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NotebookLM - Google
K to 12tag(s): artificial intelligence (161), note taking (36), Teacher Utilities (174), timelines (55)
In the Classroom
Use NotebookLM to support and engage students in many different ways. Upload lessons and documents to create and share study guides with students. Create and share an audio podcast at the start of a new unit to engage students in the upcoming lessons. Use NotebookLM to create a study guide, copy it, and paste it into a quiz tool that uses AI, such as Quizlet reviewed here to create flashcards and study materials for your students or Gibbly, reviewed here to create a quiz. Create a short tutorial using Free Online Screen Recorder, reviewed here on the features and how to use NotebookLM to share with parents for use at home to create study guides for classroom lessons.You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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TeacherServer AI Tools - TeacherServer
K to 12tag(s): artificial intelligence (161), professional development (404), Teacher Utilities (174)
In the Classroom
Bookmark and save TeacherServer as a helpful tool for increasing productivity and efficiency in any classroom. Generate and edit lesson plans, use other tools to differentiate learning for students with different ability levels or abilities, or provide choices for students to share their learning. Include ideas from the parent section to share ideas for supporting students at home, write professional emails, and provide customized strategies for many different student needs.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Vnote - Nick Koshnick
6 to 12tag(s): artificial intelligence (161), collaboration (94), communication (139), note taking (36), writing (324)
In the Classroom
Use Vnote to create documents quickly for many classroom purposes. For example, develop outlines to share with students as study guides for upcoming lessons. This tool is beneficial when working with multilingual learners and students who need additional classroom support. Ask Vnote to create an outline with basic parts of speech and examples for multilingual students to keep handy in a notebook or create a document for the entire class with important information about your Civil War unit, then use the AI editing features to convert the document to a different language to make it accessible to all students. Create a Vnote document at the end of a lesson that includes highlights of information taught, then post the document on your class learning management system for students to access and review. Share Vnote with students to create study guides highlighting essential details and information to prepare for upcoming assessments. Ask students to collaborate by sharing information exported to Google Docs to add additional information and context as they prepare for tests.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Suno AI Song Creator - Suno
K to 12tag(s): artificial intelligence (161), lyrics (15), preK (267), songs (45)
In the Classroom
Use this song generator to engage students in any subject. For example, ask Suno to create lyrics and music to coincide with upcoming holidays and classroom events. Try asking Suno to make an upbeat song about your field trip to the zoo or a jazz song that includes information about New Orleans, and play the song for students as a schema activator for your lesson. Create songs with specific vocabulary terms for students to use as a learning aid or produce songs that assist multilingual learners in learning English. App smash Suno with MagicSchool's Song Generator, reviewed here by asking MagicSchool to create a song using any topic and details, then copy the lyrics into Suno to turn the lyrics into any genre desired. Ask students to use Suno to make a song that accompanies a research project or multimedia presentation, then include the song with other presentation elements built into a simple website created with edublogs, reviewed here or another free website builder like Strikingly, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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ReadTheory Reading Passage Generator - ReadTheory
K to 12tag(s): artificial intelligence (161), differentiation (92), reading comprehension (150), worksheets (69)
In the Classroom
Use this reading passage generator to create introductory and review passages for any subject; no registration is required. Differentiate for student ability levels by selecting different grade levels while providing all students the same information. Take some time to practice generating texts and questions to understand different ways to create questions that meet your needs. For example, when choosing lower elementary grades, sometimes the passages are too short in length. When entering the topic for your prompt, include guidelines for the passage length to create. If you want a passage about stars and planets, have the instructions to make the passage longer than 100 words. Extend learning using other AI tools such as MagicSchool, reviewed here by copying your prompt into one of the many tools available. Use MagicSchool's translator tool to translate for multilanguage learners, generate a list of vocabulary words, or create a science lab activity to accompany your chosen text and topic.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Eduaide - Eduaide.Ai. LLC
K to 12tag(s): artificial intelligence (161), assessment (152), Formative Assessment (77), rubrics (36), Teacher Utilities (174)
In the Classroom
Use Eduaide as a resource to quickly generate ideas for planning and preparing activities for any subject or standard and to differentiate activities to fit the needs of any student. After generating activities, use the provided tags to find project-based learning and scaffolding activities. Other options allow you to create questions for games like Jeopardy and Bingo instantly.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Interview Warmup - Grow With Google
8 to 12tag(s): careers (140), interviews (16), questioning (35)
In the Classroom
Include Interview Warmup with any careers or daily living classes to provide students with practice in interviewing for any job. If using online career preparation and discovery courses like those offered by EverFi, reviewed here, ask students to complete a practice interview focusing on their chosen career topic. Before students begin their interview activity, use Answer Garden, reviewed here as a brainstorming activity to share ideas and suggestions on participating in a successful interview. After completing the activity, have students review the summary of their responses and reflect upon improving answers based on the site's feedback using a digital journaling tool such as Penzu, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Brisk - Brisk
