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LibreTexts - LibreTexts
10 to 12tag(s): business (52), careers (141), cells (83), communication (129), differentiation (82), ecology (102), electricity (62), elements (34), engineering (127), environment (246), evolution (88), financial literacy (91), genetics (81), geology (61), gifted (66), literature (220), logic (161), magnetism (37), mental health (32), nutrition (137), oceans (147), OER (43), organisms (15), periodic table (46), plants (147), professional development (373), psychology (65), religions (90), sociology (23), space (216), spanish (108), statistics (120), STEM (288)
In the Classroom
LibreTexts is a bonanza for AP and teachers of gifted students. Take advantage of the free texts, course outlines, and homework resources to differentiate instruction and provide lessons for advanced students. Choose resources from LibreTexts for use in any classroom to supplement current materials. As part of career-planning activities, ask students to browse through topics that interest them. Encourage students to collaborate with others with similar career interests, both in the classroom and globally. Extend learning by suggesting that students participate in Ted-Ed Clubs, reviewed here. These Clubs allow participants to share in global meetings with peers that have a common interest. As students learn more about their chosen field, encourage them to interact with members of your community to ask questions and perhaps job shadow as a way to understand the career through personal experience. If using course materials and textbooks found on LibreTexts, this is the perfect opportunity for students to ask clarifying questions from their mentor. Enhance learning by making students the experts. Ask them to present their career findings using a multimedia tool like Sway, reviewed here, to share the information learned with peers.You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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Brad Dale YouTube Channel - Brad Dale
K to 12tag(s): professional development (373), tutorials (53)
In the Classroom
Bookmark and save this site for your use and for student use when using popular technology tools. Even better, use this site as a model for your students to become the experts and create their own video tips for technology tools or any classroom topic that needs additional guidance. Begin with assessing students' prior knowledge on use of a classroom tool, for example, Google Docs. Start with a very simple polling tool like Poll Everywhere, reviewed here, to ask questions and find out how comfortable students are with the different Docs and features available. Use the information learned from the poll to motivate students to share their knowledge with others, specifically with tips for working with less familiar parts of the documents. Ask students to share their explainer videos using Clipchamp, reviewed here, and post to your class webpage. Many times students know much more about technology than adults; use this information to your school and community's benefit by sharing student explainers on your school website. Be sure to include a comment section for community members to add ideas for explainer videos that they can use in their everyday routines when working with technology.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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A Field Guide to Fake News and Other Information Disorders - Liliana Bounegru and others
6 to 12tag(s): internet safety (113), journalism (73), news (228)
In the Classroom
Bookmark this site for use with any social media lessons. Use the entire book or choose from selected chapters or sections. Enhance learning by encouraging students to reflect on and discuss the information found in the book through the use of Fiskkit, reviewed here. Fiskkit is a collaborative tool for sharing and discussing online articles, add the URL of this book into Fiskkit to create a document where students can highlight and comment on any portion of the information. When working with research projects, suggest that students use iCyte Education, reviewed here, to save quotes and cite information found. iCyte is a browser add-on that makes citations and saving online information easy for you and your students. As a final project, and to extend learning, have students create explainer videos using CapCut, reviewed here to share their tips on how to find and deal with "fake news."Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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PmWiki - Patrick R. Michaud
K to 12tag(s): social networking (61), wikis (14)
In the Classroom
If you have not tried a wiki yet, visit the TeachersFirst Wiki Walk-Through for a detailed, step-by-step explanation and starter help, including dozens of ideas for ways to use a wiki in your classroom. Before implementing this site with your classroom, take some time to teach students how to edit and add information. This site is not WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get), meaning that when editing a page, you see the markup information. Allow students time to play in the site's "sandbox" as a way to preview and learn how to add information. Create and use a wiki to collaborate and compile information on any classroom research projects. For example, have your class work together to add resources and web links when researching causes of the Civil War, plants and animals found within different habitats, or share math problem-solving ideas and links. Use your wiki for small group projects and ask students to share a synopsis of group meetings along with a compilation of websites and videos used in their research.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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ArtsNow - ArtsNow.org
