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LibreTexts - LibreTexts
10 to 12tag(s): business (52), careers (140), cells (83), communication (129), differentiation (82), ecology (102), electricity (62), elements (34), engineering (127), environment (246), evolution (88), financial literacy (91), genetics (81), geology (61), gifted (66), literature (220), logic (161), magnetism (37), mental health (32), nutrition (137), oceans (147), OER (43), organisms (15), periodic table (46), plants (147), professional development (373), psychology (65), religions (89), sociology (23), space (216), spanish (108), statistics (120), STEM (287)
In the Classroom
LibreTexts is a bonanza for AP and teachers of gifted students. Take advantage of the free texts, course outlines, and homework resources to differentiate instruction and provide lessons for advanced students. Choose resources from LibreTexts for use in any classroom to supplement current materials. As part of career-planning activities, ask students to browse through topics that interest them. Encourage students to collaborate with others with similar career interests, both in the classroom and globally. Extend learning by suggesting that students participate in Ted-Ed Clubs, reviewed here. These Clubs allow participants to share in global meetings with peers that have a common interest. As students learn more about their chosen field, encourage them to interact with members of your community to ask questions and perhaps job shadow as a way to understand the career through personal experience. If using course materials and textbooks found on LibreTexts, this is the perfect opportunity for students to ask clarifying questions from their mentor. Enhance learning by making students the experts. Ask them to present their career findings using a multimedia tool like Sway, reviewed here, to share the information learned with peers.You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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Dictionary of Numbers, Putting Numbers in Human Terms - Glen Chiacchieri
4 to 12tag(s): dictionaries (48), number sense (70)
In the Classroom
Install (or request installation) on classroom computers for student use when working with or reading statistics or numbers. Display on your interactive whiteboard (or projector) to help students compare and relate numbers to physical objects or similar items. Challenge students to add their own number "annotations" to passages they read, especially when doing close reading of informational texts. Make number sense a routine part of reading.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Expii Solve - Expii, Inc.
8 to 12tag(s): cultures (170), holidays (185), logic (161), problem solving (228)
In the Classroom
Be sure to save these puzzles for use throughout the school year. Use these problems as a substitute for your typical homework assignments. Include questions as part of math or science centers. Replace pencil and paper journals or notebooks by having students blog about their learning and understanding using Tumblr, reviewed here. Ask groups of students to work on topics together then share their results with the class. To enhance student learning and understanding, consider instituting a recurring podcast for students to share problems and discuss problem-solving strategies. Use a site such as podOmatic, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Open Middle - N Johnson, R Kaplinsky, B Anderson, D Luevanos, and Z Miller
K to 12tag(s): logic (161), problem solving (228), statistics (120)
In the Classroom
Bookmark this site to find math problems correlating to your teaching standards or content. This site is perfect for finding materials to differentiate instruction with different student ability levels. Have students share their results and discuss their problem-solving process on your interactive whiteboard. Take screenshots of the different solutions and include on your class website. Another option is to take a picture of student's written solutions, then use Voxer, reviewed here, to extend student learning by having them add an audio recording describing their mathematical thinking. Share their Voxer to your student's digital portfolio on Seesaw, reviewed here, or another portfolio creation site. As students become more proficient in sharing their mathematical thinking and problem-solving activities, consider using their math talks as part of an ongoing podcast using Buzzsprout, reviewed here, as a way to extend student learning and promote math conversations and help students understand that there may be many different ways to arrive at the right answer to a problem. Buzzsprout features free and easy to use tools including the ability to create and schedule podcasts to be released on any date and time you desire.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Expii - Expii, Inc.