1 to 12tag(s): artificial intelligence (161), differentiation (92), Teacher Utilities (174)
In the Classroom
Use Brisk to quickly adapt and differentiate text or content by reading level and language needs or to translate text into the native language of multilingual learners and generate comprehension questions. Differentiate text for special needs students or gifted students based on their ability. Use the quiz creation tool to quickly generate quizzes that include multiple choice or short response questions based on the website's information. After generating quiz questions, copy and paste them into an online quiz creation tool such as Formative, reviewed here. Use Formative to engage students through teacher-paced or student-paced activities.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Class Companion - Class Companion
9 to 12tag(s): artificial intelligence (161), assessment (152), differentiation (92), feedback (12), writing (324)
In the Classroom
Take advantage of the tutorials provided by Class Companion to learn how to customize lessons and feedback to engage and motivate students. As you become familiar with using the tools found in this resource, learn how to enhance student learning by providing them with options to dispute the AI feedback, which encourages critical thinking skills. Use Class Companion's built-in feedback tools for AP classes to provide low-stakes and unlimited practice for upcoming exams. Use the reporting tools available on the site to share feedback on student growth with individual students to encourage reflective learning practices.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Twee - Twee
K to 12tag(s): artificial intelligence (161), assessment (152), differentiation (92), Formative Assessment (77), grammar (134), grammar review (31), listening (93), reading strategies (103), speaking (23), vocabulary (239), vocabulary development (93)
In the Classroom
Twee isn't just for English teachers! Use Twee to create content for any subject area to engage students and enhance comprehension. Use Twee to differentiate instruction by creating reading passages with different levels of difficulty based on the same content. Twee's vocabulary tools are an excellent option when introducing new vocabulary for science content, social studies, or math terminology. Extend learning using NearPod, reviewed here to create interactive lessons using the content created with Twee, such as drag-and-drop activities and using comprehension questions as formative assessments.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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gotFeedback - gotLearning
2 to 12tag(s): artificial intelligence (161), assessment (152), feedback (12), writing (324)
In the Classroom
Use gotFeedback to provide quick assessments of students' writing and to focus on specific ways to improve their work. Use the Prompt Guide on gotFeedback to understand how to provide clear and actionable feedback to support students. If desired, share the revised writing example with students to use as a model for editing their work, or share the feedback and ask them to change based on that information. Use Google Docs or Microsoft Word for students to track and share writing revisions. For example, ask students to begin writing projects in Google Docs. After sharing their work, use gotFeedback to analyze the work based on your criteria, then share the feedback portion with the student. Ask the student to highlight areas that need improvement, then use that information as a starting point to revise the text below the original text. When finished, ask the student to write a short reflective piece on methods to improve his writing. Using this method allows you to view each writing process step as a reflective activity.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Yippity - Yippity
6 to 12tag(s): artificial intelligence (161), assessment (152), flash cards (42), quiz (65), quizzes (89)
In the Classroom
Use Yippity to quickly create and share quizzes or provide materials for review based on text or websites. Because Yippity identifies important information, it is a helpful tool for students to use as a study aid; add a link to Yippity on your class website, and encourage students to use Yippity as a study tool for upcoming quizzes and tests. Consider creating a Google Keep, reviewed here, to create a collaborative list of study tools for students to access at school and home. Include additional resources such as AhaSlides, reviewed here, and Summarize This, reviewed here, to help engage with content through several methods.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Pear Deck Flashcard Factory - Pear Deck
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): flash cards (42), grammar review (31), test prep (69), vocabulary (239), vocabulary development (93)
In the Classroom
Flashcard Factory is an excellent tool for both in-person and remote learning. Use this feature to create vocabulary lists for spelling, science terms, social studies events, etc. Differentiate learning by creating lists for different student abilities or interests. Because students are the creators, they are engaged and more motivated in the learning process. Extend learning by asking students to write short stories or create writing journals using the vocabulary words used in the flashcards. For example, search for vocabulary at Read Write Think, reviewed here, to find the lesson plan for My World of Lists: Building Vocabulary Lists. This lesson culminates with students creating a "My World of Words Journal."Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Learning Apps - Learning Apps
3 to 12tag(s): flash cards (42), game based learning (186), vocabulary (239)
In the Classroom
Take advantage of the free resources provided by Learning Apps to create activities for students to practice content in various formats. For example, make apps for students to complete timelines for books, historical events, or the steps in conducting a science experiment. Use the cloze learning activity to reinforce new vocabulary in a language arts class or scientific terms. Extend learning by asking students to create apps to share with their peers as part of your review activities at the end of any teaching unit. Consider using a screen recording tool such as Free Screen Recorder Online, reviewed here, to share tutorials on how to create the different types of apps and have them available for students to use.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Blooket - Blooket LLC
1 to 12tag(s): assessment (152), Formative Assessment (77), game based learning (186), gamification (80), quizzes (89), vocabulary (239), vocabulary development (93), worksheets (69)
In the Classroom
Discover and use Blooket's many engaging games as a resource for practicing and reviewing information within any area of content. Use the score results to provide feedback for guiding further lessons. Some games are more fast-paced than others; use this to your advantage by sharing different versions for different groups of students. Use Blooket to differentiate instruction by adjusting the difficulty of question sets based on student abilities. Introduce new content using Blooket as a pre-assessment before starting any new unit. Use Blooket as an ice-breaker or get-to-know-you activity at the start of the school year or at the beginning of a new semester to build comradery within your classroom.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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WordsTool - Wordstool
4 to 12tag(s): flash cards (42), vocabulary (239), vocabulary development (93), word study (60)
In the Classroom
Share Wordstool with students and ask them to create an account for use with any new vocabulary. Use during science lessons to build knowledge of new terms, during social studies activities to enhance understanding of words such as sovereignty by including examples and images, or reading novels such as those written by Shakespeare that may consist of unfamiliar language. At the end of your teaching unit, ask students to share their learning using tools found at Adobe Creative Cloud Express for Education, reviewed here, and include their new vocabulary terms. For example, have students create an infographic sharing science vocabulary or retell events in history by creating a short video that includes highlighted vocabulary.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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ZoteroBib - Corporation for Digital Scholarship
6 to 12tag(s): citations (32), expository writing (31), persuasive writing (58), plagiarism (33), Research (85)
In the Classroom
Include this tool on all classroom computers and as a link on your class website for student use. This bibliography tool help students properly format their Works Cited pages. Use this tool to help keep your students (or even yourself) organized! Make sure you teach plagiarism lessons about paraphrasing and proper citation of sources, so students use this tool properly! As teachers, we need to be aware that such a tool exists, since savvy students may compile a "paper" without a logical thought pattern simply by clicking to include suggestions from ZoteroBib or other citation creation tools. The best strategy for such a tool is to show students how to use it well. Take the drudgery out of writing formal papers by emphasizing thinking over mechanics. Whether teaching beginning research or seniors in high school, introduce them to ZoteroBib. For younger students, seeing all the formatting and citing done correctly, from the beginning, makes sense whether it is the body of the writing or the bibliography. With either age group, give lessons about each part of a paper or letter. Demonstrate on an interactive whiteboard and think out loud as a group to pull together ideas, sources, quotes, and more to support an argument and build a paper. You can use it, too, when you write for your graduate program. Since you can choose from MLA, APA, or Chicago Style, you do not have to worry about memorizing punctuation and double checking the format.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Grammar Lookup - Kamran Khan
K to 12tag(s): editing (92), grammar (134), proofreading (21), spelling (98), writing (324)
In the Classroom
Include Grammar Lookup with other options for students to use when editing and revising work. Have students copy and paste writing projects into the text editor for a final check for spelling and grammar mistakes after making their last revisions. Continued use of this tool helps students correct writing on their own after seeing common errors in their writing. Never send out a newsletter or post to your web page with spelling or grammar errors again! Use Grammar Lookup to spell check and suggest corrections for any published writing projects. Reinforce learning by asking students to share before and after of written projects. Along with submitting a rough draft and final draft, ask students to take a screenshot of text copied into Grammar Lookup along with the highlighted errors. Insert this screenshot into the rough draft as an image using Google Docs or Microsoft Word. Modify learning and ask students to use their screenshot with highlighted errors to create a annotate an image using Image Annotator, reviewed here. Add text, image examples, and voice recordings to create a short presentation highlighting grammar mistakes and suggestions for corrections.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Game Builder - WiscOnline
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): assessment (152), game based learning (186), gamification (80), quizzes (89)
In the Classroom
Take advantage of the games offered on this site to review or introduce content in your classroom. If sharing with younger students, demonstrate on your interactive whiteboard first to show students how to avoid the advertising on the site. Share games on your class website or blogs. Instead of you creating the games, ask students to work together to create their own games for use when reviewing content. Ask students to replace pen and paper and include a link to their games as part of a blog post using edublog, reviewed here. Take this a step further at the end of your unit and modify classroom technology use and extend student learning by having students build an explainer video of the topic using moovly, reviewed here, or another video creation tool.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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oodlu - Wayne Holmes and Douglas Lapsley
2 to 12tag(s): DAT device agnostic tool (146), flash cards (42), game based learning (186), gamification (80)
In the Classroom
Use oodlu to differentiate learning in your classroom. Assign questions sets to different groups of learners according to their specific needs. Be sure to show students how to log in and access questions (if your class is remote learning, show students the log in, etc. by using a video conference room such as Zoom, reviewed here, and then include a link to the site on your class webpage for students to play at home. At the end of your unit, enhance learning and augment technology use by asking students to plan a multimedia presentation using a tool like Milanote, reviewed here, where you can turn your notes into a storyboard for this project! Extend learning and modify technology use by having students use the Storyboard to create a multimedia presentation with a tool like Sway, reviewed here, to share their learning. Have students include text, images, videos, and a link to oodlu learning games in the Sway.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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