K to 12tag(s): animals (295), art history (99), civil war (138), geometric shapes (135), maps (215), matter (46), seasons (37), STEM (288), stories and storytelling (58), temperature (35), weather (160)
In the Classroom
Take advantage of these free lesson plans and classroom activities to integrate art into your everyday classroom activities. Consider coordinating lessons with your school's art and music teachers. Expand upon the ideas found on this site to bring other art forms into the lessons. For example, take advantage of poetry resources and interactives found at ReadWriteThink, reviewed here, and have students create diamante, acrostic, and haiku poems relating to your lessons. Enhance student learning further by asking students or groups of students to create webpages sharing their learning activities using a resource like Carrd, reviewed here. This very simple tool allows users to add images and text to create a beautiful website using the provided templates. Be sure to ask students to include a reflective writing piece describing their learning throughout your unit. Take learning to the highest level and ask students to design and create a series of podcasts using Anchor, reviewed here. Ask students to discuss their learning activities, and also hypothesize on different outcomes of experiments when changing elements or activities. For example, if creating a podcast discussing changes in matter, have students share their thoughts on how the room and outdoor temperature affects outcomes. What if they used juice instead of water? Would the change from ice to liquid take the same amount of time?Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Social Media Test Drive - Cornell University and the Cornell Research Foundation, Inc
4 to 12tag(s): character education (78), cyberbullying (40), digital citizenship (85), social media (48)
In the Classroom
Share these modules for students to complete during any lessons on Internet safety. Ask students to contribute to a collaborative document sharing examples they have seen of cyberbullying or deceptive news practice. Replace pencil and paper notetaking by sharing an online tool such as Webnote, reviewed here, for students to use to take notes on any website. When finished, have them share their notes using the URL created for use in classroom discussions. Reinforce online safety concepts through gameplay using Baamboozle, reviewed here. Enhance student learning by asking students to create a game in Baamboozle for their peers to play to identify best practices in creating a safe online presence. After completing your digital safety unit, modify classroom technology use and extend learning by asking students to create explainer videos using FlexClip, reviewed here, with suggestions on how to identify fake news, how to create a positive digital footprint or ways to support peers when faced with cyberbullying. Share student videos on your class website and with younger students.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Glide - David Siegel
7 to 12tag(s): organizational skills (88), spreadsheets (23)
In the Classroom
Take advantage of the video tutorials to learn about how to create and customize apps with Glide. Consider sharing this tool with one or more of your tech-savvy students and let them become the expert at how to use the different features. Ask them to create screencasts using Awesome ScreenShot, reviewed here, to demonstrate how to begin creating an app, how to customize an app, or any other features of this tool. Use Glide as a unique teaching tool to engage and capture student interest in a variety of ways. For example, have students create a directory of characters found in a Shakespeare play and include pertinent information including their relationship to other characters, the character's important moments within the play, and more. Another example of how to use Glide is to create an app for students to use when working on long-term projects. Use the objectives template to set up goals and timelines for students to follow.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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DigCitCommit - ISTE
K to 12tag(s): digital citizenship (85), internet safety (113)
In the Classroom
Bookmark this site to use as a resource as you teach about digital citizenship. Learn about the five competencies, then use them as a basis for instruction. Encourage students to become engaged in the conversation by sharing their understanding of different topics. For example, as you teach about the concept of being aware, use a concept mapping resource like mindmaps, reviewed here, for students to visualize and share ideas related to being aware of online actions. As you continue in your lessons of awareness, enhance student learning by incorporating teaching strategies to encourage students to personalize learning experiences through the use of journals or blogs. edublogs, reviewed here, is an excellent blogging tool that provides a safe resource for student writing in addition to providing you the ability to moderate content and privacy settings. As students develop an understanding of each competency, encourage them to continue learning and applying the lessons to their everyday use of online resources. Have groups of students become experts in different competencies and share their knowledge with younger students through the creation of explainer videos using Clipchamp, reviewed here, podcasts using PodcastGenerator, reviewed here, or digital books created with Book Creator, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Realism - Realism Inc.
6 to 12tag(s): acids and bases (8), chemicals (41), newton (21), rockets (11), STEM (288)
In the Classroom
Add Realism to your other resources for teaching science content; it provides an excellent alternative for teachers with a lack of resources at school or as an option for a virtual lab for your students to explore anywhere. Consider incorporating this site along with other activities into a complete unit using Actively Learn, reviewed here. Actively Learn includes many features and resources for building custom learning opportunities for your students using their data bank of resources along with those you add on your own. In addition, Actively Learn provides you with immediate feedback to use for assessment. As students explore the different lab activities, ask them to use Google Docs or Microsoft Word to document data collected during the experiment, including screenshots captured during the lab. Have students share their work and reflections on activities using a portfolio creation tool like PathBrite reviewed here. Encourage students to show creativity within their portfolio by adding a variety of elements using tools offered in PathBrite, including images, music, video, and more to share their learning process.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Solar System Exploration - NASA
3 to 12tag(s): explorers (65), moon (72), planets (111), solar system (108), sun (71)
In the Classroom
Use this site to offer students the opportunity to explore our solar system through interactives, facts, and informative articles. Introduce the site on your interactive whiteboard then allow students to explore on their own. Because the site is dense with content, you might want to provide students specific areas and content for exploration. As students learn about different pieces of the solar system, ask them to share information using Pinup, reviewed here a labeling tool; have students use an image and create notes about information learned. For example, find a free image to use of the sun and add notes with interesting facts, including distance from the earth, the temperature on the sun, and more. Use Pinup to create an image for each planet either together as a class, or have students create their own. Use the information learned to create a lively learning game using Baamboozle, reviewed here. Baamboozle is a quick and easy two-team quiz creation game that keeps track of the score as you play. Have older students create their own quiz game for classmates to play based on the material they learned from this site and others. Enhance student learning a step further and modify classroom technology use by asking them to create books about the solar system using Book Creator, reviewed here. Book Creator includes features for students to easily create digital books using their own text, videos, and images. Use BookCreator for a variety of assignments in any classroom that is integrating technology as an enhancement, modification, or transformation. Be sure to include your students' books on your class website as part of your digital library for students and parents!Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Phishing Quiz - Google
6 to 12tag(s): internet safety (113), STEM (288)
In the Classroom
Use this quiz as an introduction to any online safety lessons or unit. Complete the quiz together as a class on your interactive whiteboard or have students take the quiz on their own. If students complete the quiz individually, compile statistics on individual questions and percentage correct on the overall quiz. Use your statistics to modify technology use by creating a simple infographic and chart using Venngage, reviewed here. Discuss the questions that gave students the most difficulty and use that as a starting point for further lessons. Augment classroom technology by having students share their knowledge of online safety through podcasts using Buzzsprout, reviewed here. Use Buzzsprout to schedule and share podcasts through weekly "chapters" that include links to further information.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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In Pictures - In Pictures, Inc.
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): editing (93), Google (47), Microsoft (79), tutorials (53)
In the Classroom
In Pictures is an excellent site to bookmark on classroom computers and share with students. Use this site to help students (and you) understand how to complete various tasks when working with a variety of documents. Use In Pictures as a model to demonstrate how to present how-to guides, then enhance student learning by having students create their own how-to presentation based on your classroom needs. Ask students to create their guides using an easy website creation tool like Carrd, reviewed here, and augment classroom technology. For example, in science class have students create a step-by-step guide using screenshots and images to demonstrate the scientific process, or for a reading project have students demonstrate skills for reading non-fiction by previewing chapter titles, images, and captions.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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National Geographic 101 - National Geographic
6 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): animals (295), chemicals (41), climate (82), climate change (94), dinosaurs (42), diseases (67), drugs and alcohol (28), energy (131), evolution (88), genetics (81), hiv/aids (15), moon (72), planets (111), plants (147), pollution (52), religions (90), romans (40), solar energy (34), solar system (108), space (216), STEM (288), sun (71), weather (160)
In the Classroom
Take advantage of the share feature included with each video to share a link or embed videos on your class website or student computers. These videos provide a wonderful opportunity for students to explore a variety of science topics that aren't always included in the science curriculum. As students find a topic of interest on the site enhance learning by asking them to research additional information, and then use Canva, reviewed here, and to modify their technology use by creating posters or infographics sharing their findings with their peers. Include student-created posters or infographics as part of an overall presentation using a portfolio-building site like about.me, reviewed here. Use About.me for students to create a portfolio as their future self as a scientist sharing their research that includes posters, written work, cited research, and more.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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NASA Science - NASA
7 to 12tag(s): earth (184), explorers (65), solar system (108), space (216), STEM (288), sun (71)
In the Classroom
Become acquainted with the information shared on this site to use within your current lessons on space and science. View videos together on your interactive whiteboard or have students view videos at home and share questions and their thoughts in class. Include information from this site with other web resources to share with students. Use a bookmarking site like Raindrop.io, reviewed here, to share online resources collaboratively. In addition to saving bookmarks, Raindrop.io allows you to add comments to saved resources. Work together as a class to create resources for researching science topics. Instead of just watching videos, increase and enhance student learning through the use of a site such as playposit, reviewed here. playposit offers tools for adding both student and teacher comments to online videos. Use this resource to point out important information, ask critical questions, and challenge student thinking. Instead of assessing student learning of your science topic through tests or research projects, offer students the opportunity to share learning by creating their own game based on their research using a game-creation tool like Scratch, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Inspark Teaching Network - Center for Education Through Exploration at Arizona State Univ.
8 to 12tag(s): cells (83), habitats (90), human body (93), organisms (15), planets (111), rock cycle (12), rocks (35), solar system (108), stars (70), Teacher Utilities (183), virtual field trips (119)
In the Classroom
Take advantage of the free lessons and virtual experiences to enhance your current science lessons. These activities are also perfect for differentiating instruction for gifted learners or for correlating to varying student interests. Instead of using written journals, consider replacing them by asking students to use an online portfolio tool such as Pathbrite, reviewed here, to showcase their learning. Use Pathbrite to set up a digital exhibit demonstrating the science concept learned using multimedia features included in Pathbrite like videos, images and supporting articles. Ask students to modify technology use and demonstrate learning by creating an explainer video using CapCut, reviewed here, or another video creation tool. For the musically inclined student, ask them to create a rap song or poem sharing their learning and produce a video to share on SchoolTube, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Digital Civics Toolkit - MacArthur Research Network
8 to 12tag(s): communities (33), cross cultural understanding (172), digital citizenship (85), journalism (73)
In the Classroom
Save yourself some time, and use these excellent free modules on this site during online safety lessons. Share this site with your school's counselor for use during digital awareness activities. Instead of using paper and pencil to record ideas during brainstorming sessions, use an online bulletin board like Padlet, reviewed here, to organize and record student responses. Padlet offers tools for participants to share links and add comments to posts. As students develop responses to prompts, replace paper and pencil and ask them to create simple web pages to share their ideas and include support for their position using a simple webpage creation tool like Jimdo, reviewed here. Add a link to each student or group's web pages onto your class website to share the variety of ideas and resources shared by the class. Enhance learning and use Acast, reviewed here, to create podcasts featuring student's sharing tips for being digitally aware and share with your school community.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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The Top 6 Population Migrations in American History - HomeArea.com
7 to 12tag(s): 1800s (75), 1900s (72), 20th century (62), civil war (138), data (151), gold rush (15), migration (45), native americans (108), population (50), railroads (14), STEM (288)
In the Classroom
Use this site for many different purposes in history and geography classrooms. Data found on these maps only go up through 2010, ask students to research data through the current year. Create and annotate your own charts using ChartAccent, reviewed here, to demonstrate population changes in your state or community. Take advantage of a large amount of data and information found on this site to use as a starting point for student research projects. Ask them to transform their learning by creating and presenting their information through a multimedia platform such as eStory, reviewed here. Use this tool to add texts, images, maps, and more to tell the story of changes over time within a community.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Construct3 - Construct.net
6 to 12tag(s): coding (85), game based learning (187), gamification (79), STEM (288)
In the Classroom
Include Construct3 with your other options for teaching coding to students. Take advantage of the included levels to differentiate learning based on knowledge of coding. If you are uncomfortable with coding, enlist students to become technology coaches in your classroom to teach and share their knowledge with others. Use and share Google Forms to create how-to guides for students to get started including images with tips and suggestions. Ask "in-the-know" students to enhance their learning and create one-page websites using Jimdo, reviewed here, sharing advice for individual games included in Construct3. As students become familiar with coding, have them use FlexClip, reviewed here, to extend their learning by creating simple explainer videos detailing how to build and share personalized games.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Future Ready Schools Planning Dashboard - Future Ready Schools
K to 12tag(s): collaboration (90), data (151), Teacher Utilities (183)
In the Classroom
Take advantage of this free online tool to guide your district toward planning and implementing your technology plan. Share with administrators as an option for use with your technology committee. As you gather and share information with your community and staff to use in your guide, consider using a collaboration tool like Padlet, reviewed here. Use Padlet to share technology options with the community and gather comments. Create another Padlet to gather comments and ideas from staff. When considering more complex ideas during your planning, use Gravity, reviewed here, to create and share video discussions. Help build community support for your technology plan by creating ongoing podcasts using Spotify for Podcastors, reviewed here. Share podcasts with your community throughout the planning process to discuss ideas, update listeners on your goals and progress, and to compare and contrast options considered for your plan.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Nova Labs - PBS
6 to 12tag(s): cells (83), critical thinking (122), energy (131), evolution (88), internet safety (113), Research (84), solar energy (34), sun (71), weather (160)
In the Classroom
Nova Labs provides many opportunities for engaging students in authentic learning situations. Consider using this site as an introduction to any of the included topics. For example, begin your energy unit by assigning the energy lab as homework or as a flipped learning activity. Watch the introductory video together, then allow students to explore the site on their own. Use Playposit, reviewed here, extend technology use by adding questions and student responses to videos to encourage critical thinking skills. Have students share their learning after participating in the lab by annotating images using Google Drawings, reviewed here. Google Drawings allows you to annotate an image with links to videos, text, websites, and more. Not familiar with Google Drawings? Watch an archived OK2Ask session to learn how to use: OK2Ask Google Drawings, here. Google Drawings presents a variety of levels for technology use depending on teacher requirements for the project, or even student ability; it allows for adding narration, videos, text, and links to help explain the project. Ask tech-savvy students to create their own learning games with Scratch, reviewed here, using information learned from their research.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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