6 to 12tag(s): atoms (44), cells (83), charts and graphs (170), decimals (85), earth (184), electricity (62), equations (118), fractions (159), magnetism (37), molecules (43), number lines (33), number sense (70), planets (111), ratios (46), space (216), stars (70), STEM (287), sun (71), transformations (12), variables (14)
In the Classroom
Include Expii with your links for students to use at home and in class. Expii is an excellent way to provide content explanation through the voice of many different speakers, allowing the opportunity to increase student understanding. To enhance learning, ask groups of students to view lessons provided by the different contributors, then ask them to compare and contrast information by creating a concept map or Venn Diagram using Canva, reviewed here. At the end of a teaching unit, ask students to redefine what they learned using a multimedia tool like Adobe Creative Cloud Express for Education, reviewed here, or Sway, reviewed here, to share their learning. Be sure to have them include their own video explanation of the content.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Scratchwork - Scratchwork LLC
8 to 12tag(s): collaboration (90), drawing (61), equations (118), iwb (31), problem solving (228)
In the Classroom
Use Scratchwork in place of other whiteboard tools in secondary math and science classrooms for collaboration purposes. Scan written work while in a video chat as you and your student discuss questions and problem-solving activities. Share Scratchwork with students to use with peers to discuss and collaborate on homework. Ask students to use this site, then export their discussions in PDF format to demonstrate the exploration of concepts. Have students document learning from this site and other problem-solving activities using a blogging tool like Edublog, reviewed here.Edge Features:
Requires registration/log-in (WITH email)
Premium version (not free) includes additional features or storage
Multiple users can collaborate on the same project
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Scalar Learning YouTube Channel - Scalar Learning
6 to 12tag(s): angles (51), charts and graphs (170), data (150), decimals (85), equations (118), fractions (159), geometric shapes (135), inequalities (25), logic (161), mean (19), median (16), mode (13), percent (59), problem solving (228), square roots (15), test prep (69), video (264)
In the Classroom
Bookmark this site to view individual episodes together as a class, or use in centers for students to view videos on classroom computers. When using for centers use a site such as MoocNote, reviewed here, to insert comments and questions into any of the videos as part of the student viewing process. Instead of written responses about what they learned or questions they may still have, instruct students share their responses and discussion through video using Gravity, reviewed here. Challenge cooperative learning groups to create their own video tutorials using playposit, reviewed here, and share them on a site such as TeacherTube, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Math Resources for All Grades - TeachersFirst
K to 12tag(s): charts and graphs (170), data (150), equations (118), estimation (33), exponents (35), geometric shapes (135), integers (21), measurement (123), number lines (33), number sense (70), numbers (119), operations (72), order of operations (28), probability (98), sequences (12), sequencing (17), vectors (16)
In the Classroom
Save this list for when teaching any math class in grades K-12. Many of the resources would work in a BYOD environment. Share these lists on your class website for students to access for additional practice.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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NCTM Illuminations Data and Probability Resources Grades 9-12 - NCTM
9 to 12tag(s): charts and graphs (170), data (150), financial literacy (91), mean (19), measurement (123), median (16), mode (13), order of operations (28), probability (98), problem solving (228)
In the Classroom
Bookmark these interactives for use during your unit on data and probability or to provide hands-on activities throughout the year. Share interactives on your whiteboard or during small group lessons and discuss problem-solving ideas with students. Add a link to interactives along with other online games to your class website for game play at home. Consider adding favorite links from this site to a bookmarking tool for student use. Padlet, (reviewed here), offers several options for sharing and organizing bookmarks. After completing activities, ask students to reflect upon their learning and share problem solving ideas through a blog post. Telegra.ph, , reviewed here, creates "quick and easy" blogs to be used one time only. A unique URL is provided, and with Telegra.ph you just click on an icon to upload images from your computer, add YouTube or Vimeo links. It's as easy as using a basic Word program!Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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WooTube - Eddie Woo
7 to 12tag(s): fractions (159), integers (21), measurement (123), money (114), percent (59), tutorials (53), video (264), volume (34)
In the Classroom
This site began with the owner's desire to share lessons with homebound students making it a perfect accompaniment to classroom instruction. Be sure to take advantage of the free worksheets and resources to use with your students. Share a link to videos on your class website for students to view at home. Ask them to watch videos before you teach content in class. If you typically view videos then discuss questions in class, try using Flip, reviewed here, to take questioning and collaboration to a new level. Upload a WooTube video to your Flip account, then have students record their questions and thoughts. Have students respond to comments made by peers, then discuss both content and student responses in the classroom.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Desmos Classroom Activities - Desmos, Inc
8 to 12tag(s): calculators (35), charts and graphs (170), equations (118), problem solving (228), transformations (12)
In the Classroom
Use the Desmos calculator in place of expensive graphing calculators that many students may not have. Be sure to provide the link on your teacher page or wiki for easy access. Before assigning tasks in your 1:1 classroom, check for access on devices. Some tasks work on all devices; others may not work on mobile devices. These activities are perfect to accompany any graphing tasks. Assign more difficult tasks to higher achieving students, then ask them to create video explanations of their work using an online tool such as Free Screen Recorder Online, reviewed here, or Vibby, reviewed here, and share them on a site such as SchoolTube, reviewed here. Visual learners will love the activities on this site as they learn math vocabulary and concepts.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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The Common Core Math Standards - CK-12 Foundation
6 to 12tag(s): commoncore (74), equations (118), geometric shapes (135), probability (98), professional development (373), ratios (46), statistics (120)
In the Classroom
Take advantage of CK-12 for finding standards-aligned lessons and interactives for math lessons. Create an account and upload your own resources and activities to create your own Flexbooks for use with students. CK-12 is available in many languages. Use this site with your ESL/ELL students as a supplement to classroom resources. Share CK-12 lessons with other teachers as you collaborate on lesson planning. Share a link on your class web page for students to use as extra practice at home.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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eMathHelp - eMathHelp
7 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): calculators (35), homework (29), tutorials (53)
In the Classroom
Take advantage of the many free calculators for use in your math class; display on your interactive whiteboard or with a projector as you work through problems and see how to solve them. Share a link to this site on your class website for students to use as a resource for homework help. Challenge cooperative learning groups to create math explanation videos using Powtoons, reviewed here, and share them on a site such as TeacherTube, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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The Educator's Guide to Building & Construction - HomeAdvisor
K to 12tag(s): animal homes (57), animals (295), architecture (74), bridges (11), circuits (21), counting (59), electricity (62), engineering (127), erosion (15), geometric shapes (135), habitats (90), insects (68), makerspace (40), pyramids (17), simple machines (17), solar energy (34), STEM (287), water (101)
In the Classroom
Take advantage of the many free lesson plans and activities to incorporate STEM activities and Maker projects into your classroom. Ask a parent volunteer, local contractor, or naturalist to come in and help with activities. If you are beginning the process of integrating technology, have students create blogs sharing their learning and understanding using Penzu, reviewed here,Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Math Mirror - The Math Inquiries Project
8 to 12tag(s): commoncore (74), professional development (373)
In the Classroom
Share articles with colleagues as part of your professional development. Exchange information from this site with your professional learning communities exploring a different area each meeting. Document your professional development growth for your evaluation.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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ProfRobBob's YouTube Channel - Rob Tarrou
7 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): angles (51), area (52), charts and graphs (170), equations (118), factoring (25), functions (51), inequalities (25), polynomials (20), probability (98), problem solving (228), quadratics (26), statistics (120), video (264), volume (34)
In the Classroom
Share these videos on an interactive whiteboard or projector. FLIP your classroom and have students view the videos at home to discuss and apply the next day in class (this is an excellent option if your school blocks YouTube). Use the videos to introduce or practice any math topic and assign others from the series for homework. Be sure to provide this link on your class website for students (and their families) to access at home for additional math practice.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Mathematics Instructional Resources - Los Angeles Unified School District
K to 12tag(s): assessment (143), commoncore (74), professional development (373)
In the Classroom
Bookmark this site for use throughout the year. Take advantage of the free lesson plans and curriculum maps provided. Share with colleagues as you plan Common Core lessons. Use the intervention links provided for middle and high school students to reinforce and review topics. Share the Opening Strong in a Common Core Classroom article with your back to school activities.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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National STEM Centre eLibrary - National Stem Centre (UK)
K to 12tag(s): engineering (127), STEM (287)
In the Classroom
Take advantage of the free activities, videos, and other resources throughout the year. Be sure to bookmark this site to search for resources for any lesson. Share a link to specific lessons and activities on your class website for use at home.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Khan Academy YouTube Channel - Khan Academy
7 to 12tag(s): computers (109), equations (118), financial literacy (91), probability (98), STEM (287), test prep (69), video (264)
In the Classroom
Flip your classroom and use a video as homework. Have students take notes about the material and write down questions they still have and topics that confuse them. That activity can uncover misconceptions. Show the video to the class, and then discuss the concept at length. For more advanced classes, provide time for students to choose a video to view and research the underlying concept. Set up a video chat time using one of these YouTube videos and a tool such as Watch Together, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Problems of the Month - Inside Mathematics
K to 12tag(s): critical thinking (120), problem solving (228)
In the Classroom
Use this site to supplement your Common Core math teaching materials and problem-solving lessons. Share the site with staff members and use as a professional development resource throughout the school year. Share with parents during your math night or as part of your meet the teacher information. Although the site states for school-wide use, individual teachers can use problems in any classroom.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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