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7 Tips and 1 Activity to Help Digital Citizens Engage With Empathy - Diana Fingal
5 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): character education (78), communication (129), digital citizenship (85)
In the Classroom
Include this article with your other digital citizenship lessons as a starting point for classroom discussions or as part of a broader lesson in responsible citizenship. Consider selecting a tip each week to explore further with your class. Engage students by beginning the week using a word cloud creation tool like Answer Garden, reviewed here. Use the tip as the prompt in Answer Garden and ask students to share their thoughts and ideas. Continue to build upon your students' ideas throughout the week using FigJam, reviewed here to create a template for students to share digital stickers with information. For example, the fourth tip recommends that all online users carefully craft their message. Create a Jamboard divided into columns labeled grammar, clarity, and audience. When crafting online content, ask students to share specific ways to keep these topics in mind. As an extension activity, ask students to write a short article sharing tips and information on becoming responsible digital citizens. Use a simple web-publishing tool like Telegra.ph, reviewed here. Although Telegra.ph is simple to use, it offers features that allow students to create and share simple websites, including links, images, and more.You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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Google Digital Literacy & Citizenship Curriculum - Google and iKeepSafe
5 to 9tag(s): character education (78), digital citizenship (85)
In the Classroom
Incorporate the videos and lessons into your current digital literacy curriculum as needed, or use them as a stand-alone curriculum to address digital literacy lessons in your classroom. Engage students as you begin lessons using an interactive whiteboard such as IdeaBoardz, reviewed here, to create a digital KWL class response instead of using the printable KWL handout included in the course. Enhance instruction when using the shared videos using playposit, reviewed here, to create an interactive learning environment that places comments, questions, surveys, and polls directly onto the video. Extend learning by asking students to become the instructor using a video conversation platform such as Threadit, reviewed here. For example, ask students to use the tutorial template to create lessons to share with younger students on different aspects of digital literacy. The template is customizable and includes a step-by-step outline for creating a video tutorial featuring one or more speakers.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Teachers' Essential Guide to Cyberbullying Prevention - Erin Wilkey OH and Common Sense
K to 12tag(s): character education (78), cyberbullying (40), digital citizenship (85)
In the Classroom
Include information from this site when planning and preparing your digital citizenship lessons and curriculum. As you gather resources to include with your studies, use a curation tool like Milanote, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Digital Citizenship Progression Chart - Mike Ribble
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): character education (78), digital citizenship (85)
In the Classroom
Scroll to the bottom of the page with the chart to download the updated copy of the progression chart to view and understand the general guidelines for teaching digital citizenship across all grade levels. Some themes include ideas for demonstration of learning and teaching ideas. Build upon this spreadsheet by adding additional activities and resources that fit into your curriculum. Use this document as a professional development activity to help all staff understand the progression of skills across grade levels, then break it down into smaller pieces by grade levels. Using the grade-level specific portions, work together with peers to find and share resources that teach and reinforce the appropriate concepts. Consider using an collaborative tool such as ClickUp, reviewed here, to organize your work with your peers. Use ClickUp to create a schedule, to-do lists, share documents, and more. Share your completed list of resources and grade-level progressions on a spreadsheet similar to the progression chart when finished.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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BackStory: Blackstory - Edsitement
10 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): black history (130), civil rights (201), martin luther king (45), podcasts (103)
In the Classroom
Due to the intense nature of some of the content shared in the podcast, consider listening to the podcast chapters one by one together as a class. Prepare for some of the difficult conversations by using resources found within the TeachersFirst Special Topics Page Resources for Difficult Conversations. Take advantage of the lesson plans shared on this site to extend student comprehension beyond the conversations shared in the podcast. Encourage students to enhance learning by researching areas of interest while creating a Padlet, reviewed here, with a variety of resources such as videos, primary sources, and books. Extend learning by offering students various options for sharing their learning about anti-Black violence. Ideas include using Adobe Creative Cloud Express Video Maker, reviewed here, to create video, or create a podcast using Buzzsprout, reviewed here, or build a website using Site123, reviewed here, or build an interactive story using maps created with Google My Maps, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Digital Citizenship: Technological Literacy - PBS Learning Media
K to 12tag(s): digital citizenship (85), internet safety (113), journalism (73), social media (48)
In the Classroom
Take advantage of the many videos and resources found on this site to include with your digital citizenship lessons. Engage students in learning about digital citizenship using playposit, reviewed here, to add notes, questions, and student-teacher interactions to any video. Enhance the learning experience by including these videos and your other resources into a digital lesson using Curipod, reviewed here. Extend learning by asking students to share their learning using different technology tools. For example, have some students create a podcast using Buzzsprout, reviewed here, while others create and share video presentations made with Animoto, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Do's and Don'ts of Teaching Black History - Learning for Justice
