Forensic Science Rubrics

Printable Rubrics file

Rubric - Lab Handouts
  A B C Unacceptable
Completeness Handouts are completely filled out according to directions
5 - 4.5
Handouts have one blank
Handouts have two or three blanks
Handouts have more than three blanks.
3 2 1 0
Accuracy Questions have no more than one mistake.
5 - 4.5
Questions have two or three mistakes.
Questions have four or five mistakes.
Questions have more than five mistakes.
3 2 1 0
Appearance Neat, organized, and legible.
5 - 4.5
Legible and neat, but not well organized.
Legible, but not neat or in an organized format
3 - 2 - 1 - 0
Lab Etiquette Follows all safety procedures in lab. Participates, helps group members, assists with cleanup.
10 - 9.5 - 9
Follows all safety procedures in lab. Participates in most work, offers some assistance to group members, assists with cleanup.
8.5 - 8
Follows all safety procedures in lab. Participates in some work, offers minimal assistance to group members, assists with minimal cleanup.
7.5 - 7
Does not follow safety procedures in lab. Does not participate in work, does not help group members, does not assist with cleanup.
6 5 4 3 2 1 0