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Probability - Johnnie's Math Page
4 to 8tag(s): probability (98)
In the Classroom
This is a "ready to go" learning center. Use the interactive spinners and dice for student-created games or teacher-created review games in any subject. Or better yet, have students work independently on laptops or in the computer lab.Be sure to include this website in your next class newsletter, your class website, and blog.
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Statistics - Johnnie's Math Page
2 to 8tag(s): charts and graphs (170), mean (19), median (16), statistics (120)
In the Classroom
Use an interactive whiteboard and make the activities a class challenge. The activities at this website offer a "ready to go" learning center. Or these web activities would be perfect for individual practice on laptops or in the computer lab.Be sure to provide a link to this website in your class newsletter and on your class website.
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Geometry - Johnnie's Math Page
2 to 8In the Classroom
This website provides excellent resources to use for additional practice, re-teaching skills, enrichment activities, or even advanced activities for your gifted students. All of the math activities are perfect for an interactive whiteboard (or projector). Treat your class to these fabulous resources.Be sure to include this link on your classroom web page, blog and/or newsletter.
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Fill-It-In Outline Mathematics - Alexander Bogomolny
1 to 10In the Classroom
These activities are perfect for an interactive whiteboard (or projector). You could also provide a link to this website in your class newsletter or on your class web page. Many of the activities would provide excellent at-home practice and/or enrichment. Challenge your students to answer a question of the week for extra credit.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Universal Leonardo - University of the Arts, London
6 to 12tag(s): renaissance (38)
In the Classroom
Because Leonardo's work crosses so many curricular boundaries, teachers from many different disciplines might find this site useful as part of a lesson on a projector or interactive whiteboard, particularly when painting "the big picture" for students (no pun intended!). Art teachers, of course, can access Leonardo's work, but science teachers can use the interactive games to illustrate principles of physics or early understanding of the human body. History or literature teachers might use the site to personify the term "Renaissance Man" for students studying the time period. Whatever your discipline, be sure to make the link available from your teacher web page for curious students to explore outside of class.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Exploratorium Magazine Online: The Evolution of Languages - Exploratorium Magazine
5 to 12tag(s): greek (45), japan (57), japanese (47), latin (22), portuguese (22)
In the Classroom
What a fabulous tool to study the origins of language. Explore comparisons are made between English, Latin, Japanese, Classical Greek, Portuguese, and Sanskrit. This would be a great site to use during world languages week or as an introduction to a world cultures class. Gifted students would find it fascinating. Have students create a digital "dictionary" of particularly interesting words that have evolved in unusual ways, perhaps computer terms. They can make it in the form of anything from a word document to a wiki!Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Language Guide - Language Guide
1 to 12tag(s): grammar (137), pronunciation (34), vocabulary (238)
In the Classroom
Use this site as a pronunciation backup when you do not have a native speaker teaching foreign language. If you have access to a lab or individual laptops, assign students to practice pronunciation as they learn new vocabulary. Be sure to share the link from your teach web page in your world language class. As you study world cultures or geography, some students may want to learn simple language selections, as well. Gifted students --especially younger ones curious about languages -- will enjoy trying to learn independently. ESL students may also use this site to hear authentic pronunciation. Speech and language and special ed teachers working on vocabulary development will want to use this site with students, as well.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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How Products are Made - Advameg, Incorporated
5 to 12tag(s): inventors and inventions (80)
In the Classroom
When it is 'science report' time, direct your students to this site, loaded with hundreds of possibilities. Better yet, as you teach science principles, first share how something works that uses the same principle (on a projector or whiteboard). Then challenge students to find other REAL applications of the principle and create a class wiki glossary of concepts with example links. Model this the first few times, then assign them to work in groups. Since this site permits reader contributions at the end of entries, you may opt to find a product that needs more research and allow your students to add content information to the site (with your approval, of course). Every science teacher, gifted teacher, or tech ed teacher will want to share this site on your teacher web page.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Cool Math - Coolmath.com
K to 12tag(s): addition (129), decimals (85), logic (161), puzzles (144)
In the Classroom
Provide this link in your class newsletter or share the link on your class web page for students to use this resource for additional practice at home. Use selected activities as a center on your single classroom computer or for whole-class practice.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Activities: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - TeachersFirst
4 to 8tag(s): harry potter (9)
In the Classroom
Share this link on your teacher web page or in a parent newsletter, if you don't have time to do all the activities at school. Ask students to design their own activities to accompany other Harry Potter books.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Paper Toys - PaperToys.com
3 to 10tag(s): architecture (74), paper folding (3)
In the Classroom
The paper folding activities would work well with cooperative learning groups. For example, during a unit on architecture or structures, have each group recreate a different monument or architectural design. Then teach about the various concepts of architecture by using the groups' models. Ask gifted/talented students to analyze how the paper fold-ups work then design a model of your school. Some of the options are purely entertainment oriented. You may want to print the paper patterns yourself instead of sending students to the site.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Braingle: Brain Teasers, Puzzles, Riddles and More - Braingle
3 to 12tag(s): brain (56), puzzles (144), riddles (16), vocabulary (238)
In the Classroom