K to 12tag(s): black history (130), civil rights (201), cross cultural understanding (170), cultures (171), difficult conversations (57), martin luther king (45), politics (117), racism (79), rosa parks (9)
In the Classroom
Bookmark and use the information provided in the article as a guideline for teaching Black history, not just during Black History Month but throughout the year. Find many Black History resources at the TeachersFirst Black History Special Topics page, found here, or within many of the Reading Treks, found here. The Reading Treks share virtual field trips of resources based upon literature and include many Black history selections. Celebrate your students' learning throughout the year using digital tools to create virtual field trips using Google My Maps, reviewed here, or creating interactive infographics using Canva Infographic Templates, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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The Nora Project Resources for Educators - The Nora Project
K to 12tag(s): aspergers (7), autism (15), character education (78), disabilities (31), diversity (39), empathy (33), social and emotional learning (95), Special Needs (53)
In the Classroom
Bookmark The Nora Project to include resources for teaching and learning about disabilities and inclusion in your teacher toolbox. Consider curating your resources using Wakelet, reviewed here, into one easy to find collection. Add your peers as collaborators to your Wakelet collection as you continue to find and build additional resources. Ask older students to create infographics and posters to teach others about inclusiveness using Genially, reviewed here. Add links, images, and videos within your Genially projects to create interactive content. Use WriteReader, reviewed here, with younger students to create and share interactive books telling the story of inclusiveness. WriteReader is an excellent tool for creating books with emerging writers as it offers the option to show student writing along with the correct spelling underneath.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Harmony Social & Emotional Learning - Harmony SEL
K to 6tag(s): character education (78), social and emotional learning (95)
In the Classroom
Use this excellent, free curriculum and professional development academy to incorporate social-emotional learning into your classroom. If time doesn't allow for full implementation of the curriculum, use the ideas found on Harmony SEL to address specific needs within your classroom. For example, if you see a need to reinforce and practice empathy for others, use the lessons provided to promote understanding of others and encourage students to look through the perspective of others. As students participate in the learning activities, encourage them to use Edublogs, reviewed here, to share their learning activities and reflect upon how to use their social-emotional skills. Ask students to use a comic creation tool like ToonyTool, reviewed here, to create cartoons that share ideas and examples of positive character traits and how to respond in difficult situations.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Attitude Anchor Chart - Zearn
K to 8tag(s): character education (78), social and emotional learning (95)
In the Classroom
Share this anchor chart with students and post it on a bulletin board to remind students to reflect upon their work and learning process. As discussed on the information for the chart, provide students with badges for demonstrating the different qualities found on the chart. Instead of a printable badge, use a digital badge creation tool such as Open Badges, reviewed here, to create unique badges to share with students. Include students in reflection and developing positive attitudes by encouraging them to use this anchor chart as an example to create their acronym and learning attitude goals. Use Canva Edu, reviewed here, to design and share anchor charts to print and display in your classroom and online.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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How Do Human Rights Work? - Equality and Human Rights Commission
8 to 12tag(s): civil rights (201), holocaust (42), identity (29), religions (89), social and emotional learning (95), world war 2 (160)
In the Classroom
Include this lesson as part of lessons teaching about the Holocaust and human rights. Engage students by replacing the quiz on the included slide with an interactive quiz response tool such as Quizizz, reviewed here. Use the PowerPoint slide presentation as a starting point to make an interactive learning experience using Google Slides, reviewed here, or Microsoft PowerPoint, reviewed here. Add links to additional resources, videos, and images to enhance student learning. Extend learning by asking students to create a human rights campaign using Canva for Education, reviewed here. Canva for Education provides options for creating media such as infographics, presentations, and videos.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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A History of Ideas - BBC Radio
9 to 12tag(s): ethics (21), gifted (66), podcasts (103), video (264)
In the Classroom
Include this podcast in your philosophy classrooms or as a critical thinking activity within gifted and talented classrooms. Introduce the work of philosophers and philosophical discussions through the use of student choice boards. For example, create a Wakelet collection, reviewed here, that provides links to several different topics found in the podcast archives and allow students (or student groups) to use that as a starting point for their activity. Ask students to use Wakelet to create a collaborative collection that includes information based on their research. Items might include videos, articles, and websites that support all sides of their philosophical discussion. As a final extended learning activity, have students create animated presentations using Presentious, reviewed here. For example, have students use the template created as an "Influencer Marketing Proposal" as a starting point for convincing others that their philosophy is the correct way to look at the information.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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25 Creative Social Emotional Learning Activities - Institute for Arts Integration and STEAM
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): social and emotional learning (95)
In the Classroom
