Teachers' Common Core Planning Toolkit
A guide for elementary teachers


Literacy Resources

Bertram, Debbie. The Best Place to Read. ISBN: 0375837574. Lexile: not available
Bertram, Debbie. The Best Time to Read. ISBN: 9780375930256. Lexile: not available
Bunting, Eve. The Wednesday Surprise. ISBN:9780395547762. Lexile: 540
Henson, Heather. That Book Woman. ISBN: 1416908129. Lexile: AD920
Hest, Amy. Mr. George Baker. ISBN: 0763612332. Lexile: 520
Hills, Tad. How Rocket Learned to Read. ISBN: 0375858997. Lexile: AD600
Hopkins, Lee Bennett, ed. Good Books, Good Times. ISBN: 9780064462228. Lexile:NP
Hopkins, Lee Bennett, ed. Wonderful Words. ISBN: 0689835884. Lexile: not available
Joyce, William. The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore. ISBN: 1442457023. Lexile:AD650
Levinson, Nancy. Clara and the Bookwagon. ISBN:  9780064441346. Lexile: 290
Lobel, Arnold. Frog and Toad Together. ISBN: 9780590061988. Lexile: 330
Ruurs, Margriet. My Librarian is a Came: How Books are Brought to Children Around the World. ISBN: 9781590780930. Lexile: 980
Ruurs, Margriet. My School in the Rainforest: How Children Attend School Around the World. ISBN:9781590786017. Lexile: NC960
Winter, Jeanette. Biblioburro: a true story from Colombia. ISBN:  9781416997788. Lexile: 640
PBS video (for older students) about the Biblioburro


Social Studies Resources

Catrow, David. We the Kids. ISBN:  0803725531. Lexile:  Not available.
Fritz, Jean. Shh!  We're Writing the Constitution. ISBN: 9780590412018.  Lexile: 950.
Pearl, Norman. The U.S. Constitution. ISBN:  9781404826434. Lexile: IG620.
Sobel, Syl. The U.S. Constitution and You. ISBN:  0-7641-1707-6. Lexile: Not available.
Spier, Peter. We the People:  The Constitution of the United States of America. ISBN: 9780395811412. Lexile: IG1240.




IntroductionStep 1Step 2Step 3The Process in ActionResources