Forensic Science Rubrics

Printable Rubrics file

Rubric - Web Quest
  A B C Unacceptable
Completeness Handout is completely filled out according to directions
10 - 9.5 - 9
Handout has one or two blanks
8.5 - 8
Handout has three or four blanks
7.5 - 7
Handout has five or more blanks.
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Accuracy Questions have no more than two mistakes.
5 - 4.5
Questions have three or four mistakes.
Questions have five or six mistakes.
Questions have seven or more mistakes.
3 2 1 0
Appearance Neat and legible.
5 - 4.5
Legible but not neat.
Somewhat neat and legible.
3 - 2 - 1 - 0
Group Cooperation

Assists group members and shares information. Uses time wisely.
5 - 4.5

Provides some assistance to group members; shares some information. Uses time wisely.
Provides minimal assistance; shares minimal information. Wastes some time.
Does not assist goup members; does not share information; wastes time.
3 2 1 0
Computer Room Etiquette Follows all computer lab rules and procedures.
5 - 4.5
Follows all computer lab rules, but not all procedures.
Follows some computer lab rules and procedures.
Does not follow computer lab rules and procedures.
3 2 1 0