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Rich Blocks, Poor Blocks - RichBlocksPoorBlocks
7 to 12In the Classroom
Propose reasons for the differences in median income in a particular area or state. Research industry, agriculture, level of education, and other factors to determine the reasons. Investigate at the nearby ports and natural resources. Why do certain parts of the country have higher incomes and/or costs of living? How is income connected to education level? Students can identify patterns that exist among the data. They can form hypotheses about why. Create a campaign to bridge the wage gap by suggesting ideas to increase salaries in areas. Have students create a simple infographic sharing their findings using Snappa, reviewed here. Teachers of gifted will find "rich" possibilities for discussion from this site.You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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True Tube - TrueTube
9 to 12tag(s): architecture (74), digital citizenship (85), diseases (67), environment (246), media literacy (107), mental health (32), persuasive writing (58), poetry (192), religions (90), sexuality (15), social skills (22), sustainability (45), writing prompts (61)
In the Classroom
Share specific videos on your projector or interactive whiteboard. Use a video to introduce a debate topic or as a prompt for persuasive writing. As a media literacy exercise, ask students to find another video (perhaps on YouTube) that presents an opposing viewpoint on the same topic as one here. Then challenge cooperative learning groups to create their own videos on this or another controversial topic being discussed in class. Share the videos using a tool such as TeacherTube reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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The Gettysburg School Bus: The Civil War in the Classroom - Barbara Sanders
7 to 12tag(s): 1800s (75), battles (18), civil war (138), gettysburg (15), gettysburg address (12)
In the Classroom
This is an excellent site to bookmark and save for many Civil War resources including lesson plans, first hand information on Gettysburg, and Civil War articles. Have students choose one of the blog posts from the site then create magazine covers of information included using Magazine Cover Maker reviewed here. Have students create an online presentation on the Battle of Gettysburg using Prezi (reviewed here). Use lesson plans included on the site to supplement your current Civil War unit.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Poetry and Music of the War Between the States - civilwarpoetry.org
7 to 12tag(s): 1800s (75), battles (18), civil war (138), poetry (192)
In the Classroom
Include this site with your Civil War unit resources. Have students upload a photo they have taken and add voice bubbles to explain what they learned using a tool such as Phrase.it, reviewed here. Or challenge cooperative learning groups to use one of the many other multimedia presentation TeachersFirst Edge tools found here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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History Tools - David Voelker
8 to 12tag(s): american revolution (82), branches of government (64), civil rights (201), civil war (138), colonial america (95), colonization (21), darwin (13), lincoln (66), poetry (192), religions (90), slavery (78), washington (28), womens suffrage (51)
In the Classroom
Bookmark and save for use with American History units. Use online source documents in addition to materials currently used in class. Allow students to explore the online documents; then have students create a "word cloud" of key terms from any document using a site such as Tagul. Post the clouds on your bulletin board for visual "review." Use the author's essay rubric and class participation information with your class for assessment and participation guidelines.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Coursera - Coursera.org
9 to 12tag(s): china (81), climate change (94), computers (108), data (151), energy (131), engineering (127), financial literacy (91), gamification (79), greeks (41), immigrants (34), immigration (68), nutrition (137), professional development (374), psychology (65), scientific method (48), sociology (23), solar energy (34), space (216), sports (81)
In the Classroom
Allow gifted students to enroll in courses that interest them or that provide enrichment beyond classroom content. Share with others in your building as a resource for professional development. Explore the topics yourself for some new, engaging topics to round out your own expertise. Allow students to enroll in a course that would fit into their career goals as an exploratory opportunity in that field.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Google Arts & Cultural - Google
9 to 12tag(s): 1900s (72), 1910s (6), 1920s (15), 1930s (20), 1940s (14), 1950s (8), 1960s (26), 1970s (10), 1980s (7), 20th century (62), africa (144), asia (110), civil rights (201), cross cultural understanding (172), holocaust (42), impressionism (6), jews (32), pearl harbor (14), south africa (13), spain (13), world war 2 (160)
In the Classroom
Because of the visual impact of this resource, it's perfect for use on an interactive whiteboard (or projector as a complement to a study of the historical period or issue serving as the focus for each theme. Students can hear the voices of children who were affected by the Holocaust, see photographs of Apartheid era South Africa, and view primary source documents related to the life of activist Steve Biko. Allow yourself a little time to play with the site before you use it, as it may not be immediately intuitive. Overall, however, the impact of the images and video found here will add real power to your lessons. Challenge your students to use the search tool to find visual media related to events or topics you are studying and to explain the relationships. Even world language teachers will find the media available here a way to share a rich nuances of another culture.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Thou shalt not commit logical fallacies - Jesse Richardson, Andy Smith, Sam Meadon
6 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): critical thinking (122), debate (42), logic (161), persuasive writing (58), reading comprehension (149), thinking skills (15)
In the Classroom
Most academic writing presents a premise to be proved (an argument). When you first start to have your students try to understand logical fallacies, show them the online poster for logical fallacies and get them started trying to find these fallacies in their everyday lives. You could assign a fallacy a week and have students write in a journal, or a little tablet when they come across one. Or collect them on a class wiki with a page for each fallacy type. You could even have them make up their own logical fallacies. Have students create online posters on paper or do it together as a class using a tool such as Web Poster Wizard (reviewed here) or PicLits (reviewed here. After introducing logical fallacies, have students peer edit papers to make sure the writer is not trying to support one of these fallacies. Of course, any speech and debate, or media strategies class would benefit from a review this site. During political seasons, be sure to share this site for evaluating politicians' positions.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Take Me Back To - takemeback.to
4 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): 1900s (72), 1910s (6), 1920s (15), 1930s (20), 1940s (14), 1950s (8), 1960s (26), 1970s (10), 1980s (7), 20th century (62), decades (7), timelines (53)
In the Classroom
Build context around historic dates using details of pop culture, magazines, and more. Have students search for their birthdate and write about significant events on that date. Use an online tool such as Interactive Two Circle Venn Diagram, reviewed here, to create a visual comparison of two different dates or of a past date with today. Ask students to generate questions about an important date, such as Pearl Harbor day, and use cultural details to generate a "snapshot" of what life was like before the world changed. What can you tell from the information shared here? How do you know? Challenge your students to use a site such as Timeline Infographic Templates, reviewed here, to create timelines of events in the 1900's.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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CurriConnects Book List: 100 Leaders - TeachersFirst
K to 12tag(s): artists (83), book lists (166), politics (117), presidents (135), scientists (63)
In the Classroom
Use this list as you study any topic that features leaders: the founding fathers, famous scientists, and much more. Encourage students to read about leaders in diverse fields - including the one you are studying - to compare and discuss what makes someone a successful leader and why people rise to the top among their peers across time, place, and circumstance. You could also form an afterschool book club around this list or use the nonfiction listings as practice with informational texts.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Mr. Anker Tests - Henry Anker
1 to 7tag(s): addition (129), alphabetical order (8), capitalization (9), decimals (85), division (98), earth (184), fractions (159), geometric shapes (135), homophones (6), keyboarding (28), map skills (59), maps (215), money (114), multiplication (122), number sense (70), reading comprehension (149), sign language (10), spelling (98), subtraction (110), synonyms (15), time (91), vocabulary (238)
In the Classroom
Create a link to activities and tests on classroom computers to use for review. Share a link to the site on your class website or blog for practice at home. Assign the "tests" for homework practice.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Newsola - Nick Nicholaou
6 to 12tag(s): countries (72), financial literacy (91), news (228), sports (81)
In the Classroom
Use this site to select current events for the day. Follow the same news thread for a period of time to look at changes and possible reasons for the change in the news. Be sure to check news stories from other countries for a different viewpoint on issues. Create a class discussion for the differences in viewpoints. Challenge cooperative learning groups to explore ONE of the subtopics (Showbiz, World, Finance, etc..) and present the highlights to the class. Have students make a multimedia presentation using one of the many TeachersFirst Edge tools.Comments
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Reading Like a Historian - Digital Inquiry Group
6 to 12tag(s): american revolution (82), civil rights (201), civil war (138), cold war (30), colonial america (95), colonization (21), emancipation proclamation (12), new deal (5), reading strategies (96), slavery (78), world war 1 (77), world war 2 (160)
In the Classroom
Bookmark and save this site as a resource for American history lessons throughout the year. The final segment of each lesson, the "Central Historical Question," has been noted as the most important part. If you don't have time for the full lesson, incorporate the historical question into your lesson plans as part of your classroom discussion, or journal activities. Perhaps you can use it as an essential question for your unit. Challenge students to create a talking avatar using a photo or other image (legally permitted to be reproduced). The avatars can be used to explain the central historical question. Use a site such as Blabberize, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Center for Civic Education - Center for Civic Education
5 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): branches of government (64), civil rights (201), constitution (93), democracy (23), elections (82), electoral college (22), lincoln (66), martin luther king (45), presidents (135), sept11 (18), washington (28)
In the Classroom
Use lesson resources to supplement your current curriculum or commemorate events such as MLK Day, Presidents Day, or Constitution Day. Assign podcasts to groups of students to use, then report to the class. Rather than a traditional report, challenge cooperative learning groups to collaborate on a topic found on the site using Netboard, reviewed here to share ideas and information. Share a link to the podcasts via your web page or blog. Have students answer the daily question then respond with a short journal entry or with comments on your webpage.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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TED-ED - Ted.com
6 to 12tag(s): blended learning (36), business (52), design (78), literature (220), psychology (65), religions (90), Teacher Utilities (183), video (264)
In the Classroom
Choose a video or create your own videos for students to use for review. After students view a video that has the questions, show one that doesn't, and have students generate questions for it. Assign videos for students to view at home or in the computer lab. Use them as a springboard for engaging writing prompts or to spark a discussion connected with a unit of study. Challenge students to do a compare/contrast activity using an online Venn Diagram tool, reviewed here. Most of the videos are less than twenty minutes, which makes it realistic to use them in a one-period class lesson or if you are implementing blended learning or flipped learning in your classroom or school (leaving class time for asking questions and clarifying).Show a video or two with your class and discuss the set up of the lesson. Discuss the difference between basic comprehension questions and open-ended questions. Show your students an inspirational video or two from TED reviewed here. As a class, pick out eight or ten of the TED videos and allow students to sign up to work on one of the videos. Have cooperative learning groups develop a TED Ed video lesson. You will need to proofread all work using a word processor, before allowing students to upload their questions on TED Ed.
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Constitution Day - ConstitutionDay.com
5 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): bill of rights (31), biographies (93), colonial america (95), constitution (93), history day (39), philadelphia (10)
In the Classroom
Share this site with students as a resource for reading and viewing the Constitution. Use Read Ahead, reviewed here with these articles as a guided reading activity for younger students. Read Ahead is perfect for introducing any reading passage to struggling readers, special education students, and ENL/ESL learners. Along with Read Ahead you may want to use Wordsift, reviewed here to help students identify the most important words used in the text. Challenge students to develop a fake social media presence about one of the founding fathers using Fakebook, reviewed here. This is a great resource for Constitution Day!Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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The Lost Museum - American Social History Productions
8 to 12In the Classroom
View this site on your interactive whiteboard and use the teaching activities as a supplement to information in the museum. Divide students into groups to complete the different activities. Have groups share their information usingScreencast-o-matic, reviewed here, or Screencastify (Chrome app), reviewed here, to make narrated recordings about information they find on this site.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Electing the President - How Do You Make Up Your Mind? - History News Network
5 to 8This site includes advertising.
tag(s): elections (82), electoral college (22), presidents (135)
In the Classroom
Select components of the lesson as a supplement to your current election unit. Print the worksheet for students to use to identify topics that are important to them. Use information from this lesson to study and consider the influence of Social Media on elections, Have students use Screencast-o-matic, reviewed here, or Screencastify (Chrome app), reviewed here, to make narrated recordings about the use of social media, political advertisements, or any other election topic after completing the lesson on this site.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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American Battlefield Trust - American Battlefield Trust
6 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): battles (18), civil war (138), emancipation proclamation (12), gettysburg (15), gettysburg address (12), Juneteenth (22), lincoln (66), slavery (78)
In the Classroom
Bookmark and save this site as an excellent resource for Civil War materials. Display different battle information on an interactive whiteboard or with a projector to discuss as a class. Share this site with students to use as a resource for class projects. Ask them to collect facts and resources using a bookmarking tool such as Wakelet, reviewed here. Have students use a mapping tool such as Google Earth, reviewed here, to create an audio (and visual) tour of pertinent battle sites. Challenge your students to use a site such as Sutori, reviewed here, to create an interactive timeline of important battles. With Sutori you can include text, images and collaboration. Have students make a multimedia presentation using Genial.ly, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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People's Pie - iCivics.org
5 to 12tag(s): branches of government (64), financial literacy (91), game based learning (187)
In the Classroom
Demonstrate the basic concepts of the challenge on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Then allow students to play on their own on the whiteboard or classroom computers, keeping a log of their actions and results. Have students create "talking pictures" to debate funding (or lack of) for a particular budget item using Blabberize, reviewed here. Use this game as a springboard for an economics or government class to debate and discuss the impact of financial decisions on different segments of the community. Have students research current candidates' financial plans and play the game using the politician's strategies. Have students compare and contrast the impact on the economy.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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