Use the ideas found in this article as a starting point for incorporating the arts into SEL activities and lessons. Share the PDF found on this site with parents as information on helping students at home. Ask students to share their ideas on each of the five different competencies by creating and sharing images made in Canva for Education, reviewed here. Introduce a new competency weekly or monthly to help develop student awareness of each skill. As your students create and share images, add them to a class book made with Book Creator, reviewed here, for students to use as an ongoing resource and reminder of suggested techniques to improve social-emotional awareness.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Interdisciplinary Civics Education Lessons - United4SC
6 to 12tag(s): branches of government (64), civil rights (201), constitution (93), democracy (23), diseases (67), elections (83), environment (246), ethics (21), media literacy (107), pilgrims (12), psychology (65), racism (79), slavery (78), supreme court (27)
In the Classroom
Bookmark this excellent resource for use throughout the year to engage students as they learn about various social studies topics. Luckily, this site includes a link to each of the videos that are shared on edpuzzle, reviewed here. Use these links to create and share video lessons with your students, including notes, quizzes, and comments extending learning. Use the included lesson plans as a starting point for your lessons, then ask students to extend learning by sharing information through various choices. For example, offer students options for creating a podcast teaching about one of the topics using Buzzsprout, reviewed here. Buzzsprout includes options to personalize podcasts, such as the ability to add links to show notes and the option to schedule episodes for release at specific times and dates; in addition offer Genially, reviewed here, where students can choose to create interactive presentations, images, infographics, charts, and anything else you can think of.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Global Citizenship Resources - TeachersFirst
K to 12tag(s): collaboration (90), cross cultural understanding (170)
In the Classroom
Help your students to become global citizens using these engaging resources. Find ways to connect with other schools around the country or even around the world. Share these resources with your colleagues and school parents by emailing the page or sharing the link from your school web page and in your school newsletter.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Social and Emotional Learning Resources - TeachersFirst
K to 12tag(s): emotions (48), empathy (33), social and emotional learning (95)
In the Classroom
Find resources to educate yourself and your students about various topics related to social-emotional learning. This collection includes lesson plans, digital check-ins, toolkits, professional resources, and more. Share this curated list with your colleagues and families.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Extra, Extra, Read All About It: Looking at Current Events with an Analytical Eye - TeachersFirst
4 to 12tag(s): climate change (94), critical thinking (121), immigrants (34), native americans (108), point of view (8), racism (79)
In the Classroom
Use the information shared on the site to find resources and activities that teach students to think critically about their information. Take advantage of the suggested books and ideas that extend learning through the use of technology. Consider using Wakelet, reviewed here, as a curation tool to share information with students and to share your students' work products.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Along - Gradient Learning
6 to 12tag(s): classroom management (118), communication (129), social and emotional learning (95), Teacher Utilities (183)
In the Classroom
Along makes it easy for you to implement this tool into your classroom with their many free resources. Resources include guides to introducing Along to students and fellow educators. Share the privacy information guide with parents as you begin using this tool. Begin by using the customizable calendar as a method for planning to introduce and use Along. Consider using the information found on the site to create and share a presentation about this product using Google Slides, reviewed here, or by creating a short video using Adobe Creative Cloud Express Video Maker reviewed here. Be sure to show students how to prepare for their responses. If you find some students are reluctant to use one of the modes, for instance, the video, work with that student to help them feel comfortable. Uses for this tool are only limited by your imagination, and it's perfect for staying updated on the social-emotional learning (SEL) of your students. Check-in with students during long projects or reports to see where they are in the process and if they have any frustrations, check-in after a science lab to see who has questions, ask students at the end of a project or lab what they would do differently next time. Check-in with Language arts book groups to see how students are doing with the novel, their group, the project at the end, etc.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Project Ready - UNC-Chapel Hill's School of Information and Library Science
K to 12tag(s): cross cultural understanding (170), difficult conversations (57), diversity (39), native americans (108), racism (79)
In the Classroom
Project Ready's modules are designed for use by individuals or small groups. Although this content is directed at library services, the information is invaluable for anyone who works with youth. Follow the curriculum for your personal growth or as a grade or content-level peer group. Completing all of the modules requires an extended time period; in fact, it might be helpful to use for professional development over two years instead of one school year. If you and your peers don't have time to complete all of the curricula, consider choosing individual modules based on your desired professional development goals and school needs to study as a group or for your own personal development.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Critical Media Project - Alison Trope
3 to 12tag(s): bullying (48), cultures (171), difficult conversations (57), disabilities (31), identity (29), racism (79)
In the Classroom
Discover the many ready-to-go, short, focused activities found on this site during any lessons on social issues and current events. Each lesson features discussion questions, after class discussions ask students to share their thoughts using an online blogging tool such as edublogs, reviewed here. Have students include information and links that reinforce their ideas. For older students, use Perusall, reviewed here, as a collaborative tool for sharing and discussing issues and ideas in online articles.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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