Start class with a "warm-up" brain teaser. Or include this link on your teacher web page (with a caution about parental supervision for younger ones). Site creators claim the entire site is family-friendly, safe for classroom use. Portions of the site require membership, and the membership level that displays ads is free. You may want to set up a CLASS account and use it under controlled circumstances since there are forums and chat rooms, however. Or ask your tech folks to block the portion of the site that includes "community" in the URL (http://www.braingle.com/community/) to avoid having to deal with forums, chat rooms, etc.(If you are lucky enough to have such helpful tech support, make them cookies once in awhile!)Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Andy's Los Alamos Blog - TeachersFirst
7 to 12tag(s): blogs (65)
In the Classroom
Share this resource with your science students or gifted classes on your teacher web page and encourage them to follow it throughout the summer. Andy promises to keep all of us up to date and, within time constraints, respond to meaningful comments. Have students blog about their lab experiments or experiences outside of school. Use a blogging tool like Telegra.ph, reviewed here. This blog creator requires no registration.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Protopage - Protopage
K to 12tag(s): resources (83)
In the Classroom
How would you use this in your teaching? Create a set of RSS feeds for current events or a specific curriculum topic such as weather and make them available for an in-class activity, complete with directions. World language, world cultures, or geography teachers can profile a location on the globe, complete with local weather and news. Make separate tabs for separate activities. Students can access them by password or publicly from outside of class, as well. For primary grades, make simple instructions right on the desktop for a computer center activity. Use color coding of the instructions to differentiate for different children (Sam, I want you to do the yellow one). If your school permits students to set up accounts on web services, have groups make Protopages on an assigned topic, collecting and organizing resources, images, and information: "A Protopage Guide to Cells" or "Shakespeare's Times." Gifted and highly-able students will go crazy!Skills needed: Join (free). Check out the Intro, Overview, and Quickstart to see how it works. Play to your heart's content, including making tabs. Learn about RSS feeds and other Widgets-- including sticky notes. Share the URL with those you wish to have use it. Note: this works on Internet Explorer 6 and higher and on Firefox. If your users are on older web browsers, the developers recommend upgrading. This may be a problem for some. Check with your end-user computers before you spend too much time making the perfect Protopage!
If you allow students to create their own Protopage, you will need to have very specific rules about content, since there are non-educational elements available.
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Pyramids: The Inside Story - NOVA: PBS
5 to 12tag(s): archeology (28), egypt (50), pyramids (17)
In the Classroom
Use the lesson plan to build a scale model of a pyramid in your classroom or assign your students to explore the pyramids and collect information to compare them to burial customs of other ancient civilizations. You will definitely want to make this site available as a link from your teacher web page for further exploration. Teachers of gifted could use this as a springboard for an entire Egypt unit.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Mad Sci Network - Mad Sci Network/Third Sector New England
K to 12tag(s): air (102), experiments (53), scientists (63)
In the Classroom
Navigate the human body and label parts on an interactive whiteboard, or find the appropriate experiments for all your science concepts. By searching the question archives, you can find answers to questions at all levels. Be sure to include this link on your teacher web page year-round to promote curiosity about science. Teachers of gifted will love this one as a treasury of open-ended ideas on science by scientists.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Brainteasers, Puzzles, and Riddles - NIEHS
2 to 8In the Classroom
This site is excellent for enrichment. Include it on your teacher web page for students to access both in and out of class. Give students extra credit for creating their own puzzles to share with the class, especially puzzles on topics you have been studying, such as "rock riddles" or "triangle trivia." This site is also a great safety net for substitutes looking for an educational "filler."Comments
Climate Change included here: environmental health. Great resource!Patricia, NJ, Grades: 6 - 12
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Francais Interactif (Interactive French) - Dept of French and Italian, UNiversity of Texas at Austin
6 to 12In the Classroom
Play the videos on a projector in class as you start each topic or put the link for each chapter on your teacher web page for reinforcement and review. Be sure to allow time for the videos to download. Make sure you have speakers or headphones, as well. You need the Quicktime plug-in. Get it from the TeachersFirst Toolbox page.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Google Maps - Google
1 to 12tag(s): DAT device agnostic tool (146), directions (11), maps (215)
In the Classroom
If you teach geography, this one's a must. It is also helpful for showing students WHERE a story or news event takes place. In lower grades, use it to show students basics of their community. Teach map skills by showing students their own community. Zoom in on their street or on the school. This site and its more sophisticated cousin, Google Earth, are great on an interactive whiteboard. Set up a class Google account (or use student accounts if permitted). Have students create their own custom route plans to tour historic sites. Challenge math students to plan the most economical route to visit several vacation destinations, including gas mileage and gas prices. Have students create placemarker files of the important places in the life of a famous person or the route traveled by a particular unit during the Civil War. Have student groups create placemarker files to show environmental sites, habitats, landforms, or anything you can place on a map. Embed projects in a class wiki using the handy embed code offered as a sharing option. Not comfortable with wikis? Check out TeachersFirst Wiki Walk-Through.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Activities: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - TeachersFirst
4 to 8tag(s): harry potter (9)
In the Classroom
Share the link on your teacher web page or in a parent newsletter, if you don't have time to do all the activities at school. Challenge students to design similar activities to accompany other Harry Potter (or other favorite) books.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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