Module 8:

Rubrics for Specific Classroom Projects

Rubrics can be used across all subject areas in a myriad of ways. Provided below are links to a variety of projects that may spark your interest!

The Roosevelts, Grades 7 to 12 - Take advantage of the free lesson plans offered to supplement your current lessons based on the Roosevelt family. All lessons include alignment to standards, background information, discussion questions, and evaluation rubrics.

RADCAB – RADCAB is a way to evaluate information and resources. RADCAB is a mnemonic acronym: Relevancy, Appropriateness, Detail, Currency, Authority, and Bias. Click on each word for details on that topic. An excellent rubric is available for download in PDF format. Designed for Grades 6 through 12.

Beyond the Bubble - Beyond the Bubble offers a new generation of history assessments that work hand in hand with Common Core Standards to provide a window into student thinking and promote academic literacy. Referred to as "HATS" (History Assessment of Thinking), assessments go beyond recall to applying facts in context. Designed for Grades 6 through 12.

Project Based Learning Checklists – This site focuses on checklists, specifically for project-based learning for grades Kindergarten through twelfth.

Assessing Science Procedures – TeacherPlanet provides this rubric which has been designed to assess science procedures. Consider using it as a guide if you decide to create your own for your science lab.

Physical Education Rubric – Learners are on the move and this is a fantastic rubric resources for assessing physical education students. Make changes to fit your needs and use it across multiple activities and sports lessons.

Oral Presentation Rubric – This rubric from Read, Write, Think helps to assess student presentations through the areas of verbal and non-verbal skills as well as content.



  • Pair your rubric with past class models (examples) when possible. By showcasing previous student work and highlighting the ways in which a student met learning goals listed on a rubric, students can gain an even better understanding of the project and your expectations.
  • Remember that there is great value in the process of developing and utilizing a rubric. Consider allowing learners to work together to create the rubric. This will help students to take further ownership of their individual learning.
  • Before utilizing the rubric, grade a sample project. This can help ensure that the rubric is effective and will work as intended.
  • Do not be afraid to adjust the rubric, but do this only before it is handed out. Once it has been given to students, it will be difficult to retract and/or change it.
  • Measure what matters. Choose criteria carefully and stick to what is most important.
  • Use grade/age appropriate language to ensure that students understand the expectations.
  • Keep each rubric to one page. Anything longer might be overwhelming.
  • Reflect on and revise rubrics as needed after the culmination of a unit or project, while its outcome is still fresh in your mind. Ask yourself what you might adjust and make necessary changes. This way, the next group of students that participates in the same unit or project will benefit from a well-organized and updated rubric.
  • Consider using rubrics as student self-reflection tools and allow learners to compare their own writing, technology presentations, art projects, or other completed products from early in the school year to the end of the school year.
  • Allow opportunities for additional learning through the use of rubrics. For example, learners may use the feedback provided to improve a writing piece. This might be done independently or with a peer. This can lead to higher-quality student work and increased student achievement.

Go to your course assessment and complete the questions for MODULE 8

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