189 character-education results | sort by:

Hott Notes - Joel Riley
1 to 12tag(s): note taking (36)
In the Classroom
A teacher's life is full of many things to remember. Keep sticky notes wherever you go on your computer desktop, in a folder, and on a USB mini-drive. Students love technology so encourage sticky note reminders. Use as a way to have students vote for choices. Allow students to add a sticky note to your computer after finishing an assignment. List all materials needed for lessons and labs on your sticky notes. Gather them from multiple places and still keep track. Use as a way to brainstorm with your class and later eliminate unneeded ideas. Keep weekly vocabulary or spelling words on Hott Notes for all of your student computers. Use as a method for tracking behavior.You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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CurriConnects Booklist: Taking Care of Me - TeachersFirst
K to 12tag(s): book lists (166), cooking (32), dental health (14), fitness (39), independent reading (83), nutrition (137), sports (81)
In the Classroom
This collection could accompany a unit in health, science, or physical education. These books provide experience with both fiction and nonfiction informational texts. They often require students to draw inferences about the "facts." Allow students (or partners) to choose their own book. Share this list with your school library/media specialist or public library, as well, for them to "pull" books in support of your science/social studies units. Extend the experience by having students create visual presentations of the concepts they learn. Challenge students to create a presentation using Prezi, reviewed here, or Slides, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Myths: Writing Workshop with Jane Yolan - Scholastic Inc
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): digital storytelling (153), egypt (50), enrichment (9), greece (41), myths and legends (29)
In the Classroom
After you choose your level, discover one or many of the lessons to integrate into your English Language Arts or Social Studies curriculum. Choose your objectives, and find the lessons that are appropriate. Some lessons can be shared on the interactive whiteboard or projector. Others are more appropriate alone as individual work. Materials are included so much of the prep work is already done for you. To conclude the myths unit, have students create a play featuring a unique culture and a hero they create. Students will need a detailed script containing; theme, plot, settings, and characters including a hero. Go as far as you want developing props, costumes, and accompanying sounds and music. Have students present using a live presentation, video, or digital storytelling. Choose from the TeachersFirst Digital Storytelling tools, reviewed here. This site is a great reference for an after-school enrichment program on writing, reading, book clubs, or even self esteem.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Gift Cards for Good - Google Sites
1 to 12tag(s): service projects (17)
In the Classroom
Capture your students passion, hearts, and interest in proving that kids can make a big difference. Use this resources as an inspiration for community service projects that can be done -- even by 10 year-olds! Encourage students to look for charities in your area and find out how they can help. Place this link on your class website to further the cause and show parents the power of kids! Include it in your units on character education and leadership. Use it as an example for project based learning, challenging students to write promotional materials and letters explaining their project. Replace the paper and pencil version of promotional materials with one of the tools found at Genially, reviewed here, where students can select to create interactive images, guides, presentations, flyers and others. They can insert surveys, video, audio, maps, and more.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Red Ribbon Campaign - National Family Partnership
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): drugs and alcohol (28), red ribbon week (9)
In the Classroom
Be sure to take advantage of printables and information from this site. Have students sign Red Ribbon pledges and display them on a classroom bulletin board. Challenge students to participate in the Red Ribbon photo contest (if using this site during the yearly contest). Be sure to share a link to the adult pledge with parents through your class website to make them a part of Red Ribbon week too!Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Pacer's National Bullying Prevention Center - Pacer Center, Inc.
K to 10tag(s): bullying (48), character education (78), cyberbullying (40), digital citizenship (85)
In the Classroom
Introduce a bullying discussion in your class by viewing a video appropriate for your age group. Continue with a class discussion. Then, exchange paper and pencil and have students do a quick write about how they feel about bullying. Use a blogging tool like Webnode, reviewed here. If you are teaching younger students, use Seesaw, reviewed here. Begin a school and community-wide campaign against bullying by sharing this resource with your school leadership team, PTA/PTO, and other teachers. This tool would be a great project for the school's student council to undertake. There are a ton of resources; someone just needs to get this program going!Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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CurriConnects Book List: Alaska and Hawaii - TeachersFirst
K to 12tag(s): alaska (22), book lists (166), hawaii (8), independent reading (83)
In the Classroom
Include these books for independent reading during a unit on U.S. geography, multiculturalism, or the states. Compare the life of children living in Alaska or Hawaii to the students in your own class. The conversations will easily evolve into projects where students can compare and contrast or create "profiles" of childhood in different states and cultures.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Digital Passport - Common Sense Media
3 to 5tag(s): cyberbullying (40), digital citizenship (85), game based learning (187)
In the Classroom
Create an account and assign activities to students to complete at home or on classroom computers. Share this site on your projector or interactive whiteboard. Have students create a word cloud of the important terms they learn from this site using a tool such as Word Clouds for Kids, reviewed here, for younger students, or WordItOut, reviewed here, for older students. Be sure to share Digital Passport with parents and other teachers as an excellent resource for teaching digital citizenship.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Random Acts of Kindness - Random Acts of Kindness Foundation
K to 12tag(s): character education (78), classroom management (118), emotions (48), empathy (33), service projects (17)
In the Classroom
Become a "RAKTIVIST" and start a kindness raid on unsuspecting communities, classes, or schools! Give children power and voice through their actions. Partner this with character education programs to make a difference in all the lives you touch. For example, you may want to use the Ripples of Kindness activity included in the Empathy videos at the Big Ideas Video Series, reviewed here. During social studies, find ways kindness has changed the world. Look for times in which kindness was thwarted, such as during civil wars, dictatorships, or wars. Start a research project on world leaders who have changed the world through nonviolence, education, or generosity. Explain the power of nonprofit organizations and all the lives affected. Look into your own community and school to find needs that are waiting for active, caring participants. Create school or classroom rules to promote the power of kindness. Show your students how to embed media transforming their work and enhance their learning by challenging students to create "kindness" commercials and share their knowledge with their peers in a multimedia presentation using Adobe Creative Cloud Express for Education, reviewed here. Alternatively, students could create a video using Typito, reviewed here. Share them using a tool such as SchoolTube, reviewed here. Emotional Support or Autistic Support teachers may find some of the ideas here helpful for talking about how others feel and ways to show kindness in a very deliberate way.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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CurriConnects Book List: Childhood Here and There - TeachersFirst
K to 12tag(s): book lists (166), cross cultural understanding (170), independent reading (83)
In the Classroom
Include these books for independent reading during a unit on world cultures, in a guidance class about differences, or in a reading unit about drawing inferences. Spark discussions about what we assume is "normal" and what we should realize about our own upbringing. The conversations will easily evolve into projects where students can compare and contrast or create "profiles" of childhood in different places and cultures.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum - 2012 Seminole Tribe of Florida
2 to 10This site includes advertising.
tag(s): florida (13), native americans (108)
In the Classroom
Explore the Seminole Tribe through the online collections and museums. Use the sources as primary and secondary to supplement other class materials. Use the Seminole Tribe to compare and contrast the native American tribes found in your area. Explore the Seminole Tribe in your unit on Civil Rights. Use this site to discover the leadership that lead to the Seminole Tribe of today. Be sure to begin your study with an anticipation guide. End your unit with a post assessment dispelling the myths in the anticipation guide.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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News for Kids - News for Kids.net
4 to 10tag(s): news (228)
In the Classroom
Use this site as a resource for current events. The reading level of the stories is generally upper elementary, but the topics are of interest through high school. These short articles would be great for practice with informational texts. Keep this site as part of a list for students to access, including weaker readers and ENL/ESL students. Have students research whats going on via this news site, and present a small presentation at the beginning of class. Students can either present orally or, for the technologically inclined, create a short video summarizing the same information. Consider using a bookmark site such as Diigo, reviewed here, to share newsworthy items that correlate with your class curriculum.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Iris the Dragon - Gayle Grass
K to 6This site includes advertising.
tag(s): adhd (28), aspergers (7), autism (15), difficult conversations (57), ebooks (43), empathy (33), french (75), mental health (32), social and emotional learning (95), Special Needs (53)
In the Classroom
Download books from Iris the Dragon for use in mental health lessons or to address specific classroom concerns. Use books as a read-aloud and display on your interactive whiteboard or projector during class meetings. Again, use the books to raise student awareness and empathy levels for differences in people inside and outside of class. Print and laminate books for use in guided reading lessons. Share this site on your class website for students (and parents) to read together at home. You may want to use the books in conjunction with the Empathy video series at Big Ideas Video Series, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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K-12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum - Common Sense Education
K to 12tag(s): cyberbullying (40), digital citizenship (85), identity (29), internet safety (113), media literacy (107), social networking (61)
In the Classroom
Bookmark and save this website as your first stop for any lessons related to responsible digital behavior. Share a link to videos on your classroom website or blog for students (and parents) to view at home. Download and use lesson plans and materials as part of your digital safety planning. Many lessons include suggestions for modifications to use as a quick activity instead of a complete lesson. Enhance learning and have students create a word cloud of the important terms they learn from this site using a tool such as Word Clouds for Kids, reviewed here, for younger students, or WordClouds, reviewed here, for older students. Enhance learning and ask students to collect ideas on a collaborative bulletin board like Pinside, reviewed here, (quick start- no membership required!) demonstrating information presented from these Digital Literacy & Citizenship lessons.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Children's Literature with Social Studies Themes - University of Delaware Center for Teacher Education
K to 6tag(s): book lists (166), branches of government (64), guided reading (33), independent reading (83), literature (220)
In the Classroom
Bookmark and save for reference throughout the school year for use with Social Studies lessons. Save as a resource when choosing books for your classroom or school library. Use the included articles for ideas to include books with your Social Studies lessons and units. Need more book ideas to support curriculum? See TeachersFirst's CurriConnects.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Healthy Steps for Healthy Lives - Nestle USA
K to 6In the Classroom
Download materials for use during nutrition and health units. Use posters available on the site as inspiration for students to create their own posters, Have students create online posters individually or together as a class using a tool such as Web Poster Wizard (reviewed here) or PicLits (reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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ICT Games Topic Activities - ICT Games
4 to 8This site includes advertising.
tag(s): animals (295), body systems (41), explorers (65), human body (93), machines (15), medieval (33), moon (72), seasons (37), sun (71), vision (45)
In the Classroom
Share simulations on your interactive whiteboard (or projector) during health, seasons, animal, and other units that correspond to content on the site. Allow students to explore and create Braille messages using the Braille Builder as part of a unit on vision or study of The Miracle Worker. Have students watch and explore simulations on their own then create and label drawings demonstrating content learned. Have students create online posters individually or together as a class using a tool such as Web Poster Wizard (reviewed here) or PicLits (reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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We Do Listen Foundation - We Do Listen Foundation
K to 3This site includes advertising.
tag(s): bullying (48), character education (78), preK (269), social skills (22)
In the Classroom
All primary classrooms should take advantage of this wonderful tool. Share the songs on your projector and interactive whiteboard. Use the songs, stories, and lesson plans to teach about various character traits: honesty, anti-bullying, good sportsmanship, courage, and more. Use these stories during class meetings to discuss issues happening in your own classroom. Share a link to the site with parents as a resource for use at home. Share the songs with your PE teacher to reinforce the concepts during movement activities.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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John F Kennedy Curricular Resources - John F Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum
K to 12tag(s): civil rights (201), cold war (30), kennedy (20), presidents (135), vietnam (38)
In the Classroom
Bookmark and save this resource for use when teaching about John F Kennedy, the presidency, Civil Rights, or the Vietnam War. Share with teachers at other grade levels (k-12) for use with lesson planning.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Portrait Illustration Maker - AbiStudio.com
3 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): creativity (86), DAT device agnostic tool (146), emotions (48), faces (5)
In the Classroom
Have students create an avatar that looks like them to use as a profile picture for a blog or website. Challenge students to create images of how they picture characters in books. Share the images with reading groups and classmates to compare. Have students create an image for a character including text boxes of character traits or the character's thoughts using a tool such as Google Drawings, reviewed here. Google Drawings allows you to annotate an image with links to videos, text, websites, and more. Create an talking avatar using a tool such as Blabberize, reviewed here. The avatar could be a historical figure, book character, narrator, or represent the student. Use this tool together with emotional support or autistic support students to create faces that express certain feelings. Use the word labels to identify the feelings.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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