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return to subject listingTwitter Chat: How to Increase Student Engagement Using Technology - TeachersFirst
K to 12tag(s): communication (139), Formative Assessment (75), Online Learning (42), teaching strategies (42), twitterchatarchive (175)
In the Classroom
Find resources and information about online learning and how to integrate it into your lessons. Share this chat with your colleagues looking for resources related to online learning.Twitter Chat: Online Learning: Turning it into Student Success - TeachersFirst
K to 12tag(s): Online Learning (42), resources (87), twitterchatarchive (175)
In the Classroom
Find resources and information about online learning and how to integrate it into your lessons. Share this chat with your colleagues looking for resources related to online learning.Mix - StumbleUpon
6 to 12tag(s): bookmarks (44), evaluating sources (28), social networking (64)
In the Classroom
Use Mix for your personal research and professional development. Visit Mix occasionally to find new ideas and new sites for teaching. Create and share collections of websites to share with students for use with research projects. For example, as you prepare to teach a science unit on plants, create a collection containing news articles, explainer sites, and online games for students to use as a virtual resource for supplementing classroom lessons. Include documents, slide presentations, and more from your Google Drive for student access from any device. Another use of Mix is to create collections when teaching students how to evaluate online resources. Create a collection from a variety of different resources based on the same topic and ask students to reflect upon the validity of the information and the source. Ask them to use a presentation tool like Sway, reviewed here, to share their findings by including links to the information along with supporting evidence. Another idea for using Mix is for students to create collections to share as part of multimedia projects as a virtual bibliography. In addition to websites shared, ask them to add their written work, images, or other creations. Mix is an excellent tool for creating an online portfolio for students to use when applying to college. Show students how to easily create new collections using their work, but personalized to individual college applications.Twitter Chat: Keep Calm and Get Ready for a Successful School Year! - TeachersFirst
K to 12tag(s): back to school (62), professional development (402), twitterchatarchive (175)
In the Classroom
Find resources, tips, and tools to get organized for the new school year! Share this archived list with colleagues just starting out or looking for new strategies, tips, and tools to try.X (formerly Twitter) Chat: Ways for Educators to Stay - TeachersFirst
K to 12tag(s): PLN (5), professional development (402), twitter (18), twitterchatarchive (175)
In the Classroom
Find resources to stay engaged this summer! Share this archived list with a colleague looking for some ed tech inspiration!Twitter Chat: What's the Buzz: Augmented Reality - TeachersFirst
K to 12tag(s): augmented reality (8), twitterchatarchive (175)
In the Classroom
Find resources and information about augmented reality and how to integrate it into your lessons. Share this chat with your colleagues looking for resources related to augmented reality.Twitter Chat: Differentiating Instruction in a 1:1 Environment - TeachersFirst
K to 12tag(s): computers (110), differentiation (91), twitterchatarchive (175)
In the Classroom
Find resources and explore ways to use ed tech tools in a 1:1 technology classroom. Share this chat with your colleagues looking for sites and resources related to using technology in the classroom.Future Ready Schools Planning Dashboard - Future Ready Schools
K to 12tag(s): collaboration (94), data (150), Teacher Utilities (169)
In the Classroom
Take advantage of this free online tool to guide your district toward planning and implementing your technology plan. Share with administrators as an option for use with your technology committee. As you gather and share information with your community and staff to use in your guide, consider using a collaboration tool like Padlet, reviewed here. Use Padlet to share technology options with the community and gather comments. Create another Padlet to gather comments and ideas from staff. When considering more complex ideas during your planning, use Gravity, reviewed here, to create and share video discussions. Help build community support for your technology plan by creating ongoing podcasts using Spotify for Podcastors, reviewed here. Share podcasts with your community throughout the planning process to discuss ideas, update listeners on your goals and progress, and to compare and contrast options considered for your plan.Twitter Chat: Digital Equity - TeachersFirst
K to 12tag(s): professional development (402), twitterchatarchive (175)
In the Classroom
Find resources that serve as resources to creating digital equity in your school community or classroom. Share this chat with your colleagues looking for resources related to digital equity.Twitter Chat: Using Images in the Classroom - TeachersFirst
K to 12tag(s): digital citizenship (89), images (261), resources (87), twitterchatarchive (175)
In the Classroom
Find resources and explore ways to use images and pictures in the classroom. Share this chat with your colleagues looking for sites and resources related to using images to create meaningful learning experiences.Golden - Sam Fankuchen
K to 12tag(s): classroom management (122), organizational skills (89)
In the Classroom
Many schools require students to volunteer, use Golden to help manage your school's volunteer program. Be sure to use the sharing features to place volunteering opportunities on your district, school, and class websites. Help students understand the value of volunteering by taking their work beyond just time spent. Use an online bulletin board like Pinside, reviewed here, to share and brainstorm areas of student interest with the understanding that volunteering will be more meaningful if it is something chosen by the student and not viewed as a required assignment. Encourage students to document their volunteering by taking photos and videos throughout the experience. Consider extending classroom technology by asking students to create a podcast using Buzzsprout, reviewed here, to encourage others to volunteer by sharing their personal stories and reflections upon their own experience. As a reflection activity, and to modify classroom technology use, ask students to create and share a presentation using Sway, reviewed here. Use Sway to include images, text, and more to tell their volunteering story.National Park Service - National Park Service
5 to 12tag(s): animal homes (57), animals (294), habitats (88), national parks (29)
In the Classroom
Bookmark and save this site to use with a wide variety of language arts, science, and social studies activities. Take advantage of the free lesson plans to include with your classroom activities. Include the section for kids with your other bookmarks on classroom computers for students to explore during science centers or during free reading time as a non-fiction selection. Share images from the media gallery with students as you study biomes, states, or historic areas of the United States. As students learn about different parks around the country, ask them to modify their technology use to create infographics using Canva Infographic Maker, reviewed here, to share facts and information. Transform student technology use even further by asking students to use Google My Maps, reviewed here, to create a virtual field trip to a national park or across different biomes found in the United States. Include this site with your history lessons then ask students to use eStory, reviewed here, to create an animated map telling the story of historic events including text, images, historical maps, and more.Twitter Chat: Teacher Preparation: A Chat for Future Educators - TeachersFirst
K to 12tag(s): resources (87), teaching strategies (42), twitterchatarchive (175)
In the Classroom
Find resources and tips shared from veteran educators. Share this chat with your colleagues looking for input and insight from both new and experienced educators.Twitter Chat: Tech Tools for Accessibility - TeachersFirst
K to 12tag(s): climate (83), professional development (402), Special Needs (55), twitterchatarchive (175)
In the Classroom
Find resources and explore ways to provide accessibility to learning for all learners. Share this chat with your colleagues looking for sites and information related to assistive technology and inclusion.Twitter Chat: The Modern School Library - TeachersFirst
K to 12tag(s): makerspace (43), professional development (402), twitterchatarchive (175)
In the Classroom
Find tools and resources to learn more about the modern school library. Share this chat with your colleagues looking for sites and information. Explore the various tools that are shared.X (Twitter) Chat: Using Social Media to Build a Sense of School Community - TeachersFirst
K to 12tag(s): climate (83), communities (37), social media (53), twitterchatarchive (175)
In the Classroom
Find resources and explore ways to use social media effectively to build school climate, culture, and community. Share this chat with your colleagues looking for sites and information related to social media implementation.Easy Teacher Worksheets - easyteacherworksheets.com
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): calendars (37), grammar review (31), graphic organizers (49), holidays (185), organizational skills (89), substitutes (26), worksheets (70)
In the Classroom
Use instructions found on the site to print materials as a PDF document. Use worksheets as a starting point for assessing student knowledge at the beginning of a unit. Have students use information on the worksheets as a starting point for research. Have them locate sources and websites that explain further and share that information in a blog post using a tool like Edublog, reviewed here. Include information from this site with your other resources and create games for review using Baamboozle, reviewed here. Baamboozle is a quick and easy game creator that makes multiple types of games for two teams and keeps score as you play.Twitter Chat: The A in STEAM: A Closer Look - TeachersFirst
K to 12tag(s): creativity (92), design (81), STEM (287), twitterchatarchive (175)
In the Classroom
Find resources and explore ways to integrate the arts into STEM education. Share this chat with your colleagues looking for sites and information related to STEAM.Twitter Chat: Resources for Digital Learning Day and Beyond - TeachersFirst
K to 12tag(s): resources (87), twitterchatarchive (175)
In the Classroom
Find resources and explore ways to integrate digital learning tools into classroom. Share this chat with your colleagues looking for sites and information related to digital learning.Unhangout - MIT Media Lab
K to 12tag(s): chat (41), collaboration (94)
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