Forensic Science Rubrics

Printable Rubrics file

Rubric - Lab Practical
  A B C Unacceptable
Completeness Report includes all procedures to all experiments conducted. Includes relevant data, observations and conclusions to individual labs and overall conclusion. Conclusions are supported by data.
20 19 18
Report includes all procedures to all experiments conducted. Includes most data and observations that support conclusions. Some individual conclusions are missing, but overall conclusion present.
17 16
Report includes most procedures to experiments. Data is sketchy and observations are missing. Data does not support conclusions. Overall conclusion is not supported by data.
15 14
Report includes few or no procedures. Little if any data and observations are presented. No conclusions are made.
13 10 5 0
Accuracy Correctly identifies the criminal. Evidence, data, and observations supporting conclusion is presented.
Does not correctly identify the criminal, but conclusions fit the data presented.
Does not correctly identify the criminal but is possible according to the data. Little supporting data is presented.
Does not correctly identify the criminal or makes no conclusions. Conclusions presented are not supported by data or no data is presented.
3 2 1 0
Appearance Typed, double spaced lab write-up. Fewer than five grammatical / spelling errors.
20 19 18
Typed, double spaced lab write-up. Six to ten grammatical / spelling errors.
17 16
Typed, double spaced lab write-up. Eleven to twenty grammatical / spelling errors.
15 14
Lab write-up is not typed. More than twenty grammatical / spelling errors.
13 10 5 0
Lab Etiquette Follows all safety procedures and rules. Assists with lab clean-up.
20 19 18
Follows most safety procedures and rules. Assists with most lab clean-up.
17 16
Follows some safety procedures and rules. Assists with some lab clean-up.
15 14
Does not follow safety procedures and rules. Does not assist with lab clean-up.
13 10 5 0
Group Cooperation Complete assigned group work according to procedures and shares all information with group members.
10 9.5 9
Does not follow exact procedures for portion of group work, but does complete assignment and shares information.
8.5 8
Does not follow exact procedures for portion of group work, but does complete assignment. Does not readily share with group.
7.5 7
Does not follow procedures for portion of group work and / or does not complete assignment. Does not share information with group members.
6 5 4 3 2 1 0