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return to subject listingNoodle - Noodle
9 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): college (46)
In the Classroom
Noodle certainly deserves to be among the college search sites bookmarked on any high school college counseling center's resource list. Other educators who focus on college and career readiness will also find Noodle a good resource to recommend. Noodle works best when combined with an individual student profile, so students will need to establish their own accounts and then come back to that account for ongoing research. Noodle promises that it will not sell student information from those individual profiles. However, Noodle can also provide a quick overview of any college simply by searching on the college name or from preset categories without establishing an individual account.You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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Eventbrite - Kevin and Julia Hartz
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): calendars (37), Teacher Utilities (174)
In the Classroom
Use Eventbrite to increase excitement for any classroom event. Be creative and have students attend an "event" to review for exams (with bar coded tickets they can earn by sharing a student-made review activity). Offer tickets to in class enrichment "events" for those who test out of a unit. Have student groups design "events" instead of giving class presentations. The "event" could be a quiz show or game session that teaches a curriculum topic, such as "World War Wonders." Have your class work together to plan a culminating "event" such as a tea for famous Americans, and issue invitations and tickets to students who play the parts of the people they researched. Invite parents to Open Houses and Conferences. (Perhaps provide a small door prize for those using the Eventbrite app as their admission ticket!) Use Eventbrite to manage events with limited seating or a limited number of participants. If you provide professional development sessions, this is an excellent way to spread the word and manage participation. If you are an advisor for a school club, this tool would make club-sponsored events easier to organize.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Bam! Radio - Bam Radio Network
K to 12tag(s): classroom management (123), parents (60), professional development (403)
In the Classroom
Bam! Radio is an excellent resource for professional development sessions. Search the site to find topics of interest and listen to the session together as a staff to begin your discussions. Be sure to share topics of concern with parents such as those for gifted students or keys to motivating teens. Be sure to follow Bam! Radio on Facebook, iTunes, or Twitter to receive latest updates and information.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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K to 12tag(s): adhd (28), adolescence (12), autism (15), behavior (46), bullying (48), divorce (6), emotions (48), mental health (35), preK (265)
In the Classroom
Be sure to post this on your website for parents to consult at home. Bookmark this site on your personal computer to use as reference for many emotional health topics, issues, and treatments. There are interactive games for you to use for quiet time activities or rewards (The Land of Cyke) in your Pre-K through 2nd grade classes. Use some of these activities on your interactive whiteboard or projector during class meeting while you are discussing some of these topics in your classroom (such as bullying). Share the site with parents and your school counselor.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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K-12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum - Common Sense Education
K to 12tag(s): cyberbullying (40), digital citizenship (89), identity (27), internet safety (112), media literacy (108), social networking (64)
In the Classroom
Bookmark and save this website as your first stop for any lessons related to responsible digital behavior. Share a link to videos on your classroom website or blog for students (and parents) to view at home. Download and use lesson plans and materials as part of your digital safety planning. Many lessons include suggestions for modifications to use as a quick activity instead of a complete lesson. Enhance learning and have students create a word cloud of the important terms they learn from this site using a tool such as Word Clouds for Kids, reviewed here, for younger students, or WordClouds, reviewed here, for older students. Enhance learning and ask students to collect ideas on a collaborative bulletin board like Pinside, reviewed here, (quick start- no membership required!) demonstrating information presented from these Digital Literacy & Citizenship lessons.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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NYLearns.org - The Research Foundation of State University of New York and PL
K to 12tag(s): commoncore (75)
In the Classroom
Begin or extend your experiences with Common Core. Find real examples to use or be inspired to create one of your own. Educators and administrators alike can examine, discuss, and reflect on website materials and current practices. Save this in your bookmarks or favorites to explore as time permits.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Teacher Lists - School Family Media
K to 12tag(s): classroom management (123), preK (265)
In the Classroom
Create a TeacherLists account for your building or teaching team and distribute your supply list or a wish list in an easy to find format for parents to access anytime and anywhere. Share what your class specifically needs to be ready for the start of school or a new marking period. Include the links to your lists on your class web page. Library/media specialists can share a schoolwide list to keep the media center well stocked with supplies. Art teachers can request the craft items and supplies they need. Even grandparents can help out the school when they know what is needed. Share with your school's parent organization for creating their own lists.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Intel Education - K-12 Educational Resources - Intel
K to 12tag(s): assessment (152), professional development (403), Project Based Learning (26)
In the Classroom
Keep yourself immersed in professional best practices from your own home at time that is convenient for you. Include this resource in your professional development plan. Share during staff or team meetings. New and seasoned teachers will find lots of useful tools here!Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Intel Education Units - Intel
K to 12tag(s): literacy (118)
In the Classroom
Begin your curriculum planning here. After reviewing exemplary units, use as they are, or modify to fit the needs of your students, content, or even resources adding your own personal touch. They will inspire you to dig deeper and go further with Common Core! Be sure to bookmark this site (or save in your favorites) as your go to resource for Common Core.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Multiple Intelligences Posters - Marek Bennett
3 to 12tag(s): back to school (62), comics and cartoons (55), multiple intelligences (7)
In the Classroom
Print and share posters to get your colleagues and students thinking about their own multiple intelligences. Be sure to maintain the attribution and copyright information on the posters. Explore with students learning about their own strengths in learning. Hang the posters in your classroom. Share information during parent conferences and professional development. Share posters on your board during back to school information sessions to help parents understand different types of intelligences. Encourage students to create comics of themselves using their most comfortable "intelligence" and use it as a locker decoration or on a class bulletin board during the first part of the school year. Use one of TeachersFirst's many comic/cartoon tools reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Documentary Tube - DocumentaryTube.com
4 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): video (263)
In the Classroom
Discover the power of documentaries while studying point of view, primary and secondary resources, and debate skills. Examine the aspects shown in documentaries and help students find structure to provide an unbiased research project. Challenge existing knowledge in many areas. Help students become active thinkers and become involved in current events. Sharpen your own understandings.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Documentary Storm - 2013 DocumentaryStorm
4 to 12tag(s): video (263)
In the Classroom
With documentaries challenge your students' understanding of food, history, politics, or people. Use to provide another point of view which might not be available in traditional text books. Use to explain primary and secondary sources, as well as an example of a way to extend thinking. Provide a documentary as an example for your students to do an in depth research project. Use documentaries to challenge knowledge, create new knowledge, and learn.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Learning Disabilities - Great Schools
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): adhd (28), autism (15), dyslexia (11), learning disability (22), preK (265), professional development (403), Special Needs (56)
In the Classroom
Bookmark and save this site as a resource for understanding and finding resources for learning disabilities. Share articles and information with parents during conferences. Use this site as a resource during professional development sessions.Comments
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Hands On Banking - Wells Fargo
4 to 12tag(s): financial literacy (91), money (114)
In the Classroom
Create a link to the course for your students on classroom computers or view together on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Enhance classroom technology use and have students create a word cloud of the important terms they learn from this site using a tool such as WordItOut, reviewed here. Older students could benefit from creating an infographic about information learned and transform technology use at the same time. Use Canva Infographic Maker, reviewed here. Hands on Learning is a great tool to share with families (for both student or parent use). Share this site on your class wiki, blog, or website.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Cyber Safety - Internet Safety Tips - Open Colleges, Ltd
4 to 12tag(s): cyberbullying (40), internet safety (112)
In the Classroom
This site is an excellent resource for teaching and reinforcing online safety lessons. View on your interactive whiteboard as a class either in one session or several smaller sessions/lessons. Assign students to become experts on one safety concern and share an explanation about it with the class. Enhance learning and transform classroom technology use (depending on teacher requirements) by asking students to create a simple or multimedia infographic sharing what they learn using Venngage, reviewed here. Be sure to share with parents at an Open House or through your classroom website.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Engage NY: Common Core Tool Kit - NYSED
K to 12tag(s): commoncore (75)
In the Classroom
Be ready to begin implementation of Common Core with Engage NY: Common Core Tool Kit. Use the basics to explain Common Core to parents, colleagues, or even teachers. Topics such as facts, myths, and key points begin the Common Core journey. View video clips to learn more about Common Core. Find examples of assessments by grade level, units, and a plethora of resources to supplement your journey into Common Core.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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ScreenLeap Free Screen Sharing - ScreenLeap, Inc
4 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): editing (92), homework (30), parent conferences (21)
In the Classroom
Screen share with students in a computer lab to demonstrate how to locate information on websites, or when learning tech tools. This is a great alternative if an interactive whiteboard or projector is not available. Use this tool to collaborate with other teachers when creating lesson plans or student documents. Have students with laptops share their screen with you during presentations to make information easier to view. Share this site with students to use at home when collaborating on projects. Help a homebound student by sharing your class computer screen and opening an audio connection over the phone. Offer "extra help" sessions via screen share at predetermined "office hours" or during a snow day or on certain evenings. Have students teach tech skills to their peers using this free sharing app. Share a student's work using a screenshare during a parent phone conference. Show a parent how to navigate a practice site you want the family to use at home.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Cappex: College Search Made Simple - Cappex
10 to 12Because this is a commercial site, Cappex reserves the right to send you marketing information from their own site and from their "partners." The privacy statement indicates they will not sell student information, except in the aggregate, but joining the Cappex site is likely to increase the amount of advertising email received. Finally, with respect to the scholarship search portion of the website, the single most effective way to receive financial aid for college expenses is through applying for Federal assistance using the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Assistance). This site may provide leads to private and other scholarships, but should not be seen as a substitute for using the established FAFSA system.
This site includes advertising.
tag(s): college (46), financial aid (13)
In the Classroom
A useful site to include with information on college search strategies, consider bookmarking it for college bound students. This tool is helpful for high school guidance counselors or teachers who work with juniors and seniors. Provide the link on your class website for families to access and explore at home.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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OCD Education Station - Beyond OCD
K to 12tag(s): professional development (403), psychology (64)
In the Classroom
Share this site as a professional resource with other educators as needed when dealing with individuals with OCD. Share with parents of OCD students as an additional resource for helping their child.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium - Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
K to 12tag(s): commoncore (75), test prep (69)
In the Classroom
Find Common Core resources to use in your classroom and share within your building or district. Explore and view sample test items to use as models for building your own questions aligned to Common Core standards. Display sample test items on your interactive whiteboard (or projector) to solve and discuss together as a class. Challenge students to create their own similar questions for the class to try.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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