for them. It's that simple. Click 'Create' at the bottom and you have a magazine cover that will leave others in awe. For more creative ideas using Big Huge Labs, go to the top of the page and click on Big Huge Labs Blog or Forum. Big Huge Labs offers MANY similar tools, such as Mapmaker, reviewed here. Of course, this site offers advanced options for a fee or with free registration, but neither is necessary.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): bulletin boards (15), collages (17), firstday (22), flickr (2), images (260), posters (43)

In the Classroom

Enhance classroom technology use by using this tool with your students. They will need to know how to locate your photos on your computer or photo sharing site. Click the little white boxes to change text colors, etc. as you enter desired text. SAVE your completed cover when done. Be sure to give it a meaningful name if you are creating several covers on the same computer!

Check out the Big Huge Labs educator account. Easily pre-register students to avoid creating logins, view and download their creations, and view the site advertisement free. You will find information about the Educator Account here. If you and your students simply use the tool without joining the site, there are no problems with email, profiles, etc. You do need to demonstrate the tool and specifically explain which links students should NOT use, including ads and links to social networking sites that are prohibited in your school. These may be blocked, anyway. Make sure you watch and teach copyright issues in snatching photos from the web.

Have students create magazine covers of themselves as a getting to know you activity and classroom bulletin board. Print and laminate magazine covers to make them appear even more authentic. Or share the images (WITHOUT student names) on your class wiki or web page. When doing reports for any subject, have students create magazine covers that mimic the real thing instead of boring plain covers. Make covers about famous Americans, scientists, or historic figures. Make covers about objects, as well. Assign students to research a vegetable and create a cover about its nutrients, recipes, and more as part of your nutrition unit! Guidance teachers or principals can feature exemplary students using this tool. Bulletin board creativity will skyrocket using Big Huge Labs Magazine Cover. Why not offer a rotating PowerPoint slide show of student-made magazine covers for parents to view as they wait in the hallway for conferences?

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Do2Learn - Do2Learn

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"This web site is dedicated to those individuals who see the world in different ways." Find activities, printables, and interactive games to help students with exceptionalities; learn...more
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"This web site is dedicated to those individuals who see the world in different ways." Find activities, printables, and interactive games to help students with exceptionalities; learn about basics, master organization, and deal with interpersonal challenges on this site. Many of the resources are useful for "regular ed" as well as special ed. Although the site includes items for sale, there are many lesson plans and interactives offered for free. See the Disabilities menu for quick explanations of various disabilities: OCD, Asperger's, Autism, PDD, Learning disabilities, and more. The Games menu offers interactives to help students learn position words (in/out/left/right, etc), facial expressions, emotions, time, first-then-next sequencing, synonyms/antonyms, and more. Check out the safety songs with animated illustrations (turn up your speakers!). The Get Organized menu has some terrific offerings, including an interactive Emotions Color Wheel.

tag(s): aspergers (7), autism (15), emotions (49), empathy (33), safety (68), Special Needs (53)

In the Classroom

Although intended for students with special needs, this site would also be helpful for teaching basic English vocabulary (emotions, facial expressions, positions), for safety lessons during bus safety week, and for ENL/ESL learners. All students benefit from activities that develop empathy for others. The many printables in the free areas will also help you teach basics of any primary classroom. Speech/Language teachers, emotional support teachers, and autistic support teachers will appreciate the many ways to share emotion words, including an interactive facial expression tool and the emotions color wheel. Many activities are well-suited for interactive whiteboard with the student navigating using his/her finger or touch tool. Others would make ideal learning centers at a classroom computer with headphones. Share this site with parents, as well, via a link on your class web page, since many of the activities bear repeating over and over.

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International Kids Club - Planet Pals

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This International Kids Club site has activities, books, and crafts to help students understand each other around the world. Information links include lots of material on world clocks,...more
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This International Kids Club site has activities, books, and crafts to help students understand each other around the world. Information links include lots of material on world clocks, religions, customs, organizations, and art. Specific links include "I" Kids, "I" Share, "I" Shop, "I" Learn, "I" Craft, and "I" Play. One fun part is finding out how speakers of different languages think animals sound. What is "meow" in an Asian language, for example? Sound files give examples of the sounds of many languages, as well. Some of the links are slow to open at times, so you may want to open them before you are ready to use them in class.

tag(s): flags (17), maps (215), tolerance (8)

In the Classroom

Use parts of this site when doing units on prejudice, diversity, and discrimination. Refer students to do research in some of the books listed here on those subjects. Have students interview people from other cultures to check the information given here on aspects of their cultures. Do they agree with what is said here? Even younger students will enjoy learning about flags and peace symbols. Make the craft links available for students doing reports on different countries or preparing for an International Day. Have students copy flags or other country symbols. Ask them to create their own "country" from these models. Challenge cooperative learning groups to research a specific topic at this site and prepare a podcast to share with the class using podOmatic, reviewed